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Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Strengths and Suggestions for the Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Strengths and Suggestions for the Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Strengths and Suggestions for the Future

2 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Presentations by OCHA and ActionAid ( NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project) CHALLENGES Changing behaviour Dual responsibilities NGOs access to funding Transparency of funding mechanisms Downward accountability of clusters still weak NGO participation inconsistent (national NGOs) Principles of Partnership hardly known

3 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Presentations by WFP, WHO & UNICEF Cluster experiences Ensuring accountability, predictability and to build on Principles of Partnership. Challenge on training:12 trained on 31 HCC (3 from NGOs) Guides, tools, core indicators at global level Work plans developed in some clusters Rapid response team in the WASH cluster Key factors for a functioning partnership : preparedness and capacity building Working more with local partners is a challenge

4 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Merlins experience Cluster co-lead with WHO Merlin engaging at global, national, and sub- national levels Concept of Co-stewardship To move from coordination to partnership « If NGOs do not engage, it is not going to work »

5 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Merlins experience Cluster co-lead with WHO Benefits Promotes joint working Complement agency skills Clearer understanding of humanitarian context More transparent resource allocation Stronger representation of NGO issues (+ local) Improved links with MoH De-politicised agency remits. Challenges Vague or no ToRs Qualified staff for role – Staff turnover – Training? Time commitment – up to 20% Opportunity costs to NGO programme delivery/quality Costs – travel, gap fill, admin support. National or sub-national role?

6 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out DEBATE Outcomes

7 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out FUNDING Critics / Requests Difficulty for NGOs to get funding through clusters at field level Funding and coordination decision makers should be distinct. A cluster lead should not decide who will get funds. Specific shares of funding could be decided in advance Request from NGOs for ECHO to ensure sufficient funding to allow partners to participate in the clusters (at least half a position seems to be necessary): but danger to become an industry. Sustainability of this system? Involvement from more donors at country level is needed. DG ECHO does participate to the cluster meetings Donors who are not funding through the pooled funds (DG ECHO) should still share information on their funding decision with the pooled funds

8 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out FUNDING Benefits / Ways forward A good cluster will prioritize the funding and will have more autonomy in the funding decisions. Improved planning in countries where the clusters are rolled-out makes it easier for donors to prioritize. In some countries, NGOs are cluster leads; this is new and need to be looked at.

9 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out COORDINATION Critics / Requests Needs assessments need to be done on a clear set of indicators agreed in advance. Early recovery should be taken into account in each cluster. There are too many meeting: clusters, sub- clusters. If new staff is necessary to attend meetings then there is a problem (UN comment)

10 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out COORDINATION Benefits / Ways forward A lot has been done in the last two years when you look how diverse actors are sitting together. Involvement of governments is a key issue. Should governments take over the coordination process? (success stories with Ministries of Health). Role in early recovery. ECHO capacity building funds can help partners to involve more local NGOs

11 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out LEADERSHIP Critics / Requests Lack of use of the global tools at country level due to leadership problems Changing behaviour both in UN agencies and NGOs is a challenge Co-chair experiences are too person dependent No control mechanism on competence of clusters participants and attendance to meetings. Quality control on key staff? Cluster leads should be more on the field. Some HC are not suitable and should be replaced

12 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out LEADERSHIP Benefits / Ways forward More NGOs participation in the IASC working groups, NGO responsibility in the clusters is increasing. Training is a key issue and is being developed By involving more in the clusters, NGOs will make the system work !!!

13 Workshop B NGOs and the Cluster Roll-Out Thank you ! Q & A

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