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GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 2009 1 Water Cycle Data Integration Water Cycle Data Integration FP7 CEOP AEGIS ESA TIGER 2 CBF.

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Presentation on theme: "GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 2009 1 Water Cycle Data Integration Water Cycle Data Integration FP7 CEOP AEGIS ESA TIGER 2 CBF."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 2009 1 Water Cycle Data Integration Water Cycle Data Integration FP7 CEOP AEGIS ESA TIGER 2 CBF

2 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 2009 2 CEOP-AEGIS Coordinated Asia-European long-term Observing system of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau hydro-meteorological processes and the Asian-monsoon systEm with Ground satellite Image data and numerical Simulations Massimo Menenti 1,3 Li Jia 2 and Jerome Colin 3 1 Department of Earth Observation Systems, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 2 Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands 3 Laboratoire des Sciences de lImage, de lInformatique et de la Télédétection - LSIIT, Universitè de Strasbourg, Illkirch, France 18 research organizations in 8 countries

3 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 2009 3

4 4 TIGER II: Water Research Component Water Management Component TIGER CBF to support mainly the Water Research Component: 20 projects Consortium European partners: International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, ITC, (NL) Technical University Delft, TUD, (NL) Flemish Institute for Technology Research, VITO (B) Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, ISEGI-UNL, (P) African Centres: AGRHYMET Regional Centre, Niger Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, RCMRD, Kenya Water Research Commission, WRC, South Africa

5 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 20095 Water resources, hydrometeorology and Asian Monsoon Tibet Plateau : Headwater areas of seven major rivers in SE Asia Regulating area for the climate of China and of the Eastern Hemisphere as a whole Exert profound thermal and dynamical influences the onset, maintenance, and withdrawal of the monsoon

6 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 20096 Interrelation of project technical elements

7 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 20097 CEOP-AEGIS-WP1 Ground-based observations of radiative and turbulent fluxes and soil moisture over the Tibetan Plateau

8 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 20098 LST vs NDVI correlation -90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90º IHS of LST vs. NDVI correlation Colors indicate θ values; Intensity codes d values, characterizing NDVI-LST annual cycle; Saturation codes R 2 values; Julien and Sobrino, 2009

9 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 20099 T,p,q,u,v @ PBL q,p @ 2m Pixel time of acquisition of LST Atm. model over QTP, 30' time step

10 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200910 Tibetan plateau water yield Immerzeel et al., 2009

11 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200911 Plateau Water Balance: Data Requirements

12 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200912 First results: routed discharge

13 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200913 Outstanding GEO Issues What dataset components are you developing relevant to the implementation of the GEOSS? Can you register data/observations/information/products into GEOSS? I) If YES, then what? See list on slides Would a GEO registration session help facilitate the process? NO What resources are required to enable the data/observations/information/products to be registered? See slide on configuration data server Is there an IPR Problem? YES Does something make the registration technically impossible? NO Is there a lack of incentive, is the added-value and benefits to go for such a registration unclear? NO Did you try already with a subset and you could not make your way through the system? NO Is it a question of lack of resources, (human and / or financial) and if so what resources are required to enable the data/observations/information/products to be registered? Not really Any other potential difficulty? No technical roadblock

14 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200914 CEOP-AEGIS contribution to GEOSSS Water theme portal: General information IT platform for the consortium Information system on the hydrology of the Tibetan Plateau for the community Schedule: Until May 2012: no public access to foreground After May 2012: all project foreground freely available to the community Registere d in GEOSS

15 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200915 CEOP-AEGIS contribution to GEOSSS Water theme: product types Documents: Periodic reports, Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents, Datasets: Ground measurements, final EO products, Hydrological Model outputs Services & software: Drought and flood early warning tools Energy & Hydrological Budget Models Training material for stakeholders

16 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200916 D0.1.1 Science Progress Report 2009 D0.1.2 Science Progress Report 2010 D0.1.3 Science Progress Report 2011 D0.1.4 Science Progress Report 2012 D0.2.1 Technical Reports by Working Groups 2009 D0.2.2 Technical Reports by Working Groups 2010 D0.2.3 Technical Reports by Working Groups 2011 D0.2.4 Technical Reports by Working Groups 2012 D0.5.1 Final report D1.1 Detailed approach and preliminary data analysis protocol D1.2 Analysis protocol report and sample data sets on seasonal and inter- annual time scale of the exchange of surface heat flux, momentum flux, water vapour flux, surface and soil moisture over the different land surfaces of the Tibetan Plateau D1.3 Report on footprint analysis and structure characteristics of the Surface Layer (SL) and Atmospheric Boundary Layer D1.4 Final 3 years dataset on aerodynamic and thermodynamic variables over the different land surfaces of the Tibetan Plateau D2.1 Generic algorithms LSV-s D2.2 Algorithms land surface temperature PS D2.3 Algorithms surface albedo, emissivity and temperature geostationary satellite D2.4 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents multi-source remote sensing D2.5 Data set vegetation cover, surface albedo, LAI, aerosol optical depth, precipitable water vapour, soil/foliage component and land surface emissivity/temperatures for a 3 years period. D3.1 Review of selected existing algorithms and models on local, regional and Plateau scales data sets D3.2 Generalize SEB calculation at a high spatial resolution and on a regional extent D3.3 Time-series Maps Processing and Validation Procedure Document D3.4 Validated complete time-series maps of fluxes over 3 years, with a target frequency of one week D4.1 Collection of consistent continuous in-situ soil moisture measurements at regional scale D4.2 Development of a satellite sensor independent system for the soil moisture combined retrieval algorithms D4.3 Estimation of soil moisture from Geostationary Satellite (GS) data D4.4A data product of the plateau using different sensors simultaneously D4.5 Validation results and documentation of uncertainties D5.1Provide algorithm for QPE, 3D mosaic and hydrometeors classification D5.2 Provide rainfall estimation algorithms from satellites (MW, VIS-IR) data D5.3Provide 3-years 3-D gridded radar data for case studies D5.4 Provide high space and temporal resolution precipitation data retrieved from radar, satellite (both VIS-IR and MW) and ground rain gauge data for case studies D6.1 Sample data set and Report on retrieval performance based on MODIS and AMSR-E data D6.2 Preliminary Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents for snow/ice properties D6.3 Final Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document;+Snow data assimilation system and documentation D6.4 Validated data set (include snow cover area, SWE, glacier area and storage from satellite data, and assimilation data sets) from 2008 to 2010 D6.5 Final report for water resources contributed by the snow and glacier melt on Qinghai- Tibet Plateau D7.1 Report and data set on results of numerical experiments to document the response to observed evolution of snow and vegetation cover and surface heat fluxes over the Plateau D7.2 Report on rainfall forecast performance D8.1Design of data processing protocol for E.O. based water balance products D8.2 Time series analysis of water balance data D8.3 Prototype of data collection, integration and processing system to monitor the Plateau water balance D8.4 Database management system D9.1Vegetation dynamic maps over a long-term period D9.2 Maps of drought vulnerability zones in the study area D9.3Tools for time series analysis of vegetation response to drought D9.4 Tools for drought prediction by analyzing vegetation response D9.5Anomalies maps of rainfall, vegetation response D9.6 Tool for evaluating drought impact on agriculture and forestry D9.7 System applicable for drought monitoring and early warning in the pilot areas in China and India D10.1 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for surface wetness indicator retrieved from passive and active microwave satellite data D10.2 Real time flood forecast models based on stochastic time series, ANN and Fuzzy logic for the study area D10.3 Flood inundation, flood hazard and flood risk zone maps based on the hydraulic modelling and analysis of satellite data D10.4 Real time forecasting of flood inundation, depth, areal extent and return period of flooding D10.5Case studies on flood events in the period 1999-2010 Product types: documents, datasets, services & software

17 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200917

18 GEO EU 3rd Workshop - Istanbul, October 8 - 9 200918 Thank you!

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