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COHAB 2010 - 2012 Cooperation on Higher Education and Labour Market Integrations around the South Baltic Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "COHAB 2010 - 2012 Cooperation on Higher Education and Labour Market Integrations around the South Baltic Sea."— Presentation transcript:

1 COHAB 2010 - 2012 Cooperation on Higher Education and Labour Market Integrations around the South Baltic Sea

2 Goal & Objective Development goal:  Integration of Higher Education and Labour Market Integration around the South Baltic Sea Objective  Cooperation between educational institutions, labour market organisations and public and private employers in the South Baltic Area 04.10.2015 Slide 2

3 Barriers –Economic Barriers –Language Barriers –Lack of relevant possibilities –Lack of traditions –Lack of job opportunities –Challenging integration issues 04.10.2015 Slide 3

4 Project Organisation / Project Council Brave and wild Architects The Wise Man Institution of the Council (men and women of high reputation) design elements, analyse, apply research and use input from “owners” and “builders” Visionary Competence Owners Prominent stakeholders from private & public institutions Develop success criteria Map barriers at individual and organisational level Creative Model builders Key staff from public entities, educational institutions, unions,..... Test learning methods Pilot new ideas 04.10.2015 Slide 4

5 Competence Environment Architects: Design and lead the process Model Builders: Build and Test Competence Owners: Develop and Change 04.10.2015 Slide 5

6 Proposed Project Activities 04.10.2015 Slide 6 Joint seminars with educational partners and municipal/regional authorities Development of methodologies and approaches in thematic networks Language courses Short term mobility of students and staff countries; teaching staff, students, municipal practitioners…..) Possibility of summer schools Development of e-learning modules for languages and specific subjects Development of the South Baltic CamBus – idea

7 Our South Baltic CamBus ?! 04.10.2015 Slide 7

8 Partner search We are already –4-5 HEI (PL, LT, D, DK, S) –2 adult education centres/schools (LT, DK) –1 municipaltity (DK) –1 job centre (PL) We need new partners: -Municipalities -Other educational institutions -Job-centres 04.10.2015 Slide 8

9 Role of international partners Suggest high-level participants as ”Architects” Nominate managers as ”owners” Designate project staff, teachers, educators, practitioners Host a summer school Identify students for pilot educations Take part in dissemination Facilitate steering and reporting 04.10.2015 Slide 9

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