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1 Kyung Hee University Prof. Choong Seon HONG Remote Network Monitoring statistics Collection.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Kyung Hee University Prof. Choong Seon HONG Remote Network Monitoring statistics Collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Kyung Hee University Prof. Choong Seon HONG Remote Network Monitoring statistics Collection

2 2 Kyung Hee University Introduction  Defining a remote monitoring MIB that supplements MIB-II  Providing the network manager with vital information about the internetwork  Providing significant expansion in SNMP functionality  RMON-Related FRCs RFC 1513 : Token Ring Extensions to the Remote Network Monitoring MIB RFC 1757 : Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base RFC 2021 : Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base II RFC 2074 : Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifiers RFC 2613 Remote Network Monitoring MIB Extensions for Switched Networks Version 1.0. (proposed standard) June 1999 RFC 2819 : Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base, May 2000. (obsolete RFC1757) RFC 2895 : Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifier Reference, August 2000. (obsolete RFC 2074) RFC 2896 : Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifier Macros, August 2000. (informational)

3 3 Kyung Hee University Basic Concepts  Network monitor, network analyzer, network probe : studying the traffic on a network producing summary information, including error statistics and performance statistics filter : used to limit the number of packets counted or captured, based on packet type or other packet characteristics  Remote monitors : monitors that communicate with a central network management station

4 4 Kyung Hee University RMON Goals  Defining standard network-monitoring functions and interfaces for communicating between SNMP-based management consoles and remote monitors  Designing Goals for RMON described in RFC 1757 off-line operation : to limit or halt the routine polling of a monitor by network manager Proactive monitoring : using running diagnostics and logging network performance Problem detection and reporting Value-added-data : performing analyses specific to the data collected on its subnetwork l ex) analyzing subnetwork traffic to determine which hosts generate the most traffic or errors on the subnetwork Multiple managers l for improving reliability l for performing different functions (ex, engineering and operations) l for providing management capability to different units within an organization

5 5 Kyung Hee University RMON Goals (cont’d)  A system that implements the RMON MIB is referred to as an RMON probe. no different from any other SNMP agent

6 6 Kyung Hee University RMON Goals (cont’d)

7 7 Kyung Hee University OID Tree ITU-T(0) iso(1) joint-iso-ITU-T (2) …. org(3) ….. ….. dod(6) ….. ….. internet (1) ….. directory(1) …… mgmt(2) …. Experimental(3) private(4) Mib-2(1) enterprises(1) system(1) interfaces(2) at(3) ip(4) icmp(5) tcp(6) udp(7) egp(8) cmot(9) transmission(10) snmp(11) Rmon(16)…... ……...

8 8 Kyung Hee University Control of Remote Monitors  For managing a remote monitor effectively, the RMON MIB contains features that support extensive control from the management station Configuration : the type and form of data to be collected l remote monitor needs to be configured for data collection Action invocation : by changing the value of the object

9 9 Kyung Hee University Table Management  Providing technique for row addition and deletion  Textual conventions two new data types OwnerString ::= DisplayString EntryStatus ::= INTEGER { valid (1), createRequest (2), underCreation (3), invalid (4) } Ownerstring : indicating the owner of a row in read-write table in the RMON MIB Object name ending in Owner EntryStatus : used in the creation, modification,and deletion of rows Object name ending in Status

10 10 Kyung Hee University Table Management (cont’d)  General structure used for all control and data tables in the RMON MIB1 (see Figure 8.2)  Columnar parameter in control table (see Figure 8.3) rmlControlIndex rmlControlParameter rmlControlOwner rmlControlStatus  Row Addition using SetRequest PDU l SetRequest variablebindings (see supporting concurrent table addition attempts from multiple management stations : named the “RMON Polka”

11 11 Kyung Hee University Table Management (cont’d) agent itself is owner Each row has a unique value

12 12 Kyung Hee University Table Management (3)  RMON Polka’s steps 1) for a management station attempts to create a new row, status object value : createRequest (2) 2) after completing create operation, agent sets the status object value to underCreation (3) : until the management station is finished creating all of the rows that it desires for its configuration 3) after finishing all the rows, setting status object value to Valid (1) 4) if the row already exists or createRequest, an error will be returned  Row Modification and Deletion By setting the status object value for that row to invalid thru issuing the appropriate SetRequest PDU Modification : at first, invalidating the row and then providing the row with new parameter values

13 13 Kyung Hee University Table Management (4)  Transition of EntryStatus state Nonexistent Create request Under Creation Valid Invalid Performed by manager Performed by agent

14 14 Kyung Hee University RMON MIB  RMON MIB Groups statistics : maintaining low-level utilization and error statistics for each subnetwork monitored by agent history : recording periodic statistical samples from information available in the statistics group Alarm : setting a sampling interval and alarm threshold for any counter or integer recorded by the RMON probe host : containing counters for various types of traffic to and from hosts attached to the subnetwork hostTopN : containing sorted host statistics that report on the hosts that top a list based on some parameter in the host table matrix : showing error and utilization information in matrix form filter : allowing the monitor to observe packets that match a filter capture : governing how data is sent to a management console event : giving a table of all events generated by the RMON probe tokenRing : maintaining statistics and configuration information for token ring subnetworks

15 15 Kyung Hee University RMON MIB (cont’d)  Remote network monitoring MIB rmon (mib-2, 16) statistics (1) history (2) alarm (3) host (4) hostTopN (5) matrix (6) filter (7) capture (8) event (9) tokenRing (10)

16 16 Kyung Hee University RMON MIB (cont’d)  RMON II protocolDir (11) ProtocolDist (12) addressMap(13) nlHost (14) nlMatrix (15) alHost (16) alMatrix (17) usrHistory (18) probeConfig (19) rmonConformance (20)

17 17 Kyung Hee University RMON MIB (2)  Some dependencies alarm group : requiring the implementation of the event group hostTopN group : requiring the implementation of the host group packet capture group : requiring the implementation of the filter group

18 18 Kyung Hee University Statistics Group  Providing useful information about the load on a subnetwork and the overall health of the subnetwork  Containing the basic statistics for each mentioned subnetwork (see Figure 8.6)  etherStatsTable : collecting a variety of counts for each attached subnetwork, including byte, packet, error, and frame size counts (see Table 8.2)  Providing much more detail about Ethernet behavior than MIB-II interfaces group dot3Statstable : collecting statistics for a single system on an ethernet etherStatsTable : collecting statistics for all systems on an ethernet  read-write objects : etherStatsDataSource, etherStatsOwner, and etherStatsStatus

19 19 Kyung Hee University Statistics Group (cont’d)

20 20 Kyung Hee University Statistics Group (cont’d)

21 21 Kyung Hee University history Group  Defining sampling functions for one or more of the interfaces of the monitor (See Figure 8.7)  historyControlTable : specifying the interface and the details of the sampling functions  etherHistoryTable : recording the data  Relationship between the control table and the data table (see Fig. 8.8)

22 22 Kyung Hee University history Group (cont’d)

23 23 Kyung Hee University history Group (cont’d)

24 24 Kyung Hee University history Group (cont’d)  History table Identifying the interface

25 25 Kyung Hee University history Group (cont’d)  etherHistoryUtilization etherStateOctets and etherStatePkts can be used to measure the utilization of the subnetwork Utilization = Interval x 10 7 x 100% (Packets x (96 + 64)) + (Octets x 8) Interframe-gap preamble Medium data rate

26 26 Kyung Hee University host Group  Used for gathering statistics about specific hosts on the LAN  Monitor learns of new hosts on the LAN by observing the source and destination MAC addresses in good packets  Consisting of three tables : one control table and two data tables (see Fig. 8.9)  relationship between the control table and two data table (Fig 8.11)  Counters in hostTable (Table 8.3)

27 27 Kyung Hee University host Group

28 28 Kyung Hee University host Group (cont’d)

29 29 Kyung Hee University host Group (cont’d)

30 30 Kyung Hee University host Group (2)  A simple RMON Configuration agent aagent b agent c RMON Probe agent d agent e Subnetwork X Subnetwork Y Interface 1 Interface 2 K = 2 Subnetwork X Iinterface #1; hostControlIndex = 1 has three hosts; hostControlTablesize is 3 (N 1 = 3) ; Subnetwork Y has two hosts (N 2 = 2)

31 31 Kyung Hee University hostTopN Group  Used to maintain statistics about the set of hosts on one subnetwork that top a list based on some parameter  Driving from data in the host group  report : set of statistics for host group object on one interface or subnetwork  Consisting of one control table and one data table (see Fig. 8.12 and Fig. 8.13)

32 32 Kyung Hee University hostTopN Group (cont’d)

33 33 Kyung Hee University hostTopN Group (cont’d)

34 34 Kyung Hee University hostTopN Group (cont’d) Specifying particular subnetwork

35 35 Kyung Hee University Matrix Group  Used to record information about the traffic between pairs of hosts on a subnetwork  The information is stored in the form of a matrix useful for pairwise traffic information, such as finding out which devices are making the most use of a server  Consisting of one control table and two data tables (Fig. 8.14)

36 36 Kyung Hee University Matrix Group (cont’d)

37 37 Kyung Hee University Matrix Group (cont’d)

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