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My favourite means of transport.. Which land is the best ? 1 1 happy friendly In my country 2 er In my country we are 2 happi er er friendli er 3 Theest.

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Presentation on theme: "My favourite means of transport.. Which land is the best ? 1 1 happy friendly In my country 2 er In my country we are 2 happi er er friendli er 3 Theest."— Presentation transcript:

1 My favourite means of transport.

2 Which land is the best ? 1 1 happy friendly In my country 2 er In my country we are 2 happi er er friendli er 3 Theest 3 The happiest of all. The est The friendliest of all.

3 Which land is the best ? In my country we are we are happy happy happier happier the happiest of all the happiest of all friendly friendly friendlier friendlier the friendliest of all. the friendliest of all.

4 REFRAIN: My country, your country Travel East or West If North is good And South is better Which land is the best ?

5 Let’s check our home task 1.New words pp 169-170; 2.ex. 3 p.170 I go to Nyagan’ by bus. My son goes to work by car. I go to school on foot. He goes to Moscow by plane. We go to Perm by train. They go to the theatre by trolley.

6 Render into English a) корабль b) самолет c) троллейбус d) трамвай e) паром f) поезд g) велосипед h) автобус i) машина j) вертолёт k) метро

7 Let’s play a guessing game Teacher: Is your favourite vehicle a bus? St.1 Yes, it is. My… St.2 No, it isn’t. My favourite…

8 A vehicle with four wheels? A bus A vehicle with four wheels for four or five people? A car A vehicle witch can fly? A plane A vehicle witch can sail? A ship or A ferry A vehicle with two wheels? A bicycle

9 Compare the cars. Use the notes. (Exercise on cards)

10 Test yourselves (оперативный контроль) I variant II variant 1. faster 1. slower 2. cheaper 2. the best 3. better 3. the dearest 4. expensive 4. the cheapest 5. quicker 5. faster 6. the quickest 6. than

11 Test yourselves (оперативный контроль) I variant II variant 1. быстрее 1. медленнее 2. дешевле 2. наилучший 3. лучше 3. самый дорогой 4. дорогой 4. the cheapest 5. быстрее 6. Самый быстрый 6. чем

12 Home task 1.New words pp 171-172; 2.ex. 2 p.172 (5 sentences)

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