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Open Days, Brussels 8th October 2008 JEREMIE workshop in Brussels - CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS Ms Izabela Gorczyca Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Days, Brussels 8th October 2008 JEREMIE workshop in Brussels - CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS Ms Izabela Gorczyca Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Days, Brussels 8th October 2008 JEREMIE workshop in Brussels - CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS Ms Izabela Gorczyca Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office

2 orkshop – general information JEREMIE w orkshop – general information Who: Who: Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office, European Commission (DG Regio), European Investment Fund; Why: Why: to share experience ; What: What: JEREMIE- Joint European Resource for Micro to Medium Enterprises – local and national experiences in the preparatory phase Where: Where: Brussels, Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office; When: When: 2 nd June 2008. Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office

3 Programme and speakers Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office Moderator: Moderator:Grzegorz Bykowski, Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region; EC: EC: Dorota Zaliwska and Manfred Beschel, DG Regio; EIF: EIF: Bruno Robino; Lombardy: Lombardy: Anna Barone, Finlombarda; Hungary: Hungary: László Kállay, Ministry for National Development and Economy; Wielkopolska: Wielkopolska: Leszek Wojtasiak, Vicepresident; (Wales: Nick Moon, Finance Wales).

4 COUNTIRES: Bulgaria Czech Republic Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia REGIONS: Aquitaine Catalonia Galicia Hessen Lodzkie Lombardy Lower Silesia Marche Pomerania Valencia Wales West Pomerania Wielkopolska Participants Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office

5 Summary of conclusions Preparatory phase: Preparatory phase: evaluation studies including gap analyses, proposal on action to take 45 studies: conclusions depend on data availability, particular situation contribution and close cooperation of regions and countries is very important. Setting up structures phase Setting up structures phase: much depends on the conditions and structures of a particular region and country; interest of countries and regions interest of countries and regions Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office

6 Examples of implementation structures Selection of the Holding Fund: Selection of the Holding Fund: Hungary specialized financial institution; Lombardy Finlombarda, 100% public agency, owed by authorities of Lomardy; Greece EIF; Wielkopolska no decision taken yet; selection of financial intermediaries: selection of financial intermediaries: a good number could be from 3 to 5, best quality for a best price (bussines plan), Article 43 of Regulation 1828/2006; role of the Monitoring Committees; financial instruments: financial instruments: no unique receipt due to different needs, recommendation for a few instruments, flexibility; possibility of EIB loan. possibility of EIB loan. Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office

7 General conclusions Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office Innovative initiative; political factor involved – influence the initiative; takes time but the idea behind it is truly good ; new Member States more interested than the older 15th members; the exchange of experiences is useful - is EPPD applicable to the selection of financial intermediaries within HF? - are the Member States safe on eligibility if EIF applies its own procedures?

8 Thank you for your attention! tel. 0032 2 734 09 41 Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office Avenue de lYser 19 Brussels Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office

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