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Clinical Guidelines SHC 11/20/2012 The Clinical Advisory Committee at Sandhills Center met November 5,2012, reviewed a list of Practice Guidelines and.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Guidelines SHC 11/20/2012 The Clinical Advisory Committee at Sandhills Center met November 5,2012, reviewed a list of Practice Guidelines and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Guidelines SHC 11/20/2012 The Clinical Advisory Committee at Sandhills Center met November 5,2012, reviewed a list of Practice Guidelines and selected two sets to monitor and track. These two guidelines are:

2 Clinical Guidelines con’t ADHD Disorder Guidelines ADHD American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and VA Bipolar Guidelines Bipolar Disorders, VA Bipolar Guidelines DOD Veteran’s Administration found at

3 Clinical Guidelines Con’t It was determined they cover a large portion of the population in our catchment area. However, as a provider, you have the responsibility for implementing all of the Clinical and Best Practice Guidelines that apply to your service array These guidelines can be found at the following websites

4 Guidelines Con’t American Psychiatric Association American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry DOD Veteran’s Administration *Note: anything 5 years or younger is considered current and the two selected were reviewed in February of 2012.

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