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Joint CSSO CCCCIO Spring Conference Weathering the Storm: Partnering for Student Success.

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1 Joint CSSO CCCCIO Spring Conference Weathering the Storm: Partnering for Student Success

2  Says: No cuts, 3% Growth for 09-10  Means: -- $165 million in unfunded enrollments -- $33+ million property tax shortfall -- $37 million base shortfall (from 07-08) -- $340 million cash deferrals -- No COLA for 2 years = $570 million loss in spending power

3 Good news: NO CATEGORICAL FLEXIBILITY Bad news: It’s not over…  Revenues continue to decline  Propositions must pass  May Revise will be delayed until June  LAO Proposals:  Fees double or more  Reduced funding rate for “recreational” courses  Advocacy continues

4 Sponsored bills:  AB 386 (Ruskin) – Captioning of audio-visual materials  AB 669 (Fong) – Residency for foster youth Other legislation:  Textbooks  AB 317 (Solario) – Spot bill intended to address BSA recommendations  SB 48 (Alquist) – Require publishers to make books available in electronic format by 2020

5  Textbooks (continued)  SB 216 (Liu) – Require colleges to post textbook information on Web site at least 30 days before start of class  SB 386 (Runner) – Require faculty to provide “cost-benefit analysis” before adopting new version of a book within 3 years  Foster Youth  AB 1393 (Skinner) – Request colleges to give housing priority to foster youth

6  Concurrent Enrollment  AB 78 (Portantino) – Allow ESL and Basic Skills, eliminate principal’s recommendation, eliminate 5% summer cap, change “low enrollment priority” to “not a high priority”  AB 555 (Furutani) – Create pilot to allow 3 districts to partner with schools to concurrently enroll students for academic, CTE or Basic Skills courses at the college or high school

7  Assessment and Placement  AB 371 (Fuller) – Spot bill to encourage CCCs to provide incentives for students to enroll in Basic Skills in their first year  AB 1008 (Block) – Spot bill to require colleges to assess their Basic Skills offerings and the extent to which they are meeting student needs  Transfer  AB 440 (Beall) – Authorize AA Transfer degree

8  Veterans  AB 38 (Salas) – Change residency determination provisions  SB 15 (Cedillo) – Extend Cal Grant Entitlement to vets under age 28  SB 361 (Runner) – Clarify that enrollment priority (SB 272, 2007) applies only to vets with honorable discharge  SB 646 (Denham) – Prohibit charging any fees to honorably discharged CA resident vets or National Guard who have exhausted federal veterans benefits

9  Honorary degrees  AB 37 (Furutani) Request that colleges and universities confer an honorary degree upon any person who was unable to complete due to the internment of Japanese Americans in 1942  Expelled students  AB 1400 (Fong) – Authorize colleges to share information about students expelled for specific offenses  Title IX Discrimination  SB 195 (Florez) – Require colleges to certify that every activity complies with federal law prohibiting sex discrimination and impose a civil penalty of $50,000 for false certification

10  Recommendations for comment:  Pre-requisites 1. Change Title 5 to only require content review (Model District Policy on Pre-Requisites) for validation of a pre-requisite. 2. Support for statewide pre-requisites for specific courses to be phased in over time. A significant question is what things need to be considered in the development of any statewide proposal.  Services 3. Support ongoing system efforts to increase matriculation funding. Promote a desirable counselor: student ratio (but not require).

11  Recommendations (continued):  50% Law 4. Investigate what a reasonable percentage might be should counselors and librarians be included with "classroom faculty" for purposes of calculating 50% law compliance (AB1157 a possible vehicle). 5. Investigate the effect of removing the "non-classroom" loads of counselors and librarians from both the numerator and denominator in 50% Law calculations, which would then inform whether or not this might be brought forward as a consensus proposal.  APG to conclude by June 30

12  Proposed by UC President Mark Yudof  Charge is to identify reforms or strategies to increase the number of CCC students who:  Are transfer-ready  Are offered and accept transfer  Succeed at the receiving 4-year university  Preliminary report by August 1, 2009  CCC representatives:  Steering Committee: Morgan Lynn  Planning Committee: Linda Michalowski and Jeff Spano  Working Team: Linda Lacy, Jane Patton, Michelle Pilati, Randy Lawson, Morgan Lynn and Linda Michalowski

13  Memorandum of Understanding:  Entered into by DMH and CCCCO related to implementation of Prop. 63 and the use of MHSA funds  New Mental Health Liaison, Abby Medina will:  Assist colleges to develop and maintain improved services  Carry out goals and activities related to the MOU, including convening a CCC advisory committee on mental health issues  SMHI Systemwide, K-12 and Higher Education competitive grants  Status: On hold Problem: Counties not returning funds  Item of discussion for the next MH Services Oversight and Accountability Commission meeting (April 24th)

14  14 completed, 7 to go for 2008-09  Improvements in place: Data given to colleges, Self-Evaluation format, Report Template, team training materials, team and college Evaluation Forms  System Advisory Committee on Student Services is working on further improvements for 2009-10  Chancellor’s Office will have all 2008-09 reports to colleges within 60 days of the end of the visit  Team composition and cancellations has been greatest challenge

15  Yes. Memorandum is being prepared.  Funds may be spent until September 30, 2009  Will apply to EOPS, CARE, DSPS, Matriculation and BFAP-Student Financial Aid Administration  Memo will include reminder that implementation of GASB-45 Advisory is on hold; categorical funds can only be used for current employees

16  Spring General Assembly: May 1-3 in San Diego  There will be voting on Resolutions and election of At- Large Senators for 2009-10  SSCCC Council continues to represent students well  Chancellor’s Office still needs help paying expenses  13 colleges agreed to pay travel in response to appeal from Diane Woodruff  Chancellor Scott will appeal to CEOs again  Your support is always critical to encourage thoughtful students to get involved








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