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NATESOL Conference Saturday 18 th May 2013 Sounds Interesting Pronunciation: the Cinderella of ELT…? Adrian Underhill Blog:

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Presentation on theme: "NATESOL Conference Saturday 18 th May 2013 Sounds Interesting Pronunciation: the Cinderella of ELT…? Adrian Underhill Blog:"— Presentation transcript:

1 NATESOL Conference Saturday 18 th May 2013 Sounds Interesting Pronunciation: the Cinderella of ELT…? Adrian Underhill Blog:

2 Q: Why is pronunciation so important? A: Because it infuses all language activity: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Thinking Remembering

3 In spite of this pronunciation is neglected …. Pronunciation is the Cinderella of language teaching… her two very attractive sisters, Grammar and Vocabulary have cornered language learning…. providing only a 2- dimensional matrix Pronunciation provides the third dimension… that gives language volume and body The ‘pronunciation slot’ is symptomatic of a disintegrated approach to pronunciation

4 Two (unnecessary) complications make pronunciation seem difficult to teach: Problem 1 Pronunciation is seen as mysterious, endless. It lacks a thinking tool or map Problem 2 Pronunciation is cognitively taught when it should be physical, muscular, like a dance

5 Possible resolution for first problem: 1. The chart It provides a map, a thinking tool, a complete gestalt This can be demonstrated in a few minutes


7 Possible resolution for second problem 2. Physicality Teach it physically, as if a subtle inner dance. Reconnect with the muscles that make the difference. This also makes it visible. This can also be demonstrated in a few minutes

8 The muscle buttons: 1. Tongue (moving forward and back) 2. Lips (spreading and bringing back, or rounding and pushing forward) 3. Jaw + tongue (moving them up and down) 4. Voice (turning it on or off, to make voiced or unvoiced sounds)

9 Integrated pronunciation teaching What could integrated pron look like? -Provide pron at point of purchase -Cannot retrofit pron (eg in ‘pron’ slots) -Exploit the ubiquitousness of pron -Thus systemic impact on all skills - NOT ‘what we do now only more…’ - And NOT more time consuming - Mobilise physical part: brings recognition, pleasure and satisfaction… -Re-abled language worthy of human brain -Sts say: “Thanks, that’s what I came for…”

10 Summary Physical and visible approach Chart as geographic map Use of pron chart as worktable Visual dictation: default classroom activity Few materials needed Allows full integration of pron Mistakes are the syllabus We do not teach the symbols … No one ‘knows’ the chart



13 Further information: B logs: App: SOUNDS The pronunciation app Book: Sound Foundations (Macmillan) Online: Links to demos, videos etc in handout


15 SOUNDS: The pronunciation app The ultimate mobile English pronunciation aid for students and teachers. Based on the best-selling Macmillan title Sound Foundations by Adrian Underhill SOUNDS helps you study, practise and play with British and American pronunciation


17 NATESOL Conference Saturday 18 th May 2013 Pronunciation, the Cinderella of ELT THANK YOU! Blogs: Adrian Underhill

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