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Your Delegate Working For You! Brenda J. Hurley, CMT, FAAMT Arlaine Walsh, CMT, FAAMT Florida Delegates.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Delegate Working For You! Brenda J. Hurley, CMT, FAAMT Arlaine Walsh, CMT, FAAMT Florida Delegates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Delegate Working For You! Brenda J. Hurley, CMT, FAAMT Arlaine Walsh, CMT, FAAMT Florida Delegates

2 A Health System In Need – Why we are here State our purpose in this “profession” State our purpose in this “profession” Create strategic alliances to be “heard” Create strategic alliances to be “heard” Impact legislation with our “voice” Impact legislation with our “voice” Bring awareness to our “value” Bring awareness to our “value” Emerge together through “unity” Emerge together through “unity”

3 Preparing The Vision… Mission of AHDI To promote the integrity of healthcare documentation through development of an educated, prepared workforce in clinical documentation Goals of AHDI Develop healthcare documentation best practices Develop healthcare documentation best practices Set standards for education and practice Set standards for education and practice Advocate legislation Advocate legislation

4 The Power of Numbers – Membership numbers 40 total delegates, including BOD 40 total delegates, including BOD 7500 AHDI members 7500 AHDI members 101,000 medical transcriptionists 101,000 medical transcriptionists A recruitment opportunity for all! A recruitment opportunity for all!

5 Strategic Initiatives – Credentialing (RMT/CMT) Recognized professional achievement Recognized professional achievement Assess core competency and skills Assess core competency and skills Increased compensation opportunity Increased compensation opportunity Career position marketability Career position marketability

6 Strategic Initiatives (Continued) – CDA4CDT standardization “Clinical Documentation Architecture for Common Document Types” “Clinical Documentation Architecture for Common Document Types” Capture narrative data within EHR systems Capture narrative data within EHR systems Computable data exchange within Health Level 7 (HL7) repositories Computable data exchange within Health Level 7 (HL7) repositories H&Ps, Op Notes, Consultations, and Discharge Summaries H&Ps, Op Notes, Consultations, and Discharge Summaries

7 Strategic Initiatives (Continued) – Best Practice Guidelines Dictation Best Practices Toolkit Dictation Best Practices Toolkit Quality Assurance (QA) Quality Assurance (QA) Position statements Position statements  FAQs on the Visual Black Character  Verbatim transcription  Narrative documentation  Full disclosure of MT practices  Common Nomenclature and Formatting  Transcription Interoperability in the EHR

8 AHDI Partner – InterFix - BenchMark Reliable, trustworthy information source Reliable, trustworthy information source MT workstation compatibility MT workstation compatibility Knowledge Base includes Book of Style, Stedman’s Word Books, drug book, updated physician addresses, and AHDI electronic membership Knowledge Base includes Book of Style, Stedman’s Word Books, drug book, updated physician addresses, and AHDI electronic membership

9 Why Is Your Delegate Important? – AHDI One voice representing your Component/Online Association (OA) One voice representing your Component/Online Association (OA) Identified point of contact Identified point of contact Advocate issues Advocate issues Education Education

10 AHDI Opportunities For You! – Book of Style, 3 rd edition – Online Association formation – Special Interest Groups (SIG), listservs – Ongoing webinars/study groups – Leadership Institute – Vitals communication – Professional Practices Network (PPN) – Advocacy Days – Annual Convention & Expo (ACE)

11 A Delegate’s Mission – What is a delegate? Serves as an extension of our national leadership in the grassroots to accomplish strategic initiatives Serves as an extension of our national leadership in the grassroots to accomplish strategic initiatives Communication link for members Communication link for members Represents your “voice” Represents your “voice” – Roles and responsibilities Facilitates ongoing communication Facilitates ongoing communication Advocates legislative issues Advocates legislative issues Networks at all levels Networks at all levels Liaison between AHDI HOD and Component/OA Liaison between AHDI HOD and Component/OA

12 House of Delegates (HOD) The HOD is committed to implementing the strategic initiatives of our Association through representation of membership with effective communication to membership and from membership, promotion of advocacy, legislative, and credentialing issues, and the development of future leadership within all levels of our Association. - Article XI of AHDI Bylaws

13 House of Delegates (Continued) – Delegate Lead Team (LT) Assists delegates/alternates Assists delegates/alternates Provides communication tools for members Provides communication tools for members Promotes compliance and accountability Promotes compliance and accountability Encourages success in performing duties Encourages success in performing duties Upholds support of our national initiatives Upholds support of our national initiatives

14 House of Delegates (Continued) – How are decisions made? Ideas or proposals are placed on an agenda for discussion Ideas or proposals are placed on an agenda for discussion Motions are made for action. Action items may include requests for followup Motions are made for action. Action items may include requests for followup Proposals are finalized and voted on Proposals are finalized and voted on

15 Your Voice Matters! Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever has! -Margaret Meade

16 Facts about Associations from American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) – There are 150,000 associations within the US alone. Americans are forming more than 1000 new associations each year – 9 out of 10 Americans are a member of an association; 4 out of 10 are members of 4 or more associations – More people work for nonprofit organizations than all of those employed by the federal government and all the state governments combined (8.6 million vs. 6.8 million)

17 Associations are Important to our National Economy – Associations spend $3.2 billion a year on printing. Virtually all associations (95%) publish a periodical – Associations spend $56 billion annually to hold conventions, expositions, and seminars that supports 1.57 million, full-time equivalent jobs in the United States – Meetings account for more than $12.3 billion in state, local, and federal sales and income taxes

18 And more facts… – 91% of associations offer educational programs to their members; 75% offer public information and education – Associations are the originating source for the code of ethics, professional and safety standards that govern professions such as law, medicine, banking, and manufacturing – More than 173 million volunteer hours in community service are documented annually by associations, often using members' skills for the greater common good for all

19 Upcoming Opportunities, Ongoing Education March 29 – SNOMED 101 April 2 – Essence of a Balanced MT Scorecard April 12 – People Management April 16 – Your Association, Your Benefits (free) April 17 – Public Speaking I May 7 – Critical Thinking in Leadership May 15-17 – Advocacy Summit in Rockville, MD – Many more –

20 Time For Action! – Advocacy Days May 15-17 in Washington DC May 15-17 in Washington DC On the Hill, Educational sessions On the Hill, Educational sessions – AHDI Annual Convention and Expo August 6-9 in Orlando, Florida August 6-9 in Orlando, Florida Engaging speakers Engaging speakers Continuing education Continuing education Networking with peers! Networking with peers!

21 Your Opportunities, Your Involvement – AHDI – Florida annual meeting April 4-5, 2008, Jacksonville, FL April 4-5, 2008, Jacksonville, FL Become involved in your association, meet great people! Become involved in your association, meet great people! Advocacy Summit, May 15-17, 2008. Advocacy Summit, May 15-17, 2008. Check our calendar of events of upcoming educational meetings. Check our calendar of events of upcoming educational meetings. Learning through your involvement… Endless/Priceless! Learning through your involvement… Endless/Priceless!

22 It All Begins With “You!” – Your delegate Represents you Represents you Needs your voice Needs your voice Serves you! Serves you! – Questions, Contact: – Brenda J. Hurley, CMT, FAAMT – Arlaine Walsh, CMT, FAAMT


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