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Ihr Logo A Course on Testing for Blended Learning Svetla Tashevska, NBU, Sofia.

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Presentation on theme: "Ihr Logo A Course on Testing for Blended Learning Svetla Tashevska, NBU, Sofia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ihr Logo A Course on Testing for Blended Learning Svetla Tashevska, NBU, Sofia

2 Your Logo The aim – to present:  an overview of my course on testing in FLT for undergraduates in the New Bulgarian University virtual learning environment (VLE), Moodle;  the rationale behind the construction of the course;  the ways in which I have started adapting some of its aspects to respond to the dynamically changing reality, and accommodate the changing needs of the students, combining their studies with employment responsibilities – something which presupposes blended or entirely online learning. S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

3 Your Logo The course  is a compulsory part of the teaching strand of the Foreign Languages and Literatures studies (English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Greek)  lasts one term (15 weeks)  is delivered in 90-minute sessions once a week  is delivered in Bulgarian - but uses illustrative material mainly in English  caters for students:  who attend lectures at the University  who cannot come and attend lectures at the University  who can only attend part of the lectures and combine that with work in the Moodle VLE S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

4 Your Logo S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012 Course design Based on:  A framework of course development processes – Chapter 2 in Graves, K. (1996), Teachers as Course Developersb, Cambridge: CUP

5 Your Logo Framework components  Needs assessment  Determining goals and objectives  Conceptualising content  Selecting and developing materials and activities  Organization of content and activities  Evaluation  Consideration of resources and constraints (Graves, 1996:13) S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

6 Your Logo Course objectives Competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes as a result of the course) 1. Students will know:  some basic principles of testing and assessment in FLT  methods/ techniques/ formats for testing language knowledge and skills 2. Students will be able to:  apply the assessment principles to their practical work in the classroom  analyse ready/ published FL tests  construct their own FL tests according to the principles S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

7 Your Logo Course objectives (continued) 3. Students:  will be better aware of the role of testing and assessment in FLT;  will develop a positive attitude to testing and assessment in FLT. S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

8 Your Logo Three types of topics  Basic (1 – 6 ) - > teaching and testing, types of test, validity, reliability, test construction – stages, framework, some testing methods/techniques  Specific skills and systems (7 – 13) - > testing receptive skills, testing productive skills, testing grammar and vocabulary  Continuous and portfolio assessment (13 -15) - > analysing and evaluating the test, continuous assessment, self- assessment, portfolio assessment, the Common European Framework of Reference on testing and assessment S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

9 Your Logo Welcome to the course! S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

10 Your Logo Moodle Gives opportunities to all course participants to:  familiarise themselves with the outline of the course - with its aims, topics, ways of assessment, etc. - in their own time;  re/visit the topics presented in class;  find relevant lecture plans, presentations and materials & download/ print out their own copy, if needed;  follow links to material on Internet & make their own search;  take part in course-related tasks from the place & at the time most convenient for them;  discuss issues of concern with lecturer &/ or their peers, etc. S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

11 Your Logo What students can find in Moodle:  Resources  Activities:  forums  wikis  tasks/ assignments S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

12 Your Logo Resources  Files:  in Word  selected scanned book pages, articles, etc. in different formats (*pdf, *jpeg, etc.)  Links to material on the net S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

13 Your Logo S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012 Activities  online text  uploading a single file/ a number of files (agreed or limited by the lecturer)  off-line activities Tasks/ assignments (individual)  news forum – more general  topic specific – on each topic from the syllabus Wikis Forums

14 Your Logo Two types of forums  News forum – more general, with admin info, announcements, updates, clarification discussions  Topic-specific forums – discussions, in which learning can take place:  on different topics from the syllabus  Everybody is expected to contribute - sharing opinions or presenting the findings after individually investigating a question -> an example of a topic-specific forum discussion - on differences between classroom exercises and test items S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

15 Your Logo A forum discussion S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

16 Your Logo S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

17 Your Logo Wiki  a collaborative document in response to a given topic or task  Everybody has the right to write and edit the document -> an example of a wiki – on advantages and disadvantages of some testing techniques (Multiple choice, cloze, dictation) S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

18 Your Logo A wiki (the instructions) S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

19 Your Logo A wiki (the completion) S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

20 Your Logo S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012 Assesment on the course  Tasks (for development) - in Moodle  Tests (assessed) – in class/ in Moodle  Course assignment (assessed) – in Moodle  Feedback & pass/fail indication  15-minute tests x 3 - with a grade (2-6)  Test specification – in 3 stages (after the 1st type of topics, after the 2nd type of topics, after topic 13) - with feedback (pass/fail) & a final version with a grade (2-6)

21 Your Logo Course assignment S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012

22 Your Logo S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012 Main sources:  Graves, K. (ed.), (1996), Teachers as Course Developers, Cambridge: CUP  Hughes, A. (1989, 2003), Testing for Language Teachers, Cambridge: CUP

23 Your Logo S. Tashevska (NBU), BETA 2012 Thank you! 

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