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Welcome Back to School!!! Information and expectations for the 2015-16 school year Parent Meeting for Mrs. Woolston’s Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School!!! Information and expectations for the 2015-16 school year Parent Meeting for Mrs. Woolston’s Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School!!! Information and expectations for the 2015-16 school year Parent Meeting for Mrs. Woolston’s Class

2 Agenda 1. Class Specials Schedule 2. Big Focus For 4 th Grade 3. Class Jobs 4. Class Expectations 5. Rewards (whole class) 6. Rewards (individual) 7. Consequences 8. Report Card 9. Grading 10. Absences/Tardies 11. Communication 12. Homework 13. 14. Friday Morning Quizzes 15. 4 th Grade Monthly Fun Friday 16. Classroom Website 17. Electronic Devices 18. Birthdays 19. Snacks/Water bottles 20. Restroom Expectations 21. Book Orders 22. Announcements 23. Volunteers 24. Contacting Mrs. Woolston

3 Our Class Special Schedule ROOM 25 Schedule MondayMUSIC 2:45-3:15 *PE 3:15-3:45 Tuesday HEALTH 3:15-3:45 Wednesday MUSIC 2:45-3:15 *PE 3:15-3:45 Thursday No Specials Today Friday COMPUTER 2:45-3:15 LIBRARY 3:15-3:45 *Appropriate shoes are required for PE

4 BIG FOCUS FOR 4 TH GRADE RespectAndResponsibility

5 CLASS JOBS… …help teach responsibility and teamwork. Our classroom works best when everyone does their part.

6 Class Expectations 1. I will respect you so you know how to respect me. 2. I will not do anything that stops me or anyone else from learning. 3. If there is a problem I will solve it or ask for help to solve it. 4. The consequences for my behavior (good or bad) will fit my actions. 5. I will always work hard, try hard, and believe in myself. 6. I will always be safe.

7 Rewards (whole class) When we fill our “warm fuzzy” jar, the class will choose a way to celebrate our hard work and accomplishment. The class as a group will have the opportunity to receive “warm fuzzies” as a reward for: following directions appropriate voice levels getting ready promptly “GREAT” behavior in specials using manners

8 Rewards (Individual) For exceptional graded assignments, setting good examples, being responsible, choosing exceptional behavior, and having their work completed on time within the classroom, students may receive Champ Tickets. The tickets are placed into a treasure chest for a drawing every Friday. At the end of the month, they are entered into the monthly school drawing.

9 Consequences: Infraction of Class Expectations Everyday students start fresh on the star! First time: warning Second time: 5 minute loss of recess or privilege. Third time: 10 minute loss of recess or privilege. Fourth time: 15 minute loss of recess or privilege, and possible communication with parents, possible pink slip depending on the severity.

10 Report Card  This year, end-of-trimester grades and comments will be delivered through PowerSchool. You will not be receiving a hard copy report card.  You will receive information about logins, etc.  Also, please, view the 9 minute video/tutorial about this process at  The district is asking families to wait until the report cards are due before accessing the site. Some grades may not be entered yet and so the final grade might not be accurate.

11 Grading Report card grades will be given as a 3, a 2, or a 1.  If you learned what was taught and can use what was taught without help, then you have proved you are a Grade Level Expert. Grade Level Experts get the performance score of 3.  If you are still learning but getting close, then your performance score would be a 2.  If you are struggling with the learning we are on now but are working on other learning, then your performance score would be a 1.

12 Absences/Tardies Attendance line phone # 855-4046 We do lots of in class activities, discussions, and hands-on lessons throughout the day. This part of school cannot be made up. Advanced notice of absences is appreciated – I will do my best to try and send work ahead of time.

13 Communication Planners  Comes home each day  Provides information about our day and any unfinished work that is homework  Provides announcements about upcoming events  Parent/ Guardian’s signature required each day. Other Avenues of Communication  Class website  Monday Folder (student work/important papers) return on Tuesday  Weekly Letter (website or paper copy)  Communication through email  Progress reports

14 Homework Weekly Homework  Spelling practice and review math practice DUE THURSDAYS Reading Log  150 minute weekly expectation with parent signature DUE THURSDAYS Monthly Genre Book Reports  Introduce students to new types of books  Book choices due about a week after assigned  Project due end of the month Study spelling words (Tests on Fridays) Practice multiplication facts thru 12 Unfinished work “To Be Continued” from that school day will be brought home that night and needs to be finished and returned to school the next day. It should be highlighted in your child’s planner.

15 Tests are on Fridays (or last day of the school week) At home students can practice throughout the week on website Students type their spelling test each week 20 regular words; 5 challenge words  Missing challenge words does not affect grade but can help – challenge words spelled correctly take the place of any regular words missed.  1 Mystery Challenge Word a week – Champ Ticket for spelling correctly

16 Friday Morning Quizzes Spelling Test (on computers) Math Quiz from items worked on all week (will come home Thursday nights for review) 2 dictation sentences using spelling words from the week. Looking for correct punctuation, capital letters, and spelling.

17 4 th Grade Monthly Fun Friday Typically 3 rd Friday of the month Activities will vary but will include fun hands-on science experiments, art, games, etc.  Students will earn Fun Friday for that month if they have: All classroom work turned in for the month All weekly homework papers turned in for the month 150 minutes or more each week on reading log for the month Planner signed at least 4 of 5 times each week for the month  Students who have not earned Fun Friday will be in Homework Room. This will give them time to finish work they may need to or to read and catch up on their reading log.

18 Classroom Website To access my website go to At the top of the screen click on the “Select School” drop down menu and find Ponderosa Elementary. From there click on “Teachers and Staff” and I am listed as Woolston, Summer. Contains: Monday Weekly Letter with events, reminders, and spelling words Book report directions, ideas, due dates Volunteer calendar Class event calendar Web resources Photos

19 Electronic Devices Digital Device Fridays  Students may bring in their own devices on Fridays if they have a signed permission slip.  On Fridays, students may bring their own device to use during free time if all of their class work is turned in for that week.  Label device  School appropriate material on devices We may have other projects throughout the year when your child will be able to bring their devices. Indoor recess – devices are allowed.

20 Birthdays new policy We will be acknowledging each child’s birthday within the classroom. There will be a short class celebration (student choice of game and singing) on the day or week of their birthday, if it falls on a weekend. This celebration will be without treats or food in accordance with the district’s wellness policy. Students with summer birthdays will be celebrated during another month throughout the year. Due to the limited number of sweets that we may give to students by the district’s health and wellness policy and the ever-increasing number of student allergies, we will not be celebrating birthdays with food. If you still wish to send in something for the class, please send in nonedible items such as pencils, stickers, erasers, stamps, etc.

21 Snack Students may bring in one small, nutritious snack each day to be eaten when he/she is hungry.  Healthy  Not distracting  Only 1 snack for themselves; no sharing  If your child does not bring a snack, your child will not have a snack that day. Water bottle Highly encouraged Keep at desk unless it becomes a distraction Water bottles need to have tight fitting lids

22 Restroom Expectations  Students are encouraged to use the bathroom before school, at recesses, during lunch, and after school.  If needed during class:  First time is a “freebie”  Second time is 5 minutes of recess If your child has a health issue or feeling sick that day, a heads up is appreciated and we can be flexible on the bathroom expectations.

23 Book Orders I will send home book orders once a month. Please order online. Our class code is H3CK2 at If you want to order books as a surprise, email me to let me know. I will set them aside for you to pick up at the front office when you are able.

24 Walk-A-Thon October 9 th 4th grade basket “Anything Idaho” More information to come…

25 National Walk-to-School Day Wednesday, October 7 th Double Pacers for students participating Volunteers welcome for walking school buses

26 Volunteers Parents welcome! Fill out volunteer sheet and turn in to me Schedule will be posted on website Start around end of September or beginning of October.

27 Contacting Mrs. Woolston: A great way to contact me is through e-mail I check this email as often as possible throughout the day. In many cases I am unable to respond until recesses, lunch breaks, or possibly until after school. *If it is an emergency that has to be taken care of that day I may not be able to check my email so a phone call into the school may be better. I can also be called at the school 855-4040 Ext.1125, where you will be asked to leave me a voicemail. Most days I do not have an opportunity to listen to and follow up on calls until lunch or at the end of the day. A note on a piece of paper or in your child’s planner is another way to get a message to me.

28 Thank you for coming this morning. Questions?

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