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LLN and the blended learning environment.

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1 LLN and the blended learning environment


3 Workshop outcomes Exposure to a range of different tools and software to support trainees with LLN learning needs Exposure to different tools and software available to develop online resources and tools to enhance LLN training Improved understanding of quality assurance guidelines around blended learning development as relevant to the Industry Training Organisation learning environment

4 Agenda eLearning tool activities Designing a tool using “Snapguide” Guidelines for eLearning

5 Activities 10 minutes per activity before moving to the next activity

6 Feedback on the different activities Mobile phone apps Dragon Dictation app Snapguide app Smart pen Articulate

7 Snapguide tool Identify a way to use snap guide in a resource. Design the resource and present back to the group.

8 What is a MOOC? A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC; /mu ː k/) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user forums that help build a community for students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs). Wikipedia

9 Pathways Awarua

10 NCALNE (voc) Assessment pathway

11 National Centre website

12 Cloud based learning JgZDmLyIk JgZDmLyIk

13 eLearning dos Consistent symbols i.e. arrows, play button, submit button, resources Consistent placing of symbols Aim for 8 minutes max Keep instructions brief. One sentences Use glossary section and table of contents to help navigate Use embedding guidelines Use a storyboard

14 Learner perspective Teacher perspective Manager perspective Organisational leader perspective Quality assurance body perspective

15 Review outcomes Workshop 4: LLN and the blended learning environment Exposure to a range of different tools and software to support trainees with LLN learning needs Exposure to different tools and software available to develop online resources and tools to enhance LLN training Improved understanding of quality assurance guidelines around blended learning development as relevant to the Industry Training Organisation learning environment

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