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National Technical University of Athens -NTUA The MEDDMAN project: Activities & Results Maggie Kossida Meddman Technical Director 2009 Conference Regions.

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Presentation on theme: "National Technical University of Athens -NTUA The MEDDMAN project: Activities & Results Maggie Kossida Meddman Technical Director 2009 Conference Regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Technical University of Athens -NTUA The MEDDMAN project: Activities & Results Maggie Kossida Meddman Technical Director 2009 Conference Regions of Economic Change-Networking for Results Brusselss, 16/02/2009

2 NTUA Acronym: MEDDMAN Project title: IWRM, development and comparison of common transnational methodologies to combat drought in the MEDOCC regions Start/End Date: 01/04/2006 - 30/09/2008 Lead Partner: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece Total Budget: 1.335.325,00 Project Facts

3 GREECE NTUA AUTH Pr. Pieria ITALY IRSA UNITUS R. Lazio UNIBAS R. Basilicata FRANCE Cemagref SPAIN UPC Project Partners NTUA

4 Mission The water consumption control for various uses and the quantitative and qualitative estimation of the availability of the resources are major elements, calling for an IWRM of the catchment areas. Under this framework, MEDDMAN implements appropriate strategies and integrated interventions for a better management of the water resources and soils to combat drought and desertification through a territorial transnational co- operation MEDDMAN NTUA

5 Development of economical tools for water management in the regions facing water shortage, and possibilities for water reuse Promotion of a transnational and interregional cooperation for the implementation of integrated strategies to manage water resources and combat drought Compilation of environmental impact studies for land degradation Improvement of the water- demand balance in the regions under drought risk Objectives Reinforcement of the regional involvement in the water resources management and mobilization activities 7 PILOT AREAS NTUA

6 Dry Facts !!! Increasing impacts of water scarcity and droughts in past 30 years Cost to the EU economy: Min 100 billion in past 30 years In 2003: Min 100 Mio inhab., 1/3 of EU territory Cost of 8.7 billion to the EU economy Water scarcity 33 EU river basins affected so far Min 100 Mio inhab., 17% of EU territory Significant extension in past 30 years Drought 2070 35% territory, 3.2 Bio inhab.

7 In the past different water management efforts have been undertaken in the MEDDMAN pilot areas. MEDDMAN consolidated these efforts under a translational frame and transformed them in useful tools. The methodologies developed have undergone a trans-regional consultation process (hydrological cycle analysis, regional models for drought forecasting, potentialities of water reuse, IWRM, drought risk management etc.). Thus, they can be reproduced in other Mediterranean areas that face WR management issues and are under drought risk, having a high impact Having many regions participating provided a wide range of cases (portfolio). The solving approaches are well rounded and cover many thematics & different issues valuable demonstration tools for other authorities in the areas, and in the MEDOCC Reinforcement/mobilisation of the regional initiative in the WRM (inspired) Interregional cooperation- Added value NTUA Water Resources management issues meet no spatial boundaries Drought operates on many levels & forms, water scarcity is even more complex problem KEY: EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE & KNOWLEDGE

8 EU Communication on WS&D NTUA Water Scarcity and Drought Communication 18 th July Communication from the COM to the EU Parliament & the Council addressing the challenge of WS & drought in the EU {SEC(2007)993}{SEC(2007)996} Social, economic & environmental impacts are huge, call for MS&EU actions Initial set of policy options, at EU, national and regional levels Droughts has an international dimension and EU&MS should pursue the achievement of international commitments (EU Council conclusions, 30.10.07) Inter-regional & Transnational Cooperation

9 EU Communication 18.07.2007MEDDMAN achievements through the Inter-regional coop. 2.3.1. Developing drought risk management plan Way forward: At EU level: Foster exchanges of info and best practices on drought risk managmnt. At national: By 2009, set up specific DMPs to supplement WFD RBMPs where needed WP 3: HYDROLOGIC CYCLE ANALYSIS WP 6: PROCESS OF LAND DEGRADATION WP 8: IWRM TO COMBAT DROUGHT & BMPs IN THE MED. UNDER DROUGHT RISK 2.3.2. Developing an observatory and an early warning system on droughts This system will integrate relevant monitoring, detection and forecasting on different spatial scales (from local and regional activities to continental overview at EU level) and will make it possible to evaluate future events Way forward: At European & national levels: By 2012, develop prototypes and set up procedures for EDO WP 2: DATA COLLECTION, PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS WP 4: MONITORING DROUGHT Review of the existing infrastructure, new equipment, Software development WP 5: ANALYSIS & FORECASTING OF DROUGHT CONDITIONS MEDDMAN Inter-regional cooperation added value towards the EU COM on WS&D goals

10 NTUA EU Communication 18.07.2007MEDDMAN achievements through the Inter-regional coop 2.7.1. A Water Scarcity and Drought Information System throughout Europe Reliable information on the extent and impacts of water scarcity and droughts is indispensable for decision-making at all levels. Shared definitions are necessary to ensure data consistency at EU level Way forward: Present an annual European assessment, based on agreed indicators and data provided by MS and stakeholders to the COM or the EEA on a yearly basis. WP 2: DATA COLLECTION, PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS Common methodologies for elaboration WP 8: INTEGRATED WRM TO COMBAT DROUGHT & BMPs IN THE MED. UNDER DROUGHT RISK Questionnaire, indicators etc. WP 9: NETWORK OF DATA EXCHANGE WP 10: INFORMATION SYSTEMS, TRAINING AND DISSEMINATION MEDDMAN Inter-regional cooperation added value towards the EU COM on WS&D goals (cont.)

11 Successful examples of Knowledge Transfer NTUA Development of regional models drought prediction Already applied in the Greek Regions Under application in Italian Regions (beyond MEDDMAN) High replication potential in other MED Regions for DMP Basilicata Region Strong knowhow on seawater intrusion problems linked to land degradation Region of Pieria Similar problem, lack of knowledge in the past UPC Development of sedimentary production model/ impact of forest fires on land degradation NTUA Water reuse potentiality Already applied in the Italian Regions To be applied in Greek Regions (beyond MEDDMAN) High replication potential in other MED Regions w/desertification Already applied in the Greek Regions High replication potential in MED NTUA

12 Encountered Problems (and Remedy) Funding issues (reflecting to partners contribution): Different pre-financing capabilities national contributions unsynchronised reflection to resources to carry out the work ERDF not yet received reluctance Good will among consortium, friendly collegial atmosphere, work load shifts. Clustering of travels (PGA+workshop) to minimize spent Frequent communication w/STC, invitation in workshops (meeting the partners) Scientific conflicts: none, good complimentarity, excellent transfer of knowledge (institutes + regions) and per topic Science-policy and/or science-regional application mismatch: none, high application and REPLICATION potential, research tailored to regional socio-economic development needs & the policy implementation needs. Added values of having research inst. Working TOGETHER w/regional authorities Language barriers: minimum Cultural barriers: none, all MED ! NTUA

13 The Hydro – illogical Cycle for Drought !!! NTUA

14 National Technical University of Athens - NTUA Thank you ! Questions?

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