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Presenters Deputy UK Commissioner Programme (14-25) Scout Network Implementation Project Lead Chris Meadows.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenters Deputy UK Commissioner Programme (14-25) Scout Network Implementation Project Lead Chris Meadows."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenters Deputy UK Commissioner Programme (14-25) Scout Network Implementation Project Lead Chris Meadows

2 What has changed? Before May 2015After May 2015 Network was a County provision County Network Commissioner Network Leader Yearly membership fee Programme completely down to members and leaders. Network is a District provision ACC Scout Network District Scout Network Commissioner Programme Coordinator No annual subscription Project based programme

3 District Network Automatic on boarding from Explorer scouts. Part of the District family. Free to join pay to play. Connect with members locally to engage in local projects

4 Every 18-25 year old is a UK Scout Network Member. Your only Network or one of a few Flexible – join in at a time and place that suits you. Home to the bigger projects and a chance to connect with the 20,000+ other 18-25 years old in Scouting in the UK. UK Scout Network

5 Options for 18-25 year olds in Scouting You might be a: Section leader Scout active support member Adult volunteer Scout Network member But did you know you are all Scout Network members?

6 Benefits of the Scout Network for 18-25 Members Shape and participate in life-changing adventurous, international and community projects. Develop valuable teamwork, leadership and life skills. Join free. Connect with 20,000+ others. Participate at a time, place and pace that suits you. Chance to gain top awards as well as virtual badges on our brand new digital platform.

7 Benefits of the Scout Network for Commissioners More volunteers More QSA and other top awards Support for development of Scouting in the District We know that when young adults have the opportunities to shape and participate in an attractive programme focussed on top awards and engaging projects there is a greater likelihood of them volunteering

8 Benefits of the Scout Network for Explorer Scouts Ability to continue Scouting in the District Greater programme shaped by young adults focussed on Adventure, International and Community Recognition of participation via awards and virtual badges

9 How does the programme work? Fit under the three pillars:– Adventure, Community, International Completed by the members with support from the District Scout Network Commissioner and programme coordinator/s. Adventure Community Internation al Scout Network Projects Leadersh ip Teamwor k Life Skills

10 Example: Bivi building. Plan an activity to sleep in a bivi bag next to a local landmark, for example a haunted house, etc. Cost: £0 – just any associated cost there may be with equipment or sleeping over. Example: Bivi building. Plan an activity to sleep in a bivi bag next to a local landmark, for example a haunted house, etc. Cost: £0 – just any associated cost there may be with equipment or sleeping over. Example: Explorer belt trip to Iceland. Cost: ca £2000. Impacts: developing members planning and map skills. Build confidence and leadership skills within members to achieve an award in Scouting. Experience Icelandic culture to gain a deeper understanding. Develop relationships with Scouts from another country. Example: Explorer belt trip to Iceland. Cost: ca £2000. Impacts: developing members planning and map skills. Build confidence and leadership skills within members to achieve an award in Scouting. Experience Icelandic culture to gain a deeper understanding. Develop relationships with Scouts from another country. District Scout Network: Adventure Projects

11 Example: Work with a local charity providing support for elderly residents. Costs: travel expenses. Impacts: community cohesion better established. Develop an understanding between generations. Example: Work with a local charity providing support for elderly residents. Costs: travel expenses. Impacts: community cohesion better established. Develop an understanding between generations. Example: Work with a local community group to improve the environmental impact of the local area. Phases of Project could include: -Make contact with a community group in the UK -Check to see if The Scout Association has an community impact partner -Plain training weekends and fundraising events -Source resources needed for project Cost: ca. Personal Expenses Impact: positively contribute to local communities, developing an understanding of the concerns of the local area. Learn about team management. Form valuable relationships among Network team and with the community groups. Example: Work with a local community group to improve the environmental impact of the local area. Phases of Project could include: -Make contact with a community group in the UK -Check to see if The Scout Association has an community impact partner -Plain training weekends and fundraising events -Source resources needed for project Cost: ca. Personal Expenses Impact: positively contribute to local communities, developing an understanding of the concerns of the local area. Learn about team management. Form valuable relationships among Network team and with the community groups. District Scout Network: Community Projects

12 Example: Work at a school in Ghana to help to teach pupils simple British songs, games, and language. Phases of Project could include: -Make contact with school in Ghana and plan the trip -Plain training weekends and fundraising events -Book flights and accommodation -Check immunisation, medications and travel advice that might be required -Identifying support material to you complete the project Cost: ca. £2,500 Impact: positively contribute to communities in Ghana, developing an understanding and respect of the culture. Learn about team management. Form valuable relationships among Network team and with the community in Ghana. Example: Work at a school in Ghana to help to teach pupils simple British songs, games, and language. Phases of Project could include: -Make contact with school in Ghana and plan the trip -Plain training weekends and fundraising events -Book flights and accommodation -Check immunisation, medications and travel advice that might be required -Identifying support material to you complete the project Cost: ca. £2,500 Impact: positively contribute to communities in Ghana, developing an understanding and respect of the culture. Learn about team management. Form valuable relationships among Network team and with the community in Ghana. District Scout Network: International Projects Example: Japanese Evening. Activities to include: -Sampling Japanese cuisines -Learn simple origami and use skills to create more complicated items Cost: £5 per person to cover resources. Impact: appreciation of other cultures, gain a deeper understanding of the values and traditions of Japanese culture. Increase team work and communication skills. Example: Japanese Evening. Activities to include: -Sampling Japanese cuisines -Learn simple origami and use skills to create more complicated items Cost: £5 per person to cover resources. Impact: appreciation of other cultures, gain a deeper understanding of the values and traditions of Japanese culture. Increase team work and communication skills.

13 Top Awards A big focus for us is to encourage members to achieve the big awards, Queen Scouts Award, Scouts of the World Award and Explorer Belt.

14 What’s Next? May 2105 Start of transition July 2015 UKSNCs appointed Nov 2015 Transition period ends

15 Scout Network Information – members resources/network Prepared Microsite Follow UKSNCs @UKScoutNetwork

16 Any Questions?


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