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National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC) Composition, Objectives, & the Process of Making Tariq Bhatti.

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Presentation on theme: "National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC) Composition, Objectives, & the Process of Making Tariq Bhatti."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC) Composition, Objectives, & the Process of Making Tariq Bhatti

2 National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC) The commission has been set up through an ordinance on December 20, 2006 It is a national level body to ensure DRR at policy, planning and implementation stages across the country.

3 Disaster Management In Pakistan Before the Establishment of NDMC In Pakistan there are various federal and provincial bodies to respond to any emergency or disaster. They were largely designed to do some relief work in the wake of various natural disasters, floods being the most recurrent of them. In 2003 UNDP Pakistan proposed the establishment of National Disaster Management Agency and presented a draft framework to the government. But that could not see light of the day because of various reasons.

4 National Disaster Management Framework (NDMF) After the October 2005 earthquake the creation of a national level body to mange all kinds of disasters came on the agenda of the government again because of many internal and external factors. UNDP again took the lead and facilitated the government in formulating the framework for the proposed authority.

5 Composition of the NDMC Prime Minister Opposition Leader Senate Opposition Leader N.A Prime Minister AJK Seven Federal Ministers Chairman JCSC Chief Ministers All Provinces Governor NWFP For FATA Civil Society Rep Chief Executive Northern Area’s D.G NDMA will be the secretary to the commission.

6 Composition of the PDMC Chief Minister Opposition Leader A nominee of the opposition leader Other members to be appointed by C.M D.G PDMC will be the secretary to the commission.

7 Structure of the NDMC at Provincial Level Other members to be appointed by C.M may include stakeholders from provincial ministries and departments, civil defence, police, fire services, university faculty, research institutions, civil society organizations, representatives from commerce, industry and insurance sectors, and other technical experts in the province.

8 District Disaster Management Authority ( DDMA) District or Municipal Disaster Management Authority will be established by the Provincial government in hazard prone areas on a priority basis, based upon historical analysis of disaster trends and patterns.

9 Composition of the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) District Nazim DCO DPO EDO Health Civil Society Representative Other EDO’s may be appointed by Nazim

10 Process of the making of NDMC Government did consultations before finalizing the framework for NDMC. Following stake holders were consulted, though hurriedly 1.Federal Ministries, 2.Donors 3.Few selected NGO’s 4.Provincial Governments Some of the recommendations were incorporated into the final document.

11 RDPI’s Input in the Process Critical Review of the draft framework of NDMC Feedback on the draft framework Participation in the consultation organized by the Oxfam GB Pakistan and presided by DG NDMA Follow up on the consultation recommendations Incorporation and acknowledgement of the feedback

12 Meetings with Actionaid Pakistan Meetings with Actionaid on Public Consultation RDPI proposed public consultations on Draft NDMC Framework at: 1) Provincial level 2) Community level 3) With affectees of the earthquake

13 Public Consultation on NDMC at Lahore RDPI in collaboration with SPO organized a public consultation at Lahore. DG Relief Punjab participated in the consultation. Community representatives, lawyers, CSOs, Media, Professors, students and human rights activists participated in the consultation. Report of that consultation has been shared with other local partners and the same has been sent to NDMA for posting on their official website.

14 RDPI In Electronic Media Resource person from RDPI participated in a radio program that discussed the process of establishment of NDMC. RDPI arranged a one hour live discussion on radio on the roles and responsibilities of NDMC from the civil society perspective.

15 RDPI’s advocacy input got acknowledgement at policy level In the meeting with DG NDMA, organized by the Oxfam, our input was officially acknowledged and responded to. RDPI’s specific comment on the mission statement was accepted by the DG and the suggested change was incorporated. The legal document that is NDMF framework also records RDPI as an organization having significant work in the area of disaster management. The official minutes of the meetings posted on the NDMA website also mentions RDPI comment.

16 “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ( St. Francis of Assisi) Thanks for your patience “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ( St. Francis of Assisi) Thanks for your patience

17 The End

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