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Ministerial Conference on the occasion of the 3rd World Water Forum Kyoto, March 2003 Secretariat of the Ministerial Conference Ministry of Land, Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministerial Conference on the occasion of the 3rd World Water Forum Kyoto, March 2003 Secretariat of the Ministerial Conference Ministry of Land, Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministerial Conference on the occasion of the 3rd World Water Forum Kyoto, March 2003 Secretariat of the Ministerial Conference Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT), Government of Japan

2 World Water Flows to Kyoto, Shiga & Osaka March 2003 16 (Sun) 17 (Mon) 18 (Tue) 19 (Wed) 20 (Thu) 21 (Fri) 22 (Sat) 23 (Sun) 3 rd World Water Forum

3 Forum ・ Host : World Water Council and National Steering Committee of the 3 rd World Water Forum, Japan (Chairman Hashimoto) ・ Dates & Venue : March 16-23, 2003 Kyoto, Shiga and Osaka Japan ・ Activities : Sessions by NGOs, academia and others ・ Number of participants expected : around 8,000 people Overview of 3 rd World Water Forum Activities Ministerial Conference ・ Host : Government of Japan ・ Dates & Venue : March 22-23, 2003 Kyoto, Japan ・ Minister-level Participants: over 120 expected Fair ・ Host : Local Executive Committees ・ Dates & Venue : March 16-23, 2003 Kyoto, Shiga and Osaka Japan ・ Expected visitors : roughly 150,000 people

4 -Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) -Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) -Ministry of the Environment (MOE) -Cabinet Secretariat -Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) -Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) -Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MAFF) -Forestry Agency -Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Japanese Government Ministries and Agencies in Charge of the 3 rd World Water Forum

5 ・ to reaffirm political will towards solving water issues ・ to add a political perspective to efforts of the Forum participants and the general public around the world The Ministerial Conference will identify concrete actions. Objectives of the Ministerial Conference

6 The 2nd World Water Forum and the Ministerial Conference in The Hague, the Netherlands, March, 2000 Millennium Summit in New York, the United States of America, September, 2000 International Conference on Freshwater in Bonn, Germany, December, 2001 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, September, 2002 The 3rd World Water Forum and the Ministerial Conference in Kyoto (Shiga, Osaka), March, 2003 Recent Progress in International Debates on Water

7 Flow of Themes for the Ministerial Conference 2000 The Hague 2002 WSSD (Plan of Implementation)2003 WWF3, Kyoto No.1 No.3 No.5 No.4 No.2 Meeting Basic Needs Securing the Food Supply Protecting Ecosystems Sharing Water Resources Managing Risks Valuing Water Governing Water Wisely Para 7, 24: Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Para 25: Integrated Water Resources Management, IRBM Para 26: Monitoring/ Assessment of the Quantity/Quality of Water Resources Para 27: Scientific Understanding of the Water Cycle Para 28: Coordination among the Various International/Intergovernmental Bodies Para 35: Risk Assessment, Disaster Management Para 38: Food Production, Food Security and Water Resources Management Para 23: Protecting Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management # Arrows indicate strong connections between relevant issues. No.1: Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation No.2: Water for Food and Rural Development No.3: Water Pollution Prevention and Ecosystem Conservation No.4: Disaster Mitigation and Risk Management No.5: Water Resources Management and Benefit Sharing Proposed Issues for Discussion 2003 WWF3, Kyoto


9 Proposed Theme of the Ministerial Conference Addressing Water Issues through Ownership and Partnership Encouraging Governance and Ownership of Water Management Fostering Partnerships to support Ownership - Possible Actions - - Basic Concept -  Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation  Water for Food and Rural Development  Water Pollution Prevention and Ecosystem Conservation  Disaster Mitigation and Risk Management  Water Resources Management and Benefit Sharing - Proposed Issues for Discussion - Stakeholder Involvement Sector-wide Approach Development Assistance International Networking Identify Problem Raise Awareness Formulate Strategies Build Capacity

10 Expected Outcomes of the Ministerial Conference Policy Prioritization Thematic and Regional Focus Ministerial Declaration Defining Concrete Actions Implementing Concrete Actions at all levels Initiatives Pledges and Commitment Blueprint for Action (tentative title) Promoting Concrete Actions Common Understanding Voluntary Contribution Ministerial Conference

11 WSSDMC/WWF3 Political Declaration Plan of Implementation mutual complementation TYPE2 Partnership Ministerial Declaration Gov.Int’l org. Blueprint for Action concrete action of each gov. and int’l org. Appreciation for positive contribution follow up compilation With negotiation Without negotiation

12 Schedule of Ministerial Conference and Dialogue Dialogue between Rep. of the Forum Participants and Ministers

13 March 21 March 16-23 Report March 22, 23 Participation Interaction between Forum and Ministerial Conference March 19, 20 Thematic and Regional Statements Ministerial Conference Participation Forum Blueprint for Action Outputs of MC Ministerial Conference Governments and International Organizations Private sectors Stakeholders NGOs Citizens Session Ministerial Declaration Forum Conclusions Outputs of Forum World Water Actions Report Our Commitment Senior Officials Meeting Dialogue World Water Actions Report Ministers Heads of the State Experts Representatives of Forum participations

14 : Rep. of Forum Participants : Ministers / Heads of Organization screen : Facilitator Participants - Brainstorming style Multi Stakeholder Dialogue : Senior Officials How will the Dialogue be organized?

15 Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) (Johannesburg, 01 Sep. 2002) Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) (Kyoto, 19-20 Mar. 2003) Informal Advisory Meeting (IAM- 1) (Kyoto, 25 Nov. 2002) Preparatory Process for the Ministerial Conference Informal Advisory Meeting (IAM- 2) (Tokyo, 30-31 Jan. 2003) Ministerial Conference (Kyoto, 22-23 Mar. 2003) Dialogue between Forum Participants and Ministers (Dialogue) (21 Mar. 2003) ・ Discussing concrete actions to be prioritized in the Ministerial Declaration ・ Gathering information from governments and organizations for the Blueprint for Action ・ Building momentum and support for Ministerial Conference ・ Gathering input for program and expected outcomes of Ministerial Conference ・ Discussing sectorial topics to be discussed in the Ministerial Conference ・ Discussing contents and processes for the Blueprint for Action ・ Discussing the draft for Ministerial Declaration ・ Interacting with the 3 rd World Water Forum ・ Implementing concrete actions - with regional focus - with role sharing and partnership ・ Identifying concrete actions through policy prioritization

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