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JAXA’s Earth Observation Activities for Disaster Management Hiromichi FUKUI JAXA/Keio University WGISS21 Meeting in Budapest.

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Presentation on theme: "JAXA’s Earth Observation Activities for Disaster Management Hiromichi FUKUI JAXA/Keio University WGISS21 Meeting in Budapest."— Presentation transcript:

1 JAXA’s Earth Observation Activities for Disaster Management Hiromichi FUKUI JAXA/Keio University WGISS21 Meeting in Budapest

2 Contents Disaster Risk Management System in Asia-Pacific Region (Sentinel Asia) Disaster Risk Management System in Asia-Pacific Region (Sentinel Asia) BackgroundBackground Actions stepActions step Implementation planImplementation plan Digital Asia Digital Asia ALOS rapid response system ALOS rapid response system

3 3 JAXA Vision Space exploration and utilization for the next 20 years Space exploration and utilization for the next 20 years Develop launch vehicles and satellites with the highest reliability and world class capability, contributing to the realization of a secure and prosperous society. Promote “top science” in the field of space science while preparing for Japan’s own human space activities and the utilization of the Moon. Conduct flight demonstration of a prototype hypersonic vehicle with the cruising speed at Mach 5. With all of the above activities, contribute to turning the aerospace industry into a key industry.

4 Very large mobile communication satellite Residents in disaster areas Information center Providing services directly to personal terminals in disaster areas Disaster monitoring Data collection Information delivering to personal terminals Ultra high-speed communication satellite Earth observation satellites Positioning Satellites Ground observation network Concept of Information Gathering and Warning System for Disaster and Crisis Management

5 Disaster Risk Management System in Asia-Pacific Region --- Introduction and Background --- Big earthquake off Sumatra and tsunami disasters in Indian Ocean countries on December 26, 2004 Big earthquake off Sumatra and tsunami disasters in Indian Ocean countries on December 26, 2004 The time was drastically getting ripe to construct Disaster Risk Management System in the Asia-Pacific Region The time was drastically getting ripe to construct Disaster Risk Management System in the Asia-Pacific Region Step 1: ‘Sentinel-Asia’ pilot project: A Satellite Information Distribution Network for Disaster Management over Asia–Pacific region The APRSAF (Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum) -11 in November 2004 in Australia The Asian Workshop on Satellite Technology Data Utilization for Disaster Monitoring in January 2005 in Japan The Disaster Reduction Through Effective Space Technology Utilization In Asian Region in May 2005 in Malaysia The APRSAF-12 in October 2005 in Japan The First Joint Project Team Meeting in February 2006 in Hanoi, Vietnam

6 Disaster Risk Management System in Asia Pacific Region (2010- ) Earth Observation Satellites Residents in disaster areas Rescue Refuge Warning Providing services directly to personal Space Safety Net Asia Archive Data Observation Data Information Communication System High speed transmission Information center Information Sharing Platform Data Web GIS Data Disaster Management Agencies Disaster Prevention Capacity Building

7 Goals of Disaster Risk Management System in Asia-Pacific Region Goals shared by APRSAF members: Goals shared by APRSAF members: To construct life first society by IT & Space technology,To construct life first society by IT & Space technology, To improve speed and accuracy for disaster preparedness and early warning, andTo improve speed and accuracy for disaster preparedness and early warning, and To minimize victims and social economic losses.To minimize victims and social economic losses. Phased approach: Phased approach: STEP 1: Establishment of Sentinel Asia (2006 - 2007)STEP 1: Establishment of Sentinel Asia (2006 - 2007) STEP 2: Fusing Observation Satellite System and Communications Satellite System (2008 - 2009)STEP 2: Fusing Observation Satellite System and Communications Satellite System (2008 - 2009) STEP 3: Disaster Risk Management System in Asia Pacific Region (2010- )STEP 3: Disaster Risk Management System in Asia Pacific Region (2010- )

8 STEP 1: Establishment of Sentinel Asia (2006 - 2007) JAXA, MODIS stations Residents in disaster areas Rescue Refuge Warning Observation System Archive Data Observation Data Information Sharing Platform Data Digital Asia Data Disaster Management Agencies Disaster Prevention Capacity Building ALOS Rapid Response System JAXA, AIT, Keio Univ. JAXA, ADRC JAXA, AIT

9 Residents in disaster areas Rescue Refuge Warning Providing services directly to personal Observation System Archive Data Observation Data Information Communication System High speed transmission Information center Information Sharing Platform Data New Data Disaster Management Agencies Disaster Prevention Capacity Building STEP 2: Fusing Observation Sat. System and Communications Sat. System (2008 - 2009) China Thailand India Japan Korea ETS-VIII WINDS JAXA, ADRC, AIT, Keio Univ. Digital Asia JAXA, AIT, Inter. Org.

10 Step 1 The Joint Project Team mainly initiates the 1 st STEP (2006-2007). The Joint Project Team mainly initiates the 1 st STEP (2006-2007). Components should be developed during STEP1 Components should be developed during STEP1 Observation System: ALOS, MODIS, othersObservation System: ALOS, MODIS, others Information Sharing Platform: Digital Asia, ALOS rapid response system, othersInformation Sharing Platform: Digital Asia, ALOS rapid response system, others Information Communications Satellite System: None  preparatory of STEP 2Information Communications Satellite System: None  preparatory of STEP 2 Capacity Building: AIT training program, othersCapacity Building: AIT training program, others Benefits Benefits To ensure safe & comfortable lifeTo ensure safe & comfortable life To Minimize expenditure for disaster preparednessTo Minimize expenditure for disaster preparedness To improve knowledge & technology against disasterTo improve knowledge & technology against disaster To establish Int’l framework for information sharingTo establish Int’l framework for information sharing

11 Implementation Plan Observation system Observation system STEP 1STEP 1 JAXA’s satellite data which have been archiving from several satellites including new satellites will be shared to related organizations in Asia. JAXA’s satellite data which have been archiving from several satellites including new satellites will be shared to related organizations in Asia. JERS-1, ADEOS, TRMM, ADEOS- Ⅱ, AMSR-E, ALOS…JERS-1, ADEOS, TRMM, ADEOS- Ⅱ, AMSR-E, ALOS… Preparatory for STEP 2Preparatory for STEP 2 Candidate satellite holders: China, India, Korea, Thailand. Candidate satellite holders: China, India, Korea, Thailand. JAXA, MODIS stations Archive Data Observation Data

12 Media Browser Near Real time Remote Sensing Data Processing Implementation Plan (Digital Asia) 1 Digital Asia as a standardized information platform 3D-Geo and Time browser Ubiquitous Computing Ontological Crawler Grid Computing Social Natural Measuring the Real State of the World Decoding the Earth and Human Evolution Towards Intersubjectivities Global Trends Data Resources EO, SDI Spatial Statistics News, Comments Blog Digital Asia Gateway

13 User ( Public, Student, Specialist 、 etc.) 3DGIS-Service Clearinghouse server Link to External Ch. ( Catalog Services ) Meta data 2DGIS- Services DEM GIS,RS data overlay and Parallel Display Gazetteer Satellite Image Data Fusion Infrastructure KEIO University : Digital Earth Server Internet OpenGIS Consortium Interface ( WMS, WCS,WFS ), kml,. Geobrowser Map Server ( open source ) Chiba University CEReS : Asian Land Cover Hazard Map, ete. MAFFIN : Forestry Fire Map, hot spot, etc Vector data ( Active Fault etc. ) Core Geospatial data (Global, Asia, Japan, local ) Statistics ( Population Census, etc. ) Domain Application Services User Mang. Global Sea surface temperature Chlorophyll a estimation mapetc. Local scene WMS Disaster Management Environment Monitoring Ocean, Meteorological information Media Browser etc. Existing WMS Server GIS Appli. Server ( Disaster Mang etc. ) WFS Simulation Engine etc. Distributed Servers JAXA Image Server ( SE Asia) One Stop Portal Site Application Services ・ Data Retrieval and Mining ・ Education ・ Risk Communication etc. Open Application Interface JAXA : Satellite Image Local Government GeoData Open Server Geography Network 1:25000 map DEM JGSI Other Univ. Research Institute ( AIT etc ) Geobrowser Regional Data WMS Observation Data Global Map data WMS NGO operated Server WMS Interoperation Meta data Landsat-SRTM provided by GLCF, etc. Map Server ( open source ) Digital Asia mini prj. Distributed Servers DA node Network APRSAF CRISP HotSpot Server

14 JAXA images, vectors, … images, vectors, … Minnesota MapServer Minnesota MapServer AIT @ Thailand & neighboring countries AIT @ Thailand & neighboring countries images, vectors, … images, vectors, … Minnesota MapServer Minnesota MapServer GIS-WG member domains GIS-WG member domains images, vectors, … images, vectors, … Minnesota MapServer Minnesota MapServer Geography Network Geography Network images, vectors, … images, vectors, … Minnesota MapServer Minnesota MapServer Any Other Servers (supported OGC I/F) Any Other Servers (supported OGC I/F) images, vectors, … images, vectors, … Minnesota MapServer Minnesota MapServer Digital Earth Server @ KEIO University Application Services Vectors, DEM, … GazetteerMetadata Images Open Application Interface (Java/JavaScript) Core GIS Service OGC Interfaces (WMS/WCS) Geoparser/Geocoder Service Geoparser/Geocoder Service Catalog Service User Other Users Any Generic Viewer (supported OGC I/F) Any Generic Viewer (supported OGC I/F) User Other Application Servers Simulator etc. User Most Users Digital Earth Viewer (Web browser) Digital Earth Viewer (Web browser) DAN (Digital Asia Node Network) - System Architecture

15 Digital Earth Server @ KEIO University Digital Earth Server @ KEIO University Client B Digital Earth Viewer (Web browser) Digital Earth Viewer (Web browser) Interoperability Mechanism of the DAN Metadata Server A Minnesota MapServer Minnesota MapServer Server B Minnesota MapServer Minnesota MapServer Client A Any Generic Viewer (supported OGC I/F) Any Generic Viewer (supported OGC I/F) Vectors, DEM, … Vectors, DEM, … Images Application Services Open Application Interface (Java/JavaScript) Core GIS Service OGC Interfaces (WMS/WCS) Catalog Service can aggregate the contents of several distribute WMSes into one service Cascading WMS (CWMS) server’s location

16 2D Image 3D Image (View Image on the surface of sphere) Gateway System Development for Public users Data Search & View System Category Selection Area Selection Theme Selection

17 Implementation Plan 2 (ALOS Rapid Response System) Accept observation request (in parallel with Disaster Charter) Quick data dissemination via ADRC ADRC ( Asian Disaster Reduction Center) Asia Disaster Management Agencies 25 ADRC member countries JAXA Request Information Desk Satellite observation planning Disaster ! Disaster Observation by ALOS GIS service with Satellite Image ( Public ) Internet Access ADRC Disaster Information Asia Space Agency Satellite Data Node Remote-Sensing Data by JAXA satellite ( Future ) Use Common platform provided from “Digital Asia” project ( leaded by Keio Univ. ) DATA service for Centralized Information Satellite Data (with low spatial resolution) (for registries users )

18 Distribute images to mobile devices in the future MapServer User 3D GIS Service (Keyhole) Metadata 2D GIS Service Satellite Images, DEM KEIO University: Digital Eath Server Developed in last year in the JAXA & Keio cooperative project OpenGIS Consortium Interface (WMS, WCS) Disaster Prevention Agency in Asia Vector data, Gazetteer GIS data Statistics ( Population Census, etc.) User Management WMS Disaster Prevention and Environmental information WMS/WCS Asia MapServer Digital Asia Application Service (include Media Browser service) WMS NGO operated server GIS Application Server ( Disaster Mang. etc. ) WCSWCS Internet FTP CEOS/IDN Multilingual Proxy Service GeoTIFF etc. System Layout Plan Asia MapServer AIT MapServer observation order Application Interface Data Fusion Infrastructure ADRC VENTEN geospatial data porting JAXA Developing target in this year JPEG (EXIF format) mail Disaster Prevention related data put Metadata registration AUIG EORC/ALOS JERS,ADEOS etc. Cooperative Appliction GRID data GRID data Internet GIS Service Catalog Service News articles in other systems Satellite images in other systems DC Photos with location Images for distribution Metadata Image data archive server Image data management Publish analysis case on the web Existing web services (En. and Ja.) for public for academic for specialist Observation schedule mang. (on the web) Image distribution mang. (printed paper) Web-GIS service DC Photo mining (Blog etc. ) Web page service

19 Field Survey System with the PDA (has built-in GPS) and the Digital Camera Download background images on the PC from the Digital Earth Server. Download background images on the PC from the Digital Earth Server. Connect PDA to PC, then copy it to PDA with automatic sync. Connect PDA to PC, then copy it to PDA with automatic sync. Do field survey with PDA and Digital Camera. Do field survey with PDA and Digital Camera. Connect PDA and DC to PC, then copy survey data from it. Connect PDA and DC to PC, then copy survey data from it. Upload survey data to the Digital Earth Server. Upload survey data to the Digital Earth Server. PDA GPS Internet Digital Earth Server (Web GIS) Offline Sync Download background images Automatic linking survey data and DC photos Upload survey data Digital Camera Satellite Images etc.

20 Implementation Plan 3 Preparatory for Information communication system Preparatory for Information communication system JAXA can provide an information communication system such as ETS-VIII and WINDS around 2008. JAXA can provide an information communication system such as ETS-VIII and WINDS around 2008. At a disaster event, space communication needs should be identified in the Asia Pacific Region.At a disaster event, space communication needs should be identified in the Asia Pacific Region. Residents in disaster areas Providing services directly to personal Information Communication System High speed transmission Information center Data ETS-VIII WINDS

21 Implementation Plan Capacity building Capacity building Needless to say, capacity building activities are most important thing for sustainable operation of the program. JAXA and AIT have been implementing a training program focused on disaster mitigation. First Term:5 week classes and research work at AITFirst Term:5 week classes and research work at AIT Second Term:1 week fieldworks at participant ’ s countrySecond Term:1 week fieldworks at participant ’ s country Third Term: 3 week final report making at AITThird Term: 3 week final report making at AIT

22 Interoperable data Latest Images Basement data: Map or Satellite image(250m) Attentions: ALOS(10m), ASTER(15-30m), MODIS(250m) Analyzed Information colored tsunami area, estimated population, collapsed buildings, etc. with comments from experts From the Site Map, Photo, Voice, etc. from the sites with GPS Relationship with GLIDE Easy information sharing by using GLIDE (GLobal unique disaster IDEntifier number) Special Page When the Huge disaster occurs, the special page would be opened immediately

23 Asian region integrated forest map CRISP’s local map (Singapore) satellite observation network in Asian region Local forest fire map with MODIS data CSIRO’s local map (Australia) MODIS data receiving and Local map generation Map Integration through WebGIS interface (Digital Asia) Developed by Keio Univ. ( Future Plan ) - Facilitate more partners for forest fire monitoring - Potential next step is a Flood application - Develop the new applications from other satellites AIT/Tokyo univ. ‘s Local Map (Thai) Demonstration Project for Wild Fire Overlay Retrieving by Space and Time

24 PresentPrecipitation Estimated Precipitation Probability > IFNet member countries Disaster Prevention Organizations of the concerned countries the concerned countries GPM GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) Data Processing (NASA, JAXA) (NASA, JAXA) 3-hourly Precipitation Map Global Flood Alert System (GFAS-1) Flood Alert ! Demonstration Project for Flooding

25 Schedule 2006 2005 2007 cy MODISWebGISnetwork 1 st meeting Hanoi 2 nd meeting Bangkok ALOSWebGISnetwork ▲ ▲ 3 rd meeting India? Link toADRC Regional Hazard map ETS-VIII APRSAF-13 Indonesia ALOS Link to operational User agency Detail Hazard map Digital Asia Data dissemination, training Data distribution, data sharing nodes Interactive WINDS ▲ APRSAF 12 ▲ ▲ Keio Univ. JAXA, AIT WebGISbase Platform 30 terminals in 5 years High speed networking Feb. Nov. June. ▲ Implementation meeting Singapore ▲ APAN Digital Asia meeting ▲

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