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NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The Police Leadership and Innovation Conference Manchester, 14th and 15th November 2011 The case: The Norwegian Police.

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Presentation on theme: "NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The Police Leadership and Innovation Conference Manchester, 14th and 15th November 2011 The case: The Norwegian Police."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The Police Leadership and Innovation Conference Manchester, 14th and 15th November 2011 The case: The Norwegian Police Rune Glomseth Norwegian Police University College

2 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Agenda: New Public Leadership: The Norwegian Police 2011-2012 1.Reforms, NPM NPL and The Norwegian Police 2.22th of July 2011 – the terroraction in Oslo and at Utøya (the island) –A turning point in the Norwgian society –A turning point for the police in Norway 3.The major leadership challenges for the police in Norway

3 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Trends of development in Norway the last thirty years General: Public Management reforms is usually thought of as means to 1.Produce cheaper public services 2.Improving the quality of public services 3.More efficient government 4.Enhance political control Norway A strong restructurering of the public sector the last three decades Norway – ”the reluctant reformer” Restructuring and focus on management and leadership NPM have not been the one and only answer Still there are a strong demand for reforms in The Norwegian public sector To develop the ability to innovate and change at all levels of government And the four point above will continue, but the ideas from NPM are strongly questioned Can post NPM or NPL give the answers? 04.10.2015 Side 3

4 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Reforms in the Norwegian Police The Police-reform 2000 – some points Restructuring: from 54 to 27 policedistricts January the 1th 2001 and.. More focus on management and leadership – professionalising police leadership Developing performence indicators – scorecard and performance management The Police reform has meant some improvements, but it has not met the demands for more quality and efficiency The Police Result Reform 2010 – 2013 – some main points Background: a wide analysis of the police in 2010 Restructuring the police -fewer and bigger police districts – centralization Restructering within every police district – fewer policestations and fewer departments Centralization of some administrative tasks More efficient police service Better quality Better coordination More sustainable police districts Improve interaction with the citizens and the neighbourhoods 04.10.2015 Side 4

5 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The Norwegian Government Buildings before the explotion 04.10.2015 Side 5

6 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The car with the bomb placed near to the entrance 04.10.2015 Side 6

7 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Oslo (the bomb) and Utøya (the killings). Distance: approx 50 km 04.10.2015 Side 7

8 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Oslo; view of city, 30 minutes after the explotion of the bomb 04.10.2015 Side 8

9 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The Norwegian Government Buildings after the explotion 04.10.2015 Side 9 Oslo, 22th July 2011

10 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Terror in Norway – a turning point?

11 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Utøya – Police Photoes from the Investigation 04.10.2015 Side 11 69 killed and approx 60 casualties

12 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Utøya The Government Building 04.10.2015 Side 12 In total:  77 dead  250-255 injured

13 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE This was a terrible situation and a tremendous challenge Some questions 04.10.2015 Side 13  Was the police prepared to tacle a situation like this? organized, educated, trained, equiped  How was the policeoperations coordenated?  How did the police cooperate with the army?  How did the police cooperate with paramedics and hospitals?  How can the police improve?  What can be done to prevent a terrorsituation like this to happend?

14 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The investigation 04.10.2015 Side 14 Assistent SIO: Police Superintendent Egil Kulseth SIO: Police Superintendent John Roger Lund

15 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Challenges establishing the 22/7 Unit Leadership and management Organizing the investigation Structure - projects Communication Personell – recruiting the best and a sufficient number Resources, mamdate Offices Equipement Media

16 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The Investigation – some numbers  145 CIDs working the Oslo-case  The investigation is organized as a project with 15 subprojects  The suspect interogation – until now approx 130 hours (medio nov 2011)  Approx 300 witneses  Information – approx tips 1500  Videotape approx 55 000 hours from 185 cameras

17 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Some reactions: - Considerable increase in budget to the police - The Minister of Justice left office November the 11th. - A new name From: The Justice- and Police Departementet To: The Justice and Emergency Department This is a very strong signal 04.10.2015 Side 17  Resourses for the investigation  Encrease in budget to The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST),  Encreased budget to the policehelicopter service  Encreased budget to the antiterrorpolice

18 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The main challenges 04.10.2015 Side 18  Knowledge based policing (1)Enhance security and safety (2)Fight crime by problemoriented policing  Public safety – improving police operational emergency in every police district  Restructering within the police districts  changes and leading change  building a good and common culture  develop effective coordination systems  Further develop cooperation with local governments, the public, NGOs

19 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE To summerise the challenges (1) Internal organizational development within the police districts. That mean change the structure, make bigger units, develop the management processes, effective leadership. How can police leadership improve is a very important subject, see under. (2) After the crucial events on July the 21th, there is very much focus and leadership, organizing the police, operational competence, coordination of police and police emergency management (3) To further develop cooperation with local governments, the public, NGOs and others to prevent and fight crime and to ensure safety. How to develop partnerships to prevent crime and disorder.  This probably also mean a new professional police ledership role 04.10.2015 Side 19

20 NORWEGIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE The development of the police as an organization? High Internal complexity Low Extern complexity High Police as a simple structure Police as a simple structure Police as a machine bureaucracy Police as a machine bureaucracy Police as a professional organization Police as a matrix- organi- sation Network police Network police The new and modern police Rune Glomseth, 12.11.11 Exspert police 20


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