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1 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 A step towards harmonization of Soil Information in Europe Marc Van Liedekerke, Panos Panagos

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Presentation on theme: "1 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 A step towards harmonization of Soil Information in Europe Marc Van Liedekerke, Panos Panagos"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 A step towards harmonization of Soil Information in Europe Marc Van Liedekerke, Panos Panagos A European Soil Portal

2 2 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Data The European Soil Data Base v2 Raster Archive European Soil Database Documents European Soil Bureau Research Reports-Other Research Reports &Papers European Soil Data Base Map Archive Applications SOMIS (SOil Map Internet Server): Standalone web-based application Map Viewer: Web Mapping Service (WMS) application (INSPIRE compliant) European Soils by theme Soil Erosion Organic Carbon in Topsoils Projects Development of a prototype for the update of European soil data (INSPIRE) Eco-pedological Map of the Alps Events (Conferences, Workshops, Meetings, Summer School) * Mailing list, What is new: In order to keep interested persons up to date. Soils Portal: The contribution of the S&W Unit to the building of a thematic spatial data infrastructure on soils

3 3 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 10k x 10k rasters derived from the 1:1,000,000 ESDB data Free public access to these degraded but usable data (models) Raster data files for 73 attributes: Soil Database Attributes Pedotransfer Database Attributes In 2 co-ordinate systems : GISCO Lambert Azimuth co-ordinate system LAEA_ERTS INSPIRE Reference Grid: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Initial point for the development of a prototype system for updating data Data (1): Raster Archive

4 4 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Data (2):Distribution of Soil Database Soil Database (distribution version 1) will be available on CD-ROM through the OPOCE (by the end of 2004) Distribution consists of 4 components Soil Geographical Database of Europe Pedotransfer Rules database Soil Profile Analytical database Database of Hydraulic properties Distribution version 2 has been finalised (Limited number of Copies) Full Database documentation is available in the Soil Portal: Metadata Database Dictionaries Attributes coding Only the Raw data will not be distributed

5 5 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Documents(1): Research Reports,Papers, CD-ROMS A repository for European Soil Bureau Network Research Reports (16 reports) A common place for other research reports, papers and CDs (18 reports) Some CD-ROMs: 2 Summer School Soil Thematic Strategy Ground Water Resources, etc Multilingual versions of Reports (Example: Manual of Procedures EN, FR, IT, ES) The user can: Preview the cover-page of the report Download Navigate the Contents Navigate the CD-ROM

6 6 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Collection of maps representing all attributes: Soil Database Attributes Pedotransfer Database Attributes PDF format (A3), sizes typically between 1 and 2 MB Dominant value Maps For each theme, 3 maps available : Thematic Purity: is an indicator of the quality of a thematic map Confident:an indicator of the quality of an attribute value (provided by the contributor) Documents(2): Map Archive Example map : volume of stones

7 7 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Dynamic Internet application to European Soil Database Map operations: zooming, panning, querying, layering, printing, view legend User can view, navigate and inspect soil data but cannot download User friendly application like a GIS Tool – No need for specific S/W(only web browser) The data contents are fully documented Applications (1): SOMIS (SOil Map Internet Server) Standalone web-based application for the navigation of soil related maps

8 8 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Applications(2) SOMIS version 2.0

9 9 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 presentation of all attributes (73) as map layers ; all attributes are taken from the Soil Geographical Database (v4 beta) and associated Pedo Transfer Rules Database (v2) grouped in 14 categories Dynamically Expanded Tree Menus (on the right side) in order to host the 73 different Layers (grouped into 14 groups) Possibility to focus on one country (in the Top Menu) Availability of more interactive mapping Operations (Zoom in, Zoom out, Full Extent, Previous Extent, Panning, Panning to 4 directions, Query data, Identify, Select Features by Line/Polygon) Advanced printing capabilities On Line Help Button Applications (3): SOMIS Features

10 10 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Applications(4) SOMIS Version 1.0

11 11 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Applications(5): Map Viewer Web Mapping Service (WMS) application (INSPIRE compliant) Runs as a server to serve maps to WMS clients (e.g. INSPIRE Map Viewer) Combine layers of maps located in different Map servers all around the World Regions Map,Road Soils Map user

12 12 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 INSPIRE Map Viewer: Integrates maps residing on multiple spatial servers Applications(6): Map Viewer

13 13 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 European Soils by theme(1): Soil Erosion Place to make available information on Soil themes CD-ROM: Nature & Extent of Soil Erosion in Europe (PESERA project) Soil erosion estimates (t/ha/yr) by applying the PESERA GRID model at 1km, using the European Soil Database, CORINE land cover, climate data These data are freely available upon request

14 14 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 European Soils by theme(2):Organic Carbon The data are in ESRI GRID format and are available as an ASCII raster file or in native ESRI GRID format (1Km) Documented in the booklet Map of Organic Carbon in Topsoils in Europe (EUR-21209) These data are freely available upon request

15 15 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Projects(1): Development of Prototype European 10k x 10k raster derived from the 1:1,000,000 ESDB data Question: How those grids can be updated? A proposed 1 st step(methodology): Regional data providers would send data in raster format (participatory approach) to JRC JRC would then integrate the regional data in updated European rasters. Is it according to INSPIRE principles? Example: WRB_LV1 Soil reference group code (WRB)

16 16 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 10k x 10k raster derived from the Italian Eco- pedological map (scale 1:250.000) Data are more accurate and detailed The 1k x 1k raster Grid is even more accurate(the images can be compared) JRC identifies Regions in Europe where this prototype can be developed! Example: RIF_S1 Soil reference group code(WRB)? Projects(2): Development of Prototype

17 17 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 ECALP Project EC opedological map of ALPs Create a useful network among regional and national institutions which own and manage soil data Exchange of knowledge and experience among different regions, different countries Set up and update of a shared soil database for the Alps Use of participatory approach, according to the principles of INSPIRE Exchange of harmonised soil information Develop common procedures to allow data exchange, updating and evaluation for some application purposes Give an overview of available information on alpine soils

18 18 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 ECALP Project ( Activities) Choice of pilot areas, one for each partner, within the territory of the Alpine Convention, according to their relevance with respect to soil related issues AUSTRIA ITALY (Regions: Lombardia, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Veneto, Piemonte) FRANCE (Region: Rhône-Alpes) SLOVENIA SWITZERLAND Definition of a common format for data exchange Testing of the exchange format in sample areas Filling in the exchange format and updating Working out a first draft of Ecopedological Map of the Alps by means of available harmonised data (European Soil Database at scale 1:1.000.000, Ecopedological Map of Italy 1:250.000 scale). State of the art of the project and related documents are available at the net (

19 19 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Presentations which were made in various events (Conferences, Workshops, Meetings) Future events What is New: Be informed about the latest updates in the Eusoils site Eusoils Mailing List: Subscribe How to be informed?

20 20 SOMIS: ISPRA 25/11/2004 Continuous updates of the site Better Graphical Interface and new functionality Dissemination and publicity of the site. Co-ordination with a contact point from the ESBN Add information about ESBN (Names, Meetings, Committees, Working Groups, Activities, achievements) Give feedback to us Close collaboration for the contents - Work together What is next? Future

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