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its organisational network EIONET

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1 its organisational network EIONET
The EEA, its organisational network EIONET and ETC/TE Martha Wepner Umweltbundesamt European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment Szentendre, 17 November 2003

2 EEA, EIONET, ETC/TE Outline EEA Reporting Networking
What are NFPs/NRCs What are ETCs ETC/TE and its contribution to the soil work program

3 EEA European Environment Agency - EEA
one of 11 specialised European Union Agencies EEC Regulation 1210/1990 Operational since 1994 European Reference Centre for environmental information Other agencies: e.g. JRC, Eurostat, CEN EEA provides access to environmental infromation through the European Reference Centre

4 The EEA mission statement
‘EEA aims to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe’s environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public.’

5 What are the objectives of the mandate?
EEA EEA What are the objectives of the mandate? To provide environmental information Helping the Community and member countries to identify effective environmental measures and assess its actual and expected progress Maintaining and coordinating the EIONET based on shared information

6 EEA Who are EEA's clients? Institution level: General public:
European Commission, Parliament, Council, EEA member countries General public: NGOs, business, media, advisory, groups/persons, debaters and the policy engaged public


8 EEA Main tasks Main products networking monitoring and reporting
EEA publications the Agency’s website ( No research body No policy maker No regulator

9 EEA - reporting Reporting cycle Broad integrated assessments
(Five-year state & trends reports, eg. Kiev) Indicator based reports (yearly Signals Report, TERM report) Specific issue reports (eg. Greenhouse gases, GMOs) Best practices (eg. Wastewater treatment report) Frameworks, guidelines or databases TERM report: Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM 2002: first to include the accession countries)

10 EEA - networking EEA’s networking partners
EIONET partners in 31 member countries Co-ordinated activities within EC services and programmes International Organisations (UNEP, UNECE, WHO, OECD and WMO) Last one Poland (end of 2002) 31 in April 2003 (Turkey)

11 EEA - networking EEA Networking
EIONET: both: networking of organisations and electronic network EIONET elements: NFP, NRC, MCE, ETC

12 EEA - networking EIONET
European Environment Information and Observation Network more than 300 national institutions National Focal Point (1 per country) National Reference Centre (various topics) Main Component Elements European Topic Centre (5) EIONET: both: networking of organisations and electronic network EIONET elements: NFP, NRC, MCE, ETC

13 National Focal Points Role of NFPs
Networking EEA Role of NFPs Co-ordinate Member State input to EEA work programme Build telematics network in Member State Co-ordinate data flows to ETCs and for EEA reports Motivate NRCs and MCEs Appointed by member countries

14 National Reference Centre
Networking EEA Role of NRCs/MCEs Provide data to ETCs and EEA Advice on technical aspects to ETC work programme Comment and review EEA and ETCs reports Maintain telematics network connection and data flows Share experience with other NRCs/MCEs

15 European Topic Centre - ETC
Networking ETC Role of ETCs Work under contract to EEA Deliver reports, databases, networks Improve comparability of data Advise on plugging data gaps Support DG Environment on Implementation Represent EEA in various forums

16 European Topic Centre - ETC
Networking ETC Objectives To provide policy relevant information on past trends, current state and prospective development (of land and soil) in Europe To support legislative frameworks To support EEA enlargement Provision of policy relevant information

17 European Topic Centre - ETC
Networking ETC Structure Consortia with one leading institution 5 ETCs ETC/TE ETC/W ETC/ACC ETC/WMF ETC/NPB

18 European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment
ETC/TE ETC/TE Priority areas Soil degradation Land use Urban environment Coastal environment Soil degradation: contamination, sealing, erosion Soil contamination: - local soil contamination - diffuse soil contamination (sewage sludge, heavy metal accumulation in agricultural topsoils)

19 Structure ETC/TE Consortium composed of 10 partners. Leading organisation UAB Barcelona (Acc. Countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania) Soil degradation: contamination, sealing, erosion Soil contamination: - local soil contamination - diffuse soil contamination (sewage sludge, heavy metal accumulation in agricultural topsoils)

20 Background ETC/TE Soil Land Cover Marine and Coastal Environment
Terrestrial Environment Marine and Coastal Environment Soil Land Cover Consortium composed of 10 partners. Leading organisation UAB Barcelona (Acc. Countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania) Soil degradation: contamination, sealing, erosion Soil contamination: - local soil contamination - diffuse soil contamination (sewage sludge, heavy metal accumulation in agricultural topsoils)

21 Mission How do we fulfil our mission? DPSIR chain Land cover changes
ETC/TE How do we fulfil our mission? Integrated assessments DPSIR chain Environmental indicators Land cover changes Soil degradation Impact on land (e.g. fragmentation) Support to EU & international policy frameworks (e.g. Soil Thematic Strategy)

22 Soil issues Local soil contamination Diffuse soil contamination
ETC/TE Local soil contamination Contamination from point sources (waste disposal, industrial activities, mining sites, military sites, accidents, etc.) Diffuse soil contamination Contaminants transported over wide areas (including heavy metals, acidification, nutrients surplus – eutrophication, etc.) Soil sealing Covering of soil due to urbanisation, infrastacture construction Consortium composed of 10 partners. Leading organisation UAB Barcelona (Acc. Countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania) Soil degradation: contamination, sealing, erosion Soil contamination: - local soil contamination - diffuse soil contamination (sewage sludge, heavy metal accumulation in agricultural topsoils)

23 Soil issues Development of soil indicators since 1996
ETC/TE Development of soil indicators since 1996 In course of ETC/S and ETC/TE EIONET workshops 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 Discussions/agreement on indicators and definitions Data requests Development of core set of indicators (3 indicators on local soil contamination) Reporting on soil EIONET data request 2003 Local soil contamination Diffuse soil contamination Soil sealing Consortium composed of 10 partners. Leading organisation UAB Barcelona (Acc. Countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania) Soil degradation: contamination, sealing, erosion Soil contamination: - local soil contamination - diffuse soil contamination (sewage sludge, heavy metal accumulation in agricultural topsoils)

24 Local soil contamination
ETC/TE Core Set of Indicators (priority data flow) Management of contaminated sites Remediation expenditures Soil polluting activities (incl. hot spot map) New indicators (non priority data flow) Landfills Mining sites Remediation activities New indicators as a result of discussions Main problem: harmonised data, lack of reporting obligation –> EIONET data request 2003

25 How much progress is done in the management of contaminated sites?
Local soil contamination ETC/TE

26 What are the major sources of contamination?
Local soil contamination ETC/TE

27 How much is spent for the remediation of contaminated sites?
Local soil contamination ETC/TE € per capita and year

28 How much is spent for the remediation of contaminated sites?
Local soil contamination ETC/TE Source: CLC 1990 and ESRI Population Density

29 Thank you for your attention!

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