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A VENBURY L AKES 2012 S PRING K ICK O FF Brickman March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "A VENBURY L AKES 2012 S PRING K ICK O FF Brickman March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 A VENBURY L AKES 2012 S PRING K ICK O FF Brickman March 2012

2 Spring Operations Weed Control Mowing Dormant Pruning North Pond Drain Springhouse Middleton Plantings Meadow Mow Lines Snow Removal REVIEW TOPICS

3 S PRING O PERATIONS Removal of late falling leaves Ornamental grass and perennial cleanup Meadow mowing Create 2” deep edge around perimeter of beds and tree rings without increasing bed size All homes and common areas will receive 1” of double shredded hardwood mulch Mulch application is scheduled for mid April? Residents with irrigation systems: Please mark heads and components close to perimeter (6” from existing edge) of beds and tree rings. Flags are located at information center.


5 W EED C ONTROL Pre emergent Herbicide Hand Pulling Post emergent herbicides Thistle Control in Meadow Areas

6 M OWING Anticipate mowing will start within next 2 weeks Spring growth and clippings will be recycled Thursday mow schedule 3 crews (15 employees) Crews will work in sections to help improve timing of cleanup and detail work

7 D ORMANT P RUNING - P HASE 3 OF 3 Buckingham Southampton Hathaway Charles Ct Detroit Road Homes

8 D ORMANT P RUNING O BJECTIVES Rejuvenate the plant Reduce size and density of the plant Improve air flow for disease and insect suppression. Remove dead, damaged and diseased wood Correct structural issues (cross branching) Maintain distance between the plant and the building structure Prevent plant from encroaching on drives and walks

9 D ORMANT P RUNING Before (November)After (January)


11 S PRINGHOUSE Springhouse winterized in November Pumps stored and protected from damage over the winter Pumps scheduled for installation in mid April

12 M EADOW M OW L INES Establish consistent separation between meadow and maintained turf throughout the community Review of mow lines scheduled for the end of April

13 SNOW REMOVAL Plow markers to be removed by 1 st of April Damage from snow removal to be reported to information center by April 30 th. Items not reported by this date may not be covered. Brickman requests first opportunity to make repairs. Repairs made without reporting to information center may not be covered by Brickman Sod, boulders and other landscape damages will be put back in place or repaired

14 COMMUNICATION REMINDER Questions, concerns or individual requests should be submitted to the Information Center



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