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Performance measurement. Must be careful what performance metric we use For example, say we have a NN classifier with 1 output unit, and we code ‘1 =

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Presentation on theme: "Performance measurement. Must be careful what performance metric we use For example, say we have a NN classifier with 1 output unit, and we code ‘1 ="— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance measurement

2 Must be careful what performance metric we use For example, say we have a NN classifier with 1 output unit, and we code ‘1 = YES’ and ‘0 = NO’ Should we threshold at 0.5, saying that anything > 0.5 is a 1, anything =< 0.5 is a zero?

3 Performance measurement Only if classification/misclassification cost are the same for each of the two classes Output threshold of 0.5 is not set in stone What is performance if we use decision threshold of 0.6, or 0.4?

4 Performance measurement For example, in predicting consumer creditworthiness: Are costs of loaning money to someone who then defaults same as: Costs of not lending money to someone who would in actual fact have repaid the loan?

5 Confusion matrix/crosstabs Calculate four quantities: True Positives (TP): answer = YES, network said YES True Negatives (TN): answer = NO, network said NO False Positives (FP): answer = NO, network said YES False Negatives (FN): answer = YES, network said NO

6 Confusion matrix

7 Calculate a confusion matrix for many different output thresholds (e.g., 0.1, 0.2 …0.9) From these matrices, calculate the following values: Calculate probabilities hit rate = true positive ratio = sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN) false alarm rate = false positive ratio = FP/(FP+TN) Plot Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve

8 ROC Curve

9 ROC curve

10 ROC curves Area under curve gives idea of how good classifier is. 0.5 = no good, approaching 1 = excellent Can then build in profits/costs of different correct answers/mistakes into the confusion matrices to build a Gains Chart. Again, look at this area on chart Classifier with highest area on gains chart is the most profitable

11 Values for gains chart

12 Performance of regression networks Mean square error? Goodness of fit, R squared values? Again, are costs/benefits of errors same for all different values? Useful to ‘eyeball’ data, see if there are some areas where network is good, some where not as good, look at relative costs

13 Summary When you measure performance, be careful what you are measuring!

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