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Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Dr. Anita Künitzer – ETC manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Dr. Anita Künitzer – ETC manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Dr. Anita Künitzer – ETC manager

2 Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager ETC/ Water Consortium Consist of 12 partner institutions across Europe Consist of 12 partner institutions across Europe Consortium established upon EEA call for tender for a new ETC Water (21/01/06) Consortium established upon EEA call for tender for a new ETC Water (21/01/06)

3 Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager

4 Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager Partner institutions Czech Environmental Information Agency CENIA Czech Republic Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe BGRGermany DHI Water & Environment DHIDenmark Ecologic, Institute for International and European Environmental Policy EcologicGermany Finnish Environment Institute SYKEFinland Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia IWRS Republic of Slovenia Institute of Marine Sciences IMS-METUTurkey International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICESDenmark Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia INGVItaly KIWA Water Research B.V. KIWA The Netherlands National Technical University of Athens NTUAGreece Norwegian Institute for Water Research NIVANorway

5 Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager ETC/W Implementation Plan 2007 Project code Project name k 1.1.2 Reportnet services 23 2.4.1 Assessing progress in integration (energy) 4 4.1.1 Conceptual implementation of water data centre – defining data needs 100 4.1.2 Data capture and data quality assurance 144 4.1.3WISE149 4.2.1 Climate Change and water 59 4.2.2 Pan-European marine assessments 92,5 4.2.3 Black Sea report 6 4.2.4 Small water bodies – assessment of status and threats 19,5 4.2.5 Water resources and use, integrated water management 76 4.2.6Indicators49 4.3.1 LARA – Linkages between agriculture and water quality 38 4.3.2 Agriculture and environment/agri-environmental indicators 11 5.2.2 IPPC-directive and E-PRTR 21 11.1.7ETC-management158 TOTAL EEA Budget 950

6 Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager NRC networking of ETC/W QA questions on waterbase: old + 2007 data QA questions on waterbase: old + 2007 data WISE: links to national websites WISE: links to national websites Data sets for water accounting test Data sets for water accounting test Service contract on West Balkan countries 2007/2008 Service contract on West Balkan countries 2007/2008

7 Date/ event: 3rd October 2007, EIONET workshop Author: Dr. Anita Künitzer, ETC manager We are looking forward to co-operating with you!

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