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 How do I motivate students to learn?. “There is and there can be no teaching where the attention of the scholar is not secured. The teacher who fails.

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Presentation on theme: " How do I motivate students to learn?. “There is and there can be no teaching where the attention of the scholar is not secured. The teacher who fails."— Presentation transcript:

1  How do I motivate students to learn?

2 “There is and there can be no teaching where the attention of the scholar is not secured. The teacher who fails to get the attention of his scholars, fails totally.”

3 “A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering cold iron.”

4 Wise Sayings?????  It makes little difference what you study, if only you hate it.  It is the bitter medicine that does you good.  A cold bath every morning develops will power.

5 More Wise Sayings???  Self discipline through suffering builds sturdy character  Life is full of drudgery and school should prepare people for life as it actually is.

6 Motivation is either:  A general trait: Some students seem motivated to learn regardless of the activity.  Situation specific state: Sometimes the activity is the motivator. Students want to learn about horses, but could care less about wildlife. Research on Motivating Students

7 More concerned with motivation in a situation-specific state-- getting students to learn information that they are not necessarily interested in learning. Acquired through:  modeling  communication of expectations  direct instruction

8 The effort people will expend on a task is a product of:  the degree to which they expect to be successful if they apply themselves. (Need to believe they can accomplish the task)  the benefits successful task completion will bring to them. (Need to believe the task is worthwhile)

9  Supportive Environment (Has to be OK to give an incorrect answer in class)  Appropriate level of challenge/difficulty  Meaningful learning objectives  Moderation/optimal use (Don’t over-use any motivation technique!)

10 Extrinsic Incentives  Rewards for good performance  Structure appropriate competition  Emphasize instrumental value of academic activities Motivation from an outside source

11 Capitalize on Intrinsic Motivation (from within)  Adapt tasks to students’ interests  Include novelty/variety elements  Allow opportunities for student decisions  Allow students to create finished products  Include simulation in teaching  Incorporate game-like features  Provide interaction with peers

12  Model interest in learning  important for students to see the teacher as someone who is interested in new information   Communicate desirable expectations  need to see teacher expects students to succeed

13  Minimize students’ performance anxiety  students will not learn if they are afraid to fail  Project intensity and enthusiasm  teacher abilities that are contagious for students  Induce task interest or appreciation  important to make the content important to the learner

14 Interest Approaches at the beginning of a lesson can help to increase student interest in learning

15 Three Major Goals of an Interest Approach  Get the attention of the students  Create a mental set  Create uncertainty. This leads to a felt need to know more!

16 Get the attention of students  Relia (models, specimens, tools, etc.  Stories  Problem situations

17  Relia: Don’t just show the students the object. Discuss something about the object with the class  Stories or Jokes: Not just any story--make sure the story is related to the lesson  Problem Situation: Giving students a problem and letting them come up with possible solutions can often stimulate interest

18 Create a Mental Set  Ask about their experiences  Determine a baseline of information  Begin to focus on the topic

19  By following the previous suggestions, students will begin to see the application and importance of the topic to their lives.  Provides a logical lead-in to the lesson.  Sets the stage for developing uncertainty.

20 Create uncertainty leading to a felt need to know more!  Ultimate goal of an interest approach!  Students must understand there is more to learn  Accomplished by skilled questioning --general to specific

21  Many agricultural topics are somewhat familiar to the students.  As long as they feel they already know the information, there is little reason for them to pay attention to what you want to teach!  Important for you to help them realize they do not know everything they need to know about the topic.

22 Process: General to Specific Questions Ask a general question that most students should be able to answer? Important: In order to create uncertainty, you should know acknowledge correct responses! Keep them in suspense throughout this stage of the interest approach!!! What are some important things to consider in establishing a lawn? Possible student responses: soil preparation, type of grass, fertilizers needed, how to seed or sod, etc.

23 Select one of the responses (one you had anticipated and prepared for) and ask a more specific question. What types of grasses are available? Possible answers: fescue, bermudagrass, etc. Ask a more specific question. Which type of fescue is best suited for this area? Students may respond as if they know. If they do, Question their responses. Could other types of fescue grow better in this situation? Will this type of fescue grow well in any condition? Is it possible that new varieties have been developed?


25 Characteristics of Good Interest Approaches  Related to the topic being taught  Brief  Stimulates thinking  Involves students  Arouses curiosity  Creates a personal felt need to know more

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