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The relationship between EUROWATERNET and the Water Framework Directive
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Requirements of the Water Framework Directive Comparison with EUROWATERNET and other work of the ETC/WTR Gaps in information/requirements in terms of EEA and WFD needs
Surface water status
Water Framework Directive Article 4 - Environmental Objectives
To prevent deterioration of status of all surface water bodies To achieve good surface water status (15 years) For artificial and heavily modified waters (15 years) Good ecological potential Good chemical status
Water Framework Directive Article 4 - Environmental Objectives
Reduce pollution from priority substances and cease or phase out emissions, discharges and losses of priority hazardous substances Article Priority hazardous substances - appropriate timetable for cessation not exceeding 20 years after adoption of proposals by EP and Council
Water Framework Directive Surface water status
Quality elements for the classification of ecological status (Rivers, Lakes, Transitional waters, Coastal waters, Artificial and heavily modified surface water bodies Normative definitions for high, good and moderate ecological status classifications in all water types Definitions for maximum, good and moderate ecological potential for heavily modified or artificial water bodies
Biological Quality Elements for the classification of ecological status
1 = composition and abundance 2 = composition, abundance and biomass 3 = composition, abundance and age structure
Chemical and physicochemical elements supporting the biological elements
Specific pollutants: Pollution by all priority substances identified as being discharged into the body of water Pollution by other substances identified as being discharged into the body of water
Hydromorphological elements supporting the biological elements
Typology, reference conditions and pressures
Information required by Article 5 (Characterisation of River Basin District)
typology of water bodies type-specific reference conditions significant point and diffuse sources significant water abstraction, total annual demand, and loss in distribution systems significant water flow regulation significant morphological alterations other significant anthropogenic impacts estimation of land use patterns assessment of likelihood of failure to meet the environmental quality objectives
Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET
Water Framework Directive Identification of reference conditions for the surface water body types EEA EUROWATERNET selection criteria and network could help with this process
Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET
Water Framework Direct. significant pressures and impact of human activity EEA/EUROWATERNET Workbook/guidelines including relationship with IPPC Directive (Workbook/guidelines including HARP and other initiatives) Proxy indicators based on Corine Land cover Eurowaternet-Quantity criteria and harmonised definitions with Eurostat
Monitoring required by the Water Framework Directive
Surface water monitoring network should: provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of ecological and chemical status, and ecological potential within each river basin and allow classification of water bodies be shown on maps in River Basin Management Plan. Have an acceptable level of precision and confidence Be operational within 6 years
Surveillance monitoring
“Surveillance monitoring shall be carried out of sufficient surface water bodies to provide an assessment of the overall surface water status within each catchment or sub catchments within the River Basin District.
Water Framework Directive - definitions
Surface water: means inland waters except groundwater; transitional waters and coastal waters, except in respect of chemical status for which it shall also include territorial waters (~22 km).
Water Framework Directive -operational monitoring
status of bodies at risk of failing EOs, and changes in status from programmes of measures. sufficient monitoring points in bodies at risk from significant point and diffuse source pressures, representative of relative risks of occurrence and of failure to achieve good status
EUROWATERNET aims to provide information
Representative of: Europe - all regions country water types within each country pressures placed on the water environment policies in place - effectiveness changes with time emerging/unforeseen issues
Comparison of EUROWATERNET and Water Framework Directive
Basic network Fully representative network Impact network Water Framework Directive Surveillance monitoring Operational monitoring Investigative monitoring
Reporting to the Commission
River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) and all subsequent updates Summary reports the analyses required under Article 5 monitoring programmes designed under Article 8 Interim reports progress with the implementation of measures
Commission Reports - Article 17 (1,2)
Review of progress in the implementation of the Directive; status of surface water and groundwater in the Community undertaken in co-ordination with EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT AGENCY; Survey of River Basin Management Plans Summary of any proposals, control measures and strategies developed under Article 16
Format of information available for Commission reports?
Most detailed information will be in RBMP - in national languages and potentially in different formats No detailed guidance as yet on how this information is to be delivered to Commission Much information as maps format? numerical data?
Information and data arising from WFD DIFFICULTY
Format of information: paper reports maps language Long time-lag in reporting 2004: First report - summary report 2009: First RBMPs EEA required to report much sooner
Information and data arising from WFD OPPORTUNITY
Develop EUROWATERNET for the EEA and as framework system for MSs reporting under WFD Suitable electronic format is ESSENTIAL Removal of duplication of effort Improved data quality Streamlining reporting process at European level
Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET
MAPPING Maps of marine areas being produced by ETC/WTR European river network and river catchments (the 1000 largest) maps. JRC project Electronic format with a common codification and naming of catchments and rivers Pan European maps will be produced.
Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET - Commission Reports
Representative information on water types, water body size, state (quality and quantity) and pressures in each River Basin and at a European level using EUROWATERNET Information on reference stations and unimpacted water bodies
Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET - Commission Reports
Information on riverine loads and direct discharges to coastal waters Electronic exchange of information and aggregated data using proforma and exchange modules Data and information stored in Waterbase Data visualisation using Web applications
Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET - Groundwater body characterisation
General description Meteorological characterisation Hydrogeology Human impacts Excel or Internet-Online Questionnaire Map Location and boundaries
Online Questionnaire
Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET
Significant gaps in terms of the time when the information and data required under the WFD would become available for use by the EEA. Thus the EEA will need to proceed with the full implementation of EUROWATERNET to bridge this gap in policy relevant information it requires to meet its obligations.
Streamlining the reporting process
Streamlining the reporting process Rationalising the need for information
What type of information is required to assess effectiveness of policies identify gaps in policies identify the need for new policies detect unforeseen changes or problems Relatively few questions in current reporting requirements on “effectiveness” of Directives
Basic considerations Countries keen to maximise use of their monitoring information Prevent unnecessary duplication in terms of reporting to international organisations Information must be used to good effect and mutual benefit Too many ‘data-graveyards’. Thus EUROWATERNET is firmly based on national programmes
Streamlining reporting and information flow
Streamlining reporting does not necessarily mean a reduction or increase in monitoring - optimisation, use of models Monitoring maybe more targeted But there are large gaps in current national monitoring networks to meet current and future information needs - Commission, Water Framework Directive and EEA Targeted cost-effective monitoring and information needed - “bridging the gap”
How EUROWATERNET can deliver EC/EEA needs
Definition of what is required and how it can be obtained - policy relevant indicators to “bridge the gap” Provision of relevant information Improve reporting process Improve information dissemination
Streamlining reporting at a European level
EUROWATERNET used for reporting to the Commission facilitation of information transfer, as monitoring and assessment systems are developed for the WFD streamlining initiatives started with OSPAR Commission - RID and WATERBASE WATERBASE to store and disseminate the extensive data collected for the COMMPS procedure
Use of EUROWATERNET for reporting on water at a European level
EEA and DG(Environment) to produce a joint paper on how EUROWATERNET can be developed and extended to be the mechanism for reporting to Commission and EEA Nitrate, UWWT and Framework Directives Extend to Marine Conventions? Joint paper should be ready in November 2001
Future developments of EUROWATERNET and Water Framework Directive
Future priorities for action arising out of the Silkeborg workshop
support focus of new ETC on all water issues, on EWN and indicators, and WFD as the key policy framework for assessment support co-operation between EEA/ETC and WFD Article 21 Committee in the development of reporting needs and process ask EEA/ETC to develop EWN/W’base and indicators (including biological) to incorporate transitional, coastal waters and marine waters consistent with WFD needs Ask EEA/ETC and DGEnv to prioritise development of definitions and measurement methods for ecology/hydromorphology and other areas of uncertainty for EWN/WFD
Common Strategy on the Implementation of the WFD
Strategic Co-ordination Group Expert Advisory Forum (EAF) on priority substances EAF on groundwater EAF on reporting
Common Strategy on the Implementation of the WFD
Common Strategy on the Implementation of the WFD
Working group on monitoring
Starting point is the common understanding of the Directive’s monitoring requirements For example, size of water body covered Monitoring frequency Inventories of existing national monitoring programmes - updating of earlier ETC work Detailed guidance for monitoring each type of water
Concluding comments Current national monitoring and assessment systems do not allow the formulation of indicators of Ecological and Chemical Status in terms of the Directive These will be developed over time with the progressive implementation of the Directive by MSs Intercalibration required between national systems ETC/EEA indicators will accordingly be developed and refined over time
Concluding comments Essential that the progressive and continued development/implementation of EUROWATERNET should go hand-in-hand with implementation of relevant aspects of WFD This will support initiatives to streamline and optimise the reporting burden at a European level A fully implemented EUROWATERNET will ‘bridge the gap’ in assessing effectiveness of EU legislation
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