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VENETO REGION PILOT AREA Silvia Obber VENETO REGION PILOT AREA Silvia Obber Osservatorio Regionale Suolo - ARPAV Ispra 3-4 February 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "VENETO REGION PILOT AREA Silvia Obber VENETO REGION PILOT AREA Silvia Obber Osservatorio Regionale Suolo - ARPAV Ispra 3-4 February 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 VENETO REGION PILOT AREA Silvia Obber VENETO REGION PILOT AREA Silvia Obber Osservatorio Regionale Suolo - ARPAV Ispra 3-4 February 2005

2 Area: 207 km 2 Pilot Area of Veneto Region (Italy)

3 soil map 1:250.000 of Veneto Region

4 SOIL MAP 1:250.000 rastered by 10 m pixels GRID 1 km 10 m pixel in order to have only 1 SMU value in every pixel

5 STUSMU%_STUN_STU SMU_STU Database of Veneto Region

6 Percentage of each STU in every SMU

7 % of each STU in the SMU % of each STU in the pixel


9 STU max in the pixel (macro)

10 SMU 2 SMU 1 1 km PIXEL DESCRIPTION: STU max STU1ZMB1 40% STU2 SDP1 25% STU3ORN1 20% Bare deposits15% STU1CIA1 30% STU2 ZMB1 25% STU3CTA1 20% Bare deposits 10% STU max ZMB1 STU max ZMB1 PIXEL_id 45252618

11 JOIN (Count field) Pixel 1km Pixel 10 km

12 STU Database of Veneto Region Soil qualities Horizons Classification

13 Exchange format

14 Parameter AGRI-USE (Presence/absence of agricolture) 0 1

15 Parameter IL (Depth class of a presence of an impermeable layer) 2 3 1

16 Parameter ROO (Depth class of an obstacle to roots) 2 4 3 1

17 Parameter WRB-FULL (Full soil code from the WRB) LVct LVctsk LPrzhu PZsk LPca CMskdyGLeu

18 Parameter TOP-DEP (Depth of topsoil - cm) 10 20 18 8 12

19 Parameter TEXT-TOP-DOM (Dominant topsoil textural class) 2 3 9

20 EXCURSION April/May 2004, as soon as the snow melts


22 Soil on metamorphic parent material

23 Since ARPAV has partecipated to: ALPINE SOILS CLASSIFICATION BY WORLD REFERENCE BASE: PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTIONS Soil Classification 2004 Petrozavodsk, Karelia Some of these problems and suggestions could be discussed during the field trip

24 Sesquic qualifier is used for soils having: B horizon with high concentration of Al in soil solution weak sesquioxide traslocation no organic matter traslocation (i.e. not spodic colours). The B structure is fluffy or microgranular with ochre yellow colours Sesquic Cambisols could be seen as intergrades between Cambisols and Podzols, equivalent to Duchaufours sols bruns ocreux (2001) and Alocrisols ocriques (Référentiel Pédologique, 1995) O OA BE Bs C CMskp-dy-sq Suggetion1 - Cambisols: Sesquic (sq) qualifier

25 EXCHANGE FORMAT Ialina Vinci EXCHANGE FORMAT Ialina Vinci Osservatorio Regionale Suolo - ARPAV Ispra 3-4 February 2005

26 3 tables: STU table, PIXEL table and METADATA table DOM_STU added dominant STU coverage (%) also if non soil % > dominant STU %, dom. STU has to be considered for pixel filling in STU_TOT added as sum of all STU coverage (should be 100% with SUR-BARE, SUR-URB, W- BODY) PX-CFL, PX-AVLB, PX-SCALE, PX-OBS, PX- NPROF added to pixel table as data quality indicators LAST NEW VERSION of the exchange format - 1

27 OC-S-30 OC content in the pixel (t/ha), 0-30 cm from the mineral soil surface OC-HUM OC content in the pixel (t/ha), holorganic layers OC-S-100 OC content in the pixel (t/ha), 0-100 cm from the mineral soil surface (not mandatory) S-LOSS actual soil loss in the pixel (t/ha/year) estimated through models (CORINE Erosion?) LAST NEW VERSION of the exchange format - 2


29 How to fill in the STU table

30 PROBLEMS in filling in the STU exchange format - MODULES

31 How to fill in the PIXEL table Parameters of the pixel table (SUR-BARE, SUR-URB, W-BODY) should be calculated for the whole pixel (weighted average of all STUs, including non soil bodies, of the pixel and not only for the dominant STU (as it has been done for all parameters of the dominant STU description table).

32 How to fill in METADATA table One metadata table is required for each pilot area. Descriptions have to be as clear and complete as possible

33 Austria/Veneto border (ETRS LAEA)

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