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1 EEC Performance Measurement Data Dashboard Using performance measures to drive results – April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EEC Performance Measurement Data Dashboard Using performance measures to drive results – April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EEC Performance Measurement Data Dashboard Using performance measures to drive results – April 2013

2 2 EEC Performance Measurement EEC Performance Measurement Dashboard MassResults: Building a Results- Oriented Government EOE/EEC Strategic Plan Program, Child, Educator Data

3 Developing and Using the EEC Dashboard Use Dashboard to Enhance Performance Agency/EEC Board Devises Performance Metrics Dashboard makes Data Visible Shows results and progress against metrics Allows leadership to make informed decisions EEC targets actions that improve performance 3

4 Just about everything! So, What Do We Track? 4 The key is highlighting relevant data in a simple and easy to understand way Licensing data Program data Fiscal data Professional Qualifications data Child demographics data Legislative reports RTTT reports

5 Visual representation effectively communicates: 1. where are we now? 2. where do we want to be? 3. when do we need to be there? Create a Compelling Dashboard 5

6 Access Number of children on the Waitlist for subsidized care Average length of time on Waitlist prior to enrollment New children on Waitlist versus enrolled per month Available child care slots compared to number of children needing care Quality – Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Percentage of programs in QRIS Percentage of programs in QRIS level 2 and higher Percentage of programs receiving subsidy in QRIS Percentage of subsidized children served in high quality programs Performance Measurement Categories 6

7 Performance Dashboard 7 GOALS StatusTrendMeasured Period CurrentPriorTarget ACCESS # of WL children IncreasingMonthly539755281345000 Average duration on WL IncreasingMonthly9.448.996 months New Children on WL vs. Enrolled IncreasingMonthly1469/122 = 12 1208/45 5= 2.7 1 to 1 ratio Available Slots vs. WL  ____Monthly___ QUALITY % of Programs in QRIS StableQuarterly47%46%40% % of Programs QRIS L2 ImprovingQuarterly13%11%15% % Programs that receive subsidy StableQuarterly92% 90% % subsidized children served L2 ImprovingQuarterly50%42%50% Performance Key Meeting or exceeding expectations Needs improvementNot meeting expectations Under development 

8 Access - Number of children on the Waitlist for subsidized care 8 What is the average increase monthly? 1525

9 Access - Average length of time to wait prior to enrollment 9 Once access is re-opened waitlist duration is expected to decrease

10 Access – New Children on Waitlist vs. Children Enrolled Per Month 10

11 Available child care slots compared to number of children needing care Under development When filling Contract Slots age group and location are taken into consideration Access - Available child care slots compared to number of children needing care 11

12 Quality - Percentage of programs in QRIS 12

13 Quality - Percentage of programs in QRIS level 2 and higher 13

14 Quality - Percentage of programs in QRIS that receive subsidies 14

15 Quality - Percentage of subsidized children served in high quality programs 15

16 Conclusions 16 What other metrics are relevant to EEC for inclusion in a dashboard view? Licensing metrics Licensing visits ratios Educator metrics Educator credential metrics Using Performance Measurement as a part of EEC’s Risk Management initiative Follow up at Policy Committee Meeting

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