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The book (or printout) holding all the accounts

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Presentation on theme: "The book (or printout) holding all the accounts"— Presentation transcript:

1 The detailed record of the changes in a particular asset, liability, or owner's equity

2 The book (or printout) holding all the accounts

3 The chronological record of transactions

4 A list of all the accounts with their balances

5 The accounting process of copying a transaction from the journal to the ledger

6 A list of all the accounts with their account numbers

7 The right side of an account

8 The left side of an account

9 The balance that appears on the side of an account – debit or credit – where we record increases

10 Normal balance

11 Ledger

12 Journal

13 Account

14 Credit

15 Posting

16 Trial Balance

17 Debit

18 Chart of Accounts

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