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Published byKylie Hodges Modified over 11 years ago
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 1 ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION IN THE STRUCTURAL AND COHESION FUNDS (2000-2006) THE 2004-2006 CHALLENGE for NEW MS Soledad BLANCO Head of Unit Enlargement and Neighbouring countries DG Environment - E.1 - European Commission Annual meeting of ISPA Partners 9-10 April 2003
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 2 MILESTONES ON ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION n 1992 UN Rio Conference: objective of global SD n 1997 Amsterdam Treaty: SD overall objective of EU and integration as a means. n 1998 Cardiff Strategy: integration of environment in sectoral Councils and dvlpt of indicators n 1999 Helsinki Council: Review of integration progress and Global Assessment of 5 EAP n 2001 Gothenburg Council: EU SD Strategy n 2002 6 EAP reaffirms importance of integration
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 3 6 th EAP (2001-2010) * Sets out objectives for the next 10 years and beyond. * Focuses on areas where more action is needed and where EU action will bring added value. * Tackles main issues related with environment protection but also improvement of quality of life.
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 4 6 th EAP (2001-2010) A strategic aproach to meet objectives: * Improve implementation of current acquis. * Integrate environment in other policies; * Working with the market: business and consumers. * Access to information for citizens * Promote best practice in land use planning: Proper use of SF.
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 5 SD and EU STRUCTURAL AND COHESION POLICY n SD recognised as a Horizontal principle in SF and CF for 2000-6. z SF Council Regulation 1260/1999 z 1999 Commission Guidelines n Reaffirmed in Commission additional indicative guidelines for candidate countries: COM (2003) 110 of 12.03.2003
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 6 DG ENVs main orientations for SF/CF 2000-6 DG ENVs main orientations for SF/CF 2000-6 Filling the implementation gap for environmental legislation Filling the implementation gap for environmental legislation Promoting environmental integration Promoting environmental integration Ensuring compliance with environmental policy and legislation Ensuring compliance with environmental policy and legislation
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 7 Commission Guidelines for Programmes 2000-2006 Commission Guidelines for Programmes 2000-2006 Environmental infrastructure under CF and SF should focus in: n Assist compliance with standards of EU acquis - water: z Drinking water z Wastewater z Principles of WFD - waste management: z Regional plans in line with waste framework directive z Respect of hierarchy of principles: prevention, re-use and recycling, safe disposal.
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 8 Commission Guidelines for Programmes 2000-2006 (2) Commission Guidelines for Programmes 2000-2006 (2) Other areas for environmental infrastructure: n Preventive civil protection measures (flood control) z Need to follow adequate environmental integration measures (EIA, respect of WFD principles, proper soft measures as wetlands and flood plainsrestoration) n Rehabilitation of contaminated sites z Old landfills or unauthorised waste discharges z Link with EU acquis: pollution of drinking water or air z Link with industrial restructuring programmes: Structural Funds
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 9 Commission Guidelines for Programmes 2000-2006 (3) Commission Guidelines for Programmes 2000-2006 (3) Other principles to follow: n Polluter Pays Principle n Adequate co-ordination Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund measures. n Environmental measures in other sectors: Energy, transport, agriculture, tourism, SMEs etc...
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 10 What have we achieved so far in the period 2000-6? 10% of the SFs set aside for environmental infrastructures (wastewater, water supply and waste management) in Objective 1 10% of the SFs set aside for environmental infrastructures (wastewater, water supply and waste management) in Objective 1 50% of the Cohesion Fund set aside for environmental infrastructure (in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain) 50% of the Cohesion Fund set aside for environmental infrastructure (in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain) A doubling of expenditure on environment from the previous period (1994-9) A doubling of expenditure on environment from the previous period (1994-9)
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 11 Direct environmental investments 1994-1999 2000-2006 9 M² 7.7M² 16.7M² 20M² 9M² 29M² SF CF SF CF + 75%
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 12 What is at stake for new MS in 2004-6? n Total of 21.8 billion Euros for new Member States (of which one third for the Cohesion Fund) n Support for environmental investments expected to be at least 4 times higher than during the pre-accession stage n Increased pre-assistance support for Bulgaria and Romania and Turkey
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 13 Further Indicative Guidelines for CC: COM(2003) 110 of 12.03.2003 n 1999 Guidelines 2000-6 for Member States apply n Priorities on the water and waste sectors are confirmed: Support to implement the acquis. z Priority should be given to projects related to fulfilment of intermediate targets set in the transitional periods agreed. z Waste sector: particular efforts needed to comply with packaging waste directive objectives. 1999 principles fully apply. n Additional priorities for new MS are: z Implementation of IPPC Directive. National or regional aid schemes in line with State Aid rules might be supported through SF. z Infrastructure to prevent natural hazards. z Protection of regions with long-term natural handicaps
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 14 Further Indicative Guidelines for CC: COM(2003) 110 of 2.03.2003(2) n Explicit guidelines are given to cover air pollution projects under Cohesion Fund (c.f. 3.4. Energy). Priority to: z Clean-up devices for conventional power stations (implementation of the LCP directive) z Measures to improve energy efficiency (e.g. municipal district heating rehabilitation) z Measures to encourage renewable energy: Possibility to finance aid schemes in line with state aid rules under CF is being discussed. n All measures should directly be linked to implementation of relevant EU legislation on air quality (air framework and daughter directives, Large Combustion Plants directives).
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 15 Examples of integration measures in other sectors Transport [cf White Paper COM (2001)370] z Adequate modal balance: promote railways, inland waterways, short sea shipping and intermodal operations road-rail z Develop high quality urban transport z Need to increase energy efficiency of modes and promote alternative fuels z Effective charging policy: fuel tax harmonisation, charging of infrastructure use
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 16 Examples of integration measures in other sectors Energy n Promotion of renewable energy (implementation of directive 2001/77/EC) n Improvement of energy efficiency n Promotion of clean technologies to minimise pollutant emissions to air (including CO2 : Kyoto targets)
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 17 Examples of integration measures in other sectors SMEs Environmental quality as a major factor for promoting competitiveness: * Promotion of EMAs and Eco-label as a tool for preventive approach and integration : waste minimisation, efficient use of natural resources etc… * Support for establishment of clean technologies * Promote development of SMEs providing environmental services and innovative environmentally sound products.
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 18 Examples of integration measures in other sectors Agriculture Recognised as a key sector to maintain quality of the environment and the cultural heritage: * Rural development programmes can include development of basic environmental infrastructure (water, waste management) * Promotion of environmentally friendly production methods (e.g. implementation of nitrates directive)
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 19 Conclusion: The challenges on both sides For the n ew EU Member States honouring the commitments made by reaching the full implementation of the environmental acquis within the agreed transition periods For theCommission maintaining the Cohesion Fund 50% share for environment and orienting the 50% transport share to sustainable modes greening the Structural Funds
Soledad BLANCO European Commission - DG ENVE.1 20 Conclusions Next steps Need for high quality environmental projects - learning from the ISPA experience, and the experience in the current Cohesion Countries Need to ensure that environmental ministries are involved in programming and in project preparation Need to apply the partnership principle involving environmental NGOs Unique window of opportunity for the Candidate Countries to help prepare for after 2006
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