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Board Of Education Colorado Revenue Forecast March 20, 2012 1.

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1 Board Of Education Colorado Revenue Forecast March 20, 2012 1

2 1. FY 2013 Revenue Projected to be $149 M more than projected in December * 2. $149 M subject to future decisions by the Governor and the Legislature. 3. OSPB remains cautious projecting modest growth in FY 2013 due to economic uncertainty 2 March 2012 Colorado Revenue Forecast Summary

3 3 Governor Hickenlooper’s Budget Balancing Proposal (Based on March Revenue Forecast)* 1.Senior Citizen Supports$63.4 M 2.K-12 Education$38.1 M 3.Higher Education$23.8 M 4.Local Grants (impacted by loss in severance tax) $23.8 M TOTAL $149 M Proposes $149 M growth in revenue for:

4 $50 Million K-12 cut down to $10 Million $124.40/student down to about $25.50/student 4

5 FY 2013 DCSD Budget Plan Elementary Reduction$0 - $1.3 M Middle School Reduction$500,000 - $1.0 M HS Schedule Change Reduction$3.6 M – $5.7 M Central Administration Reductions$1.0 M Capital Reduction$2.0 M Cost of Business Budget Opportunities$5.0 M Negotiated Items $4.2 M - $6.0 M Student Growth - Administration $0.0 M - $3.6 M Total FY 2013 Budget Reduction$18.1 M - $25.6 M 9

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