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1 UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006 Shelter solutions for displaced communities in Somalia Pilot Bosasso - Puntland ‘shelter cluster’ UNHCR UN-HABITAT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006 Shelter solutions for displaced communities in Somalia Pilot Bosasso - Puntland ‘shelter cluster’ UNHCR UN-HABITAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006 Shelter solutions for displaced communities in Somalia Pilot Bosasso - Puntland ‘shelter cluster’ UNHCR UN-HABITAT – UNICEF – DRC – NRC

2 2 SOMALI URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Urban governance –Legal and Institutional Reform –Municipal Governance –Civil Society –Donor-Coordination Urban management –Land Management –Financial Management –Basic Services and Urban Infrastructure –Local Economic Development –Urban Planning Support Strategic projects

3 3 situation displaced somali communities 400.000 mostly urban centers multiple dense temporary settlements post-conflict > (chronic) emergencies + complex pattern of displacement UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

4 4 RESPONSE TILL 2004 landgrabbing + lack of planning  unsustainable space for (re)settlement of displaced communities + ‘re-active’ unadapted response to emergencies UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

5 5 Joint UN-INGO Strategy for Displaced rights –based approach FOUR TRACK STRATEGY 1.Plan large-scale resettlement as part of integrated development plans 2.Stimulate spontaneous small scale resettlement through support mechanisms 3.Create pull factor to resettle displaced to coastal and rural areas 4.Improve living conditions in the present locations SHELTER AS CORNERSTONE 100 shelters < settlement with 100 new shelters Road Map / IDP Working Group > cluster approach UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

6 ‘Shelter cluster’ - Somalia linking up emergency, transitional and durable solutions UNHCR – UNHABITAT – UNICEF – DRC – NRC – ISLAMIC RELIEF Objective 1:meet immediate shelter needs in case of disaster Objective 2: develop transitional shelter solutions for the long term displaced in the current temporary locations Objective 3: find durable living space solutions and secure land tenure in current urban centers and in original places of abode Objective 4:provide normative framework for shelter interventions (CAP 2007) UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

7 ‘Shelter cluster’ - Bosasso key components of response plan UNHCR – UNHABITAT – DRC – NRC Activity 1:emergency operations after fires Activity 2: upgrading temporary settlements Activity 3: planning comprehensive resettlement and durable shelter solutions UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

8 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan key problems overcrowded inaccessible unserviced eviction risks inflammable materials weak structures UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

9 link with WASH cluster link with PROTECTION cluster fire plan revision of shelter kit planning settlements building back better ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan emergency UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

10 trainings on fire prevention and response joint assessment + identification of beneficiaries re-planning of the settlement –firebreaks fire kit donation package construction of shelter and latrines tripartite agreements operational procedures involving authorities/LNGOs link with PROTECTION cluster ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan Fire plan: prevention / response / opportunities UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

11 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan upgrading temporary settlements: firebreaks/access/latrines/communal areas link with WASH cluster UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

12 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan emergency/transitional shelter kit donor contribution: mobile/reusable metal structure white canvas mats community contribution: adding sticks to complete structure inside finishing ca.175 USD per shelter UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

13 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan transitional shelter  durable shelter phase 1: contractor ca.175 USD per shelter UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006 Access Roads + Plot foundations + Wall around the block + Twin septic tank + Wet core + Slab for one room UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

14 1 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan transitional shelter  durable shelter phase 1: contractor

15 2 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan transitional shelter  durable shelter end phase 1: beneficiaries move in

16 3 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan transitional shelter  durable shelter phase 2: self-help + skills training

17 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan transitional shelter  durable shelter phase 2: self-help + skills training 4

18 5 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan durable shelter phase 2: self help

19 6 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan durable shelter phase 2: self help

20 7 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan durable shelter phase 2: self help

21 8 ‘Shelter cluster’ Bosasso: response plan durable shelter phase 2: self help

22 ‘Shelter cluster’ - Bosasso resettlement of displaced locally access to land (tenure) link with urban growth

23 concepts Key criteria for ‘sustainable’ space for resettlement of displaced communities


25 25 MORE EFFICIENT USE OF LAND # PLOTS = 177 M 400 m2 ROADS = 49% PUBLIC SPACE = 0% # PLOTS = 264 (+ 50%) L 500 m2 = 15% M 300 m2 = 55% S 150 m2 = 30% ROADS = 25% PUBLIC SPACE = 5% UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

26 26 MAKING LAND AVAILABLE 120 football/soccer fields  DONATIONS 10m x 10m, 100m x 100m, 400m x 400m < … 11 soccer fields (330 families -1650 persons)  LANDSHARING


28 28 SOME KEY RESULTS OF ‘CLUSTER’-APPROACH  ‘one UN/INGO voice’ as political leverage  streamlining of shelter approaches + complementarity  continuity between emergency and durable solutions  need for overall strategy/framework  linkages between clusters  minimum to optimum service provision (shared with host community) TRACK 1: upgrading temporary settlements  negotiated agreements: incl. eviction protection  importance of rights-based approach - community some displaced put pressure on owner and/or move self-initiative: buying land by displaced  municipal by-laws: determining minimum standards TRACK 2: resettlement and durable shelter  landsharing as mechanism to provide ‘sustainable’ space  incremental shelter and incremental tenure UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

29 29 UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006 thank you

30 30 UN-HABITAT Somalia 17 th November 2006

31 31 KEY MILESTONES: BOSASSO ROAD MAP  December 2004: Agreement to assess viability of land allocated for IDPs at the ‘Checkpoint’ site upon request of Dennis McNamara (IDD – Geneva);  June 2005: Final Report “Survey - Status of Vulnerable Groups in Bosasso”, UNDP + Final Report “Resettlement Options for IDPs Puntland (Bosasso – Garowe – Galkaio)”, UN-HABITAT  June 2005: First (S)elected Local Council in Bosasso  July 2005: Draft “Joint UN Strategy for IDPs Somalia”, IDP Protection Working Group  September 2005: “First Road Map for Urban Poor/IDPs/Returnees Bosasso”  December 2005: Final agreement reached with local stakeholders on Bosasso Road Map  February 2006: Agreement on Operational Road Map Phase 1 with committed contributions from the different participating agencies  July 2006: Set-up Cluster Approach and rolling out cluster workplans  November 2006: Start implementation urban plan and launch first resettlements Bosasso IDP Road Map 17 th November 2006

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