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Millennium Silver Settings jenny schmidt SWITCH Library Consortium November 2, 2004.

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2 Millennium Silver Settings jenny schmidt SWITCH Library Consortium November 2, 2004

3 ADMIN | SETTINGS Version: Millennium Silver – Module: All modules

4 Millennium Silver 2004 Admin | Settings  Templates  Previously in the telnet system only  All existing templates have migrated to Millennium  Able to VIEW, EDIT and/or CREATE Templates by Record Type  Tab previously called “PREFERRED TEMPLATES”  Macros  Previously in LOGIN MANAGER  Able to set macros for F1-F12 (also CTRL, SHIFT, ALT)  Create Lists  “Look Up Call Numbers” option within Settings  Two new operators: “Starts With” & “Ends With”  “Dedupe” Records from a review file  “Export Records” into MS Excel

5 All settings are tied to one’s LOGIN With ability to customize Millennium sessions, need to evaluate GROUP vs. INDIVIDUAL LOGINS

6 Templates  Set Templates by Record Type Use in conjunction with New Records tab  View & Edit Existing Templates  Create a New Template  Delete a Template

7 Example: ITEM RECORDS CSU catalogers working on materials for the general collection as well as LEASED books. Setting templates for your login Set to “Prompt for template” when you want a list of your preferred templates each time.

8 Example: ITEM RECORDS Different staff person ONLY working on a special collection. Set up templates by login Each time she creates a NEW ITEM RECORD, system goes right into the Cianciolo record template.

9 “Save Settings” to alter the current & subsequent Mil sessions; “OK” to alter settings for the current session. Admin | Settings

10 System administrators can turn the WIZARD ‘on’ or ‘off’ for new record templates. Admin | Login Manager The wizard is the series of dialog boxes that display as you fill in information to create a new record. Tangent. Sorry.

11 View, Edit and Create a New Template

12 View, Edit or Create a New Template FIXED FIELDS: Highlight a field, click Prompt button VARIABLE FIELDS: Click the Insert button, select a field, Prompt button

13 Let’s Try It In

14 Macros  #105847 of III manual  Previously in LOGIN MANAGER  Set by login  Apply only to that Millennium module (MilCat, etc.)  “Function Keys” likely predefined by module

15 Millennium Macros Pre-Programmed Keystrokes  A macro is a set of keystrokes or a command that is recorded, saved, and assigned to a function key (or key code). When the key is pressed, the recorded instructions are executed.  Many software programs allow for the creation of a macro in order to help save you time.  Able to set F1-F12, or function keys in combination with CTRL, SHIFT, ALT

16 Admin | Settings | Macros STEPS TO CREATE A MACRO Identify repetitive text or mousing Write notes on which keystrokes are used to perform tasks (in sequence) Go to Admin | Settings | Macros F ind an open function key Enter text or keystroke sequence Right-click for nonalphanumeric keys (i.e., key codes: ALT, ENTER, etc.) Save macro and test it!

17 FUNCTION KEYS (#100743) Brings Up a Mode in a Module %ALT+g%n Goes to Binding mode of Millennium Serials Can set up a macro if not predefined by login Nonalphanumerics (key codes) must be in CAPS & enclosed by % signs. (or right click)

18 ALT G – Go menu N – to the Binding mode F3 (%ALT+g%n) performs both actions in Millennium F3 takes you to the Binding mode

19 You can also use...  ALT+underlined letter (mnemonic)  SHORTCUT KEYS (CTRL+i to insert field) SHORTCUT KEYS SHORTCUT KEYS  Temp. or Permanent substitution phrases

20 When to Use a Macro... 1. For long text strings or text entered frequently “ Donated by the Kirkenbauer Family” in NOTE field 2. To have Millennium perform a common search “sJournal of the American Medical%ENTER%” 3. To employ a heavily-used command that requires mousing View | Public Display to view records in the WebOpac 4. To navigate between views or tabs without Mr. Mouse Go from the ITEM record back to the Browse mode 5. To go to a MODE in a module (if not predefined by login) Go to Reserves mode in Mil Circ (%ALT+g%5)

21 1. Macro for frequently-entered text

22 2. To Have System Perform a Common SearchCommon Search sJournal of the American%ENTER% in Millennium Serials F11 performs the search

23 3. For commands that require mousing or have cumbersome shortcuts View | Public Display %ALT+v%p TOPCAT

24 (From a record or card back to Browse) 4. To Navigate Between Views (From a record or card back to Browse) %ALT+g%b May be ALT F11

25 4. To Navigate Between Tabs CTRL+t to move right SHIFT+CTRL+t to move left Use shortcut keys or set function key to TAB right

26 For Those NOT on Millennium Silver MACROS  Under ADMIN | LOGIN MANAGER TEMPLATES  Creation & editing of templates in telnet system  Staff can still set templates to use by record type in Millennium

27 Settings | Create Lists Tab Look Up Call Numbers   Set this feature in Admin | Settings | Create Lists tab   From #105323:   “If checked, you can include call numbers from item and checkin records in your search criteria.”   From #100673:   “When you use this option, you can also use the CALL NO. field for subsequent actions on the review file, such as SORT and LIST.”   “If an item/checkin record has a call number, that call number is used in the review file. If the item/checkin record has no call number, the call number from the parent record is used. If neither the item/checkin record nor the parent record has a call number, the item or checkin record is not included in the results.”


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