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Keyboarding Instruction Why? When? What? Who? How?

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Presentation on theme: "Keyboarding Instruction Why? When? What? Who? How?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyboarding Instruction Why? When? What? Who? How?

2 Why Teach Keyboarding? Preschoolers are now using the keyboard Without instruction students develop random “hunt and peck” techniques Creative ideas are lost and frustration occurs while searching for correct keys Bad habits become ingrained and are difficult to break Keyboarding is the one computer skill that will not become outdated.

3 Research Shows Many Benefits Greater gains in reading comprehension, vocabulary, word study skills, and spelling Improved independent reading, superior listening and organization skills, and improved attention span Students are stimulated to compose when they can work quickly and do not have to worry about correct letter formation

4 What About Voice Recognition? Will It Replace Keyboarding? Voice recognition computers need to be programmed to recognize each voice that will be used with that computer Users are limited to the machine that is programmed to their voice Businesses using voice recognition are finding problems with the software recognizing different accents

5 Additional Disadvantages Voice recognition is more time consuming than keyboarding Editing errors and making revisions can be difficult Voice recognition software creates an added expense It is not available on all computers

6 Who Should Teach Keyboarding? Ideally keyboarding should be taught by specialists in the field (usually business education majors) with assistance from the classroom teacher A merging of expertise results in a team teaching situation that would be beneficial to all concerned

7 Without Team Teaching Elementary teachers should be given the opportunity to learn touch keyboarding Those responsible for teaching keyboarding should also receive training in the methods of teaching keyboarding All current and future elementary teacher training programs should include the skill and methods of teaching keyboarding

8 Keyboarding Is A Skill Consistent practice is needed--not just once or twice a week like music or art classes Use “mental” practice for daily reviews if a keyboard is not available The keyboard can be presented in ten lessons but it will take more than one class to learn each lesson properly Each lesson must be mastered by touch before moving on to the next lesson

9 When To Teach Keyboarding? Instruction should be provided before students become involved in computer activities requiring extensive keyboarding A readiness phase is suggested from kindergarten to grade two Experts recommend a working knowledge of the entire alphabetic keyboard at the third grade level

10 Kindergarten Identify letters of the alphabet on the keyboard Identify right-hand and left-hand sides of the keyboard Demonstrate use of the space bar and Return/Enter keys

11 First Grade Identify which keys are specific to the right- hand and left-hand sides of the keyboard Enter simple words using hunt and peck method while maintaining use of correct hand Use specialized computer keys (Esc, Ctrl, and basic Function keys)‏

12 Second Grade Demonstrate proper finger position on Home Row keys Demonstrate correct posture and proper stroking on Home Row keys Keyboard simple sentences looking at keyboard when necessary for non-Home Row keys

13 Third Grade Demonstrate proper stroking technique for each letter of the alphabet Keyboard word lists and sentences using correct posture and proper stroking Demonstrate the proper usage of Shift keys

14 Fourth Grade Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques while increasing speed and maintaining accuracy Display proper skills for keyboarding from copy Demonstrate correct usage of Shift and numerals on top row to obtain commonly used symbols

15 Fifth Grade Increase keyboarding speed by five words per minute while maintaining accuracy and proper technique Demonstrate proper skills to keyboard from copy

16 Sixth Grade Apply proper keyboarding skills across the curriculum Increase keyboarding speed by five words per minute while maintaining accuracy and proper technique

17 What To Teach Ergonomics and correct posture Basic computer usage skills (power on, use the mouse, log in, access programs, log out)‏ The home row keys by touch All other letters are taught by touch in relationship to the home row Simple word processing skills like word wrap, delete, edit, save, backup, and print Speed and accuracy development

18 Repetitive Strain Injury RSI is caused by repeating the same task over and over again It can result in the hands and arms from the use of computer keyboards and mice It is a very serious and painful condition that is far easier to prevent than to cure Up to 36% of all Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients require unlimited medical treatment

19 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel is considered the chief occupational hazard and is one of the more common Repetitive Strain Injuries It is the number one reported medical problem accounting for about 60% of all work-related injuries It is the second most common type of surgery Women are twice as likely as men to develop carpal tunnel syndrome

20 Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Tightness, discomfort, stiffness, soreness or burning in the hands, wrists, fingers, forearms, or elbows Tingling, coldness, or numbness in hands Clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in the hands Pain that wakes you up in the night Feeling a need to massage your hands, wrists, and arms

21 Prevention of Carpal Tunnel Correct typing posture and right equipment setup are much more important than ergonomic gadgets like split keyboards Position the chair and keyboard so that the thighs and forearms are level Research shows that a monitor position lower and farther away is helpful Most importantly keep the wrists straight and level

22 Do not rest your wrists on anything while typing Do not bend your wrists to the side. Your fingers should be in a straight line with your forearm Research indicates that all of the above is easier to do if you tilt the back edge of your keyboard down, away from you Rest your hands in your lap instead of leaving them on the keyboard when you stop typing

23 Don’t pound the keys; use a light touch Position the mouse at least six inches from the edge of the desk Hold the mouse lightly, don’t grip it hard or squeeze it Learn and use keyboard equivalent commands to avoid reaching back and forth from the keyboard to the mouse Use two hands to perform double-key operations like Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S Take lots of short breaks to stretch and relax

24 Correct Keyboarding Posture

25 Accuracy Development Use diagnostic tests to pinpoint the source of the students’ errors Individually assign corrective drills that focus on specific letters, fingers, rows, key combinations, or types of errors such as transpositions or opposite fingers Students make more concentration errors than any other type of error

26 Drills To Force Concentration On Each Individual Letter Key each drill line perfectly two to three times before moving to next line Key similar words Key long words Key unusual words Key words in a foreign language Key lines or paragraphs backwards

27 Speed Development Speed development is built by repetition Each line of the speed drill should be keyed perfectly ten times before moving on to the next line Students begin at a slow rate and gradually increase their speed until they are keying at a fast, accurate rate of speed

28 Rotate Types of Speed Drills Sentences containing the most commonly used words Sentences containing long words Sentences containing double letters Sentences requiring vertical strokes Sentences containing one-hand words Sentences containing all letters of alphabet

29 Timed Writings Results are measured in words per minute Every five keystrokes is considered one word (includes spacebar and Enter keys)‏ Timings are not designed to improve speed or accuracy and should not be used for that purpose They are used only to measure progress Start with one-minute timings and gradually build to three-minute timed writings

30 What About Accuracy On Timings? Most experts allow one error per minute Opinions vary on whether or not to allow corrections while timing Some experts say not to focus on accuracy until after students learn the key locations. However, allowing unlimited errors at first may cause students to develop bad habits Consider allowing more errors at first and then gradually cut back on number of errors

31 How Shall I Grade? Should I use the top timed writing or should I average timings? Should I include grades on daily work and keying technique? Should I include grading on basic computer knowledge and usage? Should I even be grading at all? Experts cannot agree on these issues!

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