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Value of Unique ARs in Improving Implementation Rate Mike Heidari Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Bradley University © M.Heidari, Feb.2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Value of Unique ARs in Improving Implementation Rate Mike Heidari Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Bradley University © M.Heidari, Feb.2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Value of Unique ARs in Improving Implementation Rate Mike Heidari Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Bradley University © M.Heidari, Feb.2005

2 Outline DDiscussion of the Value of Unique ARs. IIntroducing a Road Map for developing unique ARs.

3 Categories of ARs:  Category of Energy Assessment Recommendations.  Category of Productivity & Waste Assessment Recommendations.  Category of Unique ARs.

4 Category 1: Energy Assessment Recommendations EARs Compressors Lighting Boilers Motors Repairs Heaters Ovens Cooling Waste Heat 1. BUIAC, Implementation Rate Analysis and Corrective Actions Reports (Oct. 2004), Page3.

5 Category 2: Waste & Productivity ARs WARs & PARs Automation Recycling Bills Selling Leasing Demand Control Suppliers Resource Waste 1. BUIAC, Implementation Rate Analysis and Corrective Actions Reports (Oct. 2004), Page3.

6 What are Unique ARs? Specific Client or Specific Situation Unique ARs include EAR, PAR, WAR Unique ARs include EAR, PAR, WAR Category 3: Unique ARs

7 Replace Synthetic Oil-Based Coolant with Vegetable Oil-Based Coolant (WAR) Examples of UNIQUE ARs

8 Examples of UNIQUE ARs:  Using CRYOGENIC COOLING System to increase tool life time © Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

9 Examples of UNIQUE ARs: Replace Mineral Spirit Washer with Automatic Soap and Water Cleaning System Unifies cleaning process Unifies cleaning process Saves time Saves time Eliminates the cleaning solvents Eliminates the cleaning solvents Eliminates loss through spilling and leaking Eliminates loss through spilling and leaking The Mag 30 Automatic Cleaning System is in use on the shop floor of Alger Manufacturing Company.

10 What is Implementation Rate?  The Percentage of the Actual Amount of Energy or Money a Client Saves Relative to the Amount Recommended. (1) 1. BUIAC, Implementation Rate Analysis and Corrective Actions Reports (Oct. 2004), Page1. 1. BUIAC, Implementation Rate Analysis and Corrective Actions Reports (Oct. 2004), Page1.

11 Why is the Implementation Rate Important?  IR is the measure of IAC performance.  IR impacts the way we work, learn, and live.  IR is the measure of the efficiency of ideas, not just a tool for IAC managerial level.  IR is the key to understanding psychological technological-economic trends of the industry towards the IAC program. © M.Heidari, Feb.2005

12 Energy Implementation Rate% (MMBtu / MMBtu) TES= Total Energy Saved in each AR category TESR= Total Energy Saving Recommended in each AR category EIR shows what percentage of energy saving recommended in each category is implemented. © M.Heidari, Feb.2005


14 Dollar Implementation Rate% ($/$) TDS= Total Dollars Saved in each AR category TDSR= Total Dollar Savings Recommended in each AR category DIR is shows what percentage of dollar savings recommended in each category are implemented. © M.Heidari, Feb.2005


16 Potential Dollar Saving per AR ($/AR) TDS = Total Dollars Saved in each AR category TNI = Total Number of Implemented ARs in each category PDS is the average dollar amount saved for each implemented AR in each category. © M.Heidari, Feb.2005


18 Potential Energy Saving per AR (MMBtu/AR) TES = Total Energy Saved in each AR category TNI = Total Number of Implemented ARs in each category PES is the average energy saved for each implemented AR in each category. © M.Heidari, Feb.2005


20 Implementation Coefficient (%IC) TNIA = Total Number of Implemented AR TNRA = Total Number of Recommended AR IC shows what percentage of recommended ARs in each category are implemented. © M.Heidari, Feb.2005


22 Seven P!  Road Map for developing Unique ARs with high implementation potential. “Unique ARs need unique approaches.” © M.Heidari, Feb.2005

23 7Ps:  Pre-Audit Preparation  Partnership  Pre & Post-Communication  Provide Information  Presentation  Professionalism  Persistence © M.Heidari, Feb.2005

24 Pre-Audit Preparation For Unique ARs, pre-audit Preparation is Vital.  Do your research!  Familiarize yourself with the company’s processes and equipment.  Organize your discoveries and thoughts

25 Tools for Pre-Audit Preparation  Pre-Audit Form  Online Research: Company’s Website Audit Related Topics IAC website Similar Companies’ Websites  Specialized Journals, Books, Ref. Materials  Ask Experts

26 Partnership  Consult with your Team Members  Share Information  Brainstorm Unique AR ideas  Cooperation is Essential  Share the Workload

27 Pre & Post-Audit Communication Before Audit:  Ask Questions to Clarify your Goals  Identify the Major Decision Makers During Audit:  Ask Specific Questions  Carefully Listen to Workers and Management  Understand Client’s Needs and Preferences  Discuss Your Ideas and Get Feedback  Identify the Major Decision Makers

28 Let’s Communicate!

29 Pre & Post-Audit Communication After Audit:  Share your Findings  Explore & Share New Ideas  Use Language the Client Understands  Be Clear  Be Specific  Request Manufacturer Feedback  Follow Through

30 Provide Information  Be ready and willing to respond to client’s questions.  Address client’s concerns.  Have accurate and well organized information ready to distribute to client.

31 Examples of what to Provide:  Cost-benefit analysis  Relevant case studies  Schematics to help client understanding  Implementation Roadmap  Describe the steps that need to be taken  Milestones (visioning what progress will look like along the way)

32 Let’s Implement!

33 Presentation  “Unique ARs require Unique Language”  Give Specific Directions  Organize Data Information Clearly  Make your report as Client-Friendly as possible to improve Implementation

34 Professionalism  Conduct yourself professionally Be responsive to and respectful of clients needs.  Speak professionally Be certain of all of the information that you offer.  Act professionally Keep your word. Work efficiently. Meet deadlines.

35 Persistence  Unique ARs require diligence  Don’t give up a good idea easily!  Even when your Unique AR idea has won internal (IAC) and external (client) acceptance, you still need this very important factor to complete the job.  You must be persistent to gain momentum!

36 Conclusion:  Unique ARs are important because of their psychological-technological-economic impacts. Generate client interest Utilize advanced technology Have high money & energy saving potential

37 Questions?

38 Special Thanks to:  Dr. Paul Mehta BUIAC Director  Dr. David Zietlow BUIAC Assistant Director  Ms. Ellie Najafi Business Specialist BUIAC  Student Engineer Colleagues in BUIAC

39 Some Unique ARs 4U!  EAR1: When you are angry, you lose steam. So, don’t get angry!  EAR2: When you are sad, you lose air. So, don’t be sad! © M.Heidari, Feb.2005

40 Thank you

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