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My life in the Groovy ’60’s Kris Balasz 9 th grade English.

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1 My life in the Groovy ’60’s Kris Balasz 9 th grade English

2 Time to wake up! We had to get up early today because we are driving into the city Here is a cool site to go to about the history of the VW bug. We took my mom’s new VW bug!

3 We had to get to the city early because we were going to a peace rally. hi/in_pictures/3858023.stm cas/alumni/history_4.html There were a lot of cops around and they hauled off a bunch of people. My mom gave us bandanas in case they threw tear gas.

4 My friend Marcia can’t hang around me anymore because her parents say that my parents are “lefties.” I asked my parents why they are so against the war and they said that we have no business being in Vietnam. I think that they are worried about my brother being drafted next year If you want to know more about Vietnam and the draft you can check out these cool web sites. 01/oct01/ed100201b.html

5 On the way back from the city my parents were groovin’ to the music. It is so funny to have your parents like the same music that you do! We are all into Jimmy Hendricks, Peter, Paul and Mary and Bob Dylan

6 We stopped for lunch at this cool vegetarian restaurant in Georgetown on the way home. We were celebrating my mom’s new job. It will be kinda weird to have my mom working but she says that it is the new thing. She says that I should start thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. I told her that I wanted to be a Mom and she got mad at me. She gave me a copy of the new book that she is reading…

7 My mom told me that I should be thrilled that she will be working because we will a lot more money now. I asked her if she would make the same amount of money that my dad makes. She said “NO” and said that it was really unfair.

8 When we got home my brother was there with a bunch of his friends. There were shirts hanging everywhere. I had never seen tie-dye before. My brother said it was the cool thing to wear. tie-dye%20shirts.JPG

9 I called up one of my friends and we got together to make some eight-track tapes. I got a groovy tape player for my birthday and I can’t wait to use it.

10 My friend Kathy and I went downtown to buy a new album. I had to spend $2.99 at the local store to get an album. That was 6 hours of babysitting! We stopped to get a hamburger at the drugstore. I’m so glad those things are only $.50.

11 When we got home my mom was typing up a letter on her new typewriter. I hope that she lets me use it someday. I love the sound of the keys tapping away. My girlfriend said that her mom has had a typewriter for over a year. They have a color TV too so it figures that they would have a typewriter.

12 We wanted to watch something on the TV but my mom was watching her soap opera. My friend says that they might get a second TV in their house. It figures! archives/2003_09.html

13 My mom asked if we minded eating TV dinners while she and dad went out to a party. Is she kidding?? They take a long time to cook but they are so cool. I’m going to have the Salisbury steak dinner!

14 My mom and dad are so weird. They are going to a fondue party. They said that they are going to dip a bunch of food into a pot of hot cheese. WEIRD!

15 After we ate dinner my girlfriend and I made some really far out necklaces. Our teachers are going to freak out when they see these. They can’t stand the long hair on the boys and the hip huggers on the girls. They are so square! de_rainbow.html

16 Time for bed! I can’t wait to go to sleep. My dad got me a hammock to sleep in. He said that he found it in New York City and that lots of people sleep in it rather than a bed. My parents are so hip! ~cj9r/hammock-in-graphics

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