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“Challenges and Methodologies

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1 “Challenges and Methodologies
FIRE/STREP Project HOBNET (HOlistic Platform Design for Smart Buildings of the Future InterNET - “Challenges and Methodologies Towards Federated EU-Japan IoT Test-beds” Prof. Sotiris Nikoletseas U. of Patras and CTI Greece (EU-Japan Workshop, Brussels, April 18, 2013)

2 Overview WSN Test-beds and the HOBNET Project
IoT Test-beds: Main Challenges - standardization - interoperability - security/trust C. Potential Methodological Approaches - architectural designs - cloudification - virtualization - crowdsourcing D. Potential themes for EU-Japan Cooperation

3 A. HOBNET Main Objectives
an all IPv6/6LoWPAN infrastructure of buildings and how IPv6 can integrate heterogeneous technology (sensors, actuators, mobile devices etc) 6lowApp standardization towards a new embedded application protocol for building automation c) novel algorithmic models and scalable solutions for energy efficiency and radiation-awareness, data dissemination, localization and mobility d) rapid development and integration of building management applications, and their deployment and monitoring on FIRE test beds

4 HOBNET Partners/Approach
- 4 academic groups (U. of Patras/CTI, U. of Geneva, U. Edinburgh, U. College Dublin) - 2 industries (Ericsson, Sensinode) - 1 end-user (Mandat International) - Methodological Approach: We take a holistic approach addressing critical aspects at different layers (networks, algorithms, applications/tools) in an integrated way.

5 Implemented smart/green scenarios
Local adaptation to presence Emergency management Electric device monitoring CO2 monitoring Maintenance control Customization Building 3D visualization & monitoring Mobile phone ID User awareness Oil tank monitoring Garden watering Resources tracking and monitoring

6 The MI HOBNET test-bed

7 The UNIGE HOBNET test-bed

8 The CTI HOBNET test-bed

9 Main concrete results/Exploitation
35% reduction of energy consumption Ability to select the energy saving/comfort trade-off Exploitation: - rich standardization activities (IETF, ETSI M2M and One M2M) - deployments in highschools - major strawberry plantation (smart watering) - major brewery factory (Heineken group) - a spin-off created (OptSense)

10 B. Challenges for IoT Testbeds
A. Standardization Revisiting fundamental issues in Low Power & Lossy Networks e.g. IPv4 -> 6LoWPAN/IPv6, HTTP-> CoAP, etc B. Interoperability IoT requires that they seamlessly and directly communicate with each other and the Internet (e.g. M2M communication) C. Trust (not just Security) Especially towards active end users involvement Value of personal data, anonymity, privacy, identity management, open data, reputation mechanisms

11 Challenges for IoT Testbeds (II)
D. Mobile test-beds, easy of deployment, “plug and play” nature To exploit FIRE test-beds outside academic environments E. Multidisciplinarity Economists (market analysis, business models, incentives mechanisms, ) Sociologists (analyze driver and barriers to technology adoption, models for societal value creation)

12 C. Potential Methods - Architectures
RESTful Architectural Style – Compatibility, seamless interconnection with the Internet Embedded systems (e.g. WSN) are abstracted as web-resources (Constrained Application Protocol, easy to proxy from/to HTTP, every resource is identified by a URI) + 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Area Networks) Embedded functionalities are represented as web services A HOBNET Example BMS for smart/green buildings Sensors and actuators represented as resources in Resource Directory External (non-technical) users may compose their custom use-case scenarios by combining resources in logical expressions

13 Methods -Virtualization
Virtual layers enable bi-directional interactions from IoT nodes to applications and vice-versa Virtual layers are used to expose functional aspects and information on IoT nodes as services They allow to organize diverse sub-networks in a homogeneous way A Suggested Approach Organize several IoT networks under a virtual network End users are offered a unique interface of interaction A meta-layer provides access via an open interface, regardless of how these resources are provisioned (e.g. fixed or mobile test-beds, physical or virtual resources)

14 Methods - Cloudification
Enables large scale integration - scalability Provides network functionalities “as a Service” (e.g. Testbed as a Service) Merges IoT with other emerging paradigms of the Future Internet (e.g. Semantic Web, Cloud Computing, etc) A Suggested Approach A taxonomy of test-beds. For each class, we define cloudification prerequisites Goal: individual test-beds to be organized in a meta-testbed platform A single application layer accessing and managing resources from all test-beds (access rights, reputation and trust mechanisms)

15 D. Potential themes for EU-Japan Collaboration
Sensor Networks IoT Distributed Robotics Social Networking Application context: Green/smart buildings Smart Cities Smart e-Health Smart Grid

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