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Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology 05/07/2014 T A R Y U D I Interfacing.

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Presentation on theme: "Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology 05/07/2014 T A R Y U D I Interfacing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology 05/07/2014 T A R Y U D I Interfacing the Microbot TeachMover with a Personal Computer

2 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Contents System Architecture Microbot Specification Serial Communication interface Software Design Study Results Conclusion 2015/10/4 2

3 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University System architecture 2015/10/4 3

4 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Contents System Architecture Microbot Specification Serial Communication interface Software Design Study Results Conclusion 2015/10/4 4

5 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Microbot Mechanical Construction 2015/10/4 5

6 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University General Specification of Microbot Configuration: 5 revolution axes and integral hand Drive: Electric stepper motor Controller: 6502A Microprocesor with 4K bytes of EPROM and 1 K bytes of RAM located in base of unit. Interface : Dual RS-232C asynchronous serial communications interfaces ( baudrate is switch-selectable between 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 bps) Teach control: 14 key 13 function keyboard; 5 output and 7 input bits under computer control 2015/10/4 6

7 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Microbot Specification 2015/10/4 7 MOTOR STEPS AND JOINT ROTATIONS MOTORJOINTSTEPS PER DEGREE STEPS PER RADIAN 1Base19.641125 2Shoulder19.641125 3Elbow11.55672 4Right wrist4.27241 5Left wrist4.27241 MotionMax range of motionSpeed(full load)Speed (No load) Base± 90 º0.37 rad/sec0.42 rad/sec Shoulder+144 º, -35 º0.15 rad/sec0.36 rad/sec Elbow+0 º, -149 º0.23 rad/sec0.82 rad/sec Wrist Roll± 360 º1.31 rad/sec2.02 rad/sec Wrist Pitch± 90 º1.31 rad/sec2.02 rad/sec Hand0-3 in8 lb/sec* (35n/sec)(20mm/sec)

8 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Contents System Architecture Microbot Specification Serial Communication interface Software Design Study Results Conclusion 2015/10/4 8

9 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Serial Communication Electrical Connections Baud rate = 9600 bps Parity = None Data bits = 8 bit Stop bit= 1

10 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University ASCII CODE EXAMPLE @ = 40 (Hexadecimal) = 64 (Decimal) SPACE= 20 H = 32 D CR= 0D HEXA = 13 D 2015/10/4 10

11 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Contents System Architecture Microbot Specification Serial Communication interface Software Design Study Results Conclusion 2015/10/4 11

12 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Software Design Algorithm Initialization port Open serial port Read command Setup command format Send command Read feedback 2015/10/4 12

13 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Command Format @STEP The @STEP command causes all six of stepper motors to move simultaneously. The syntax of this command is: @STEP,,,,,,,, Where: gives the speed of motion ( the value : 0 – 245) to are the number of half- steps that each of the six motors is to be moved specifies the bit pattern to go to the user outputs signifies carriage return 2015/10/4 13

14 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Command Format @READ This command is used to read the actual values of the internal position register. The syntax is: @READ The arm responds with [0 ] or [1 ] followed by a string of numbers:,,,,,, Where: to are the actual value of each register for stepper motor 1 to 6, is the output value 2015/10/4 14

15 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Graphic User Interface Design 2015/10/4 15

16 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Contents System Architecture Microbot Specification Serial Communication interface Software Design Study Results Conclusion 2015/10/4 16

17 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Results 2015/10/4 17 Video Hardware and Software HardwareSoftware

18 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Reference Manual book Microbot TeachMover 1984 2015/10/4 18

19 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Contents System Architecture Microbot Specification Serial Communication interface Software Design Study Results Conclusion 2015/10/4 19

20 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Conclusion Interfacing Microbot teachmover with a PC using serial communication interface has been succeed. 2015/10/4 20

21 Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University 2015/10/4 21 Thank you very much for your attention.. Any Question or Suggestion ?

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