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The Pragmatics of Geo-ontologies, and the Ontology of Geo-pragmatics Boyan Brodaric, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pragmatics of Geo-ontologies, and the Ontology of Geo-pragmatics Boyan Brodaric, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pragmatics of Geo-ontologies, and the Ontology of Geo-pragmatics Boyan Brodaric, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa

2 E-Geoscience ONTOLOGIES contain concepts used in scientific
theories, classifications, schema, … Theories, concepts Knowledge representation Information: real-time, archives, analyses Informatics resources Connectivity resources People Collaboration, visualization, education resources Observations, measurements, experiments Instrumentation Models, simulations Supercomputing

3 Crustal deformation (InSAR)
E-geoscience example: data integration in hazard modeling Geologic structure (USArray) Rupture dynamics (SAFOD, ANSS, USArray) Seismic Hazard Model Seismicity (ANSS) Paleoseismology Local site effects Faults (USArray) Stress transfer (InSAR, PBO, SAFOD) Crustal motion (PBO) Crustal deformation (InSAR) Seismic velocity (USArray) (from Leinen, 2004)

4 E-geoscience example: geologic map data integration
Montana Idaho Nevada Utah Arizona New Mexico Colorado Wyoming GEON Grid

5 Levels of Map Data Interoperability
systems syntax schematic semantic Map System 1 Map System 2 Integrated Map Data Content (GeoOntology) Data Structure (GeoSciML) Data Language (GML) Data Services (WMS, WFS, WCS)

6 Systems Interoperability
aligning data system interfaces (web services) but: heterogeneous structure, content, interpretation from STANDARD DATA INTERFACES different data systems e.g. open geospatial web services (OGC)

7 Schematic Interoperability
from Schematic Interoperability aligning heterogeneous data structures (geometry, attributes) but: heterogeneous data content, interpretation STANDARD SCHEMA for data transfer GEOLOGIC AGE ROCK TYPE

8 Example of Schematic Interoperability
GeoSciML Testbed 2 standard system interface custom translator one output data format multiple viewers custom tools GML Client WMS WFS USGS schema BRGM schema GSC schema BGS schema SGU schema GA schema GeoSciML Australia Sweden UK France USA Canada many databases local data control

9 Semantic Interoperability
from Semantic Interoperability aligning heterogeneous definitions for data content but: heterogeneous interpretation at map borders Era Eon Period Series polysemy synonymy GEOLOGIC AGE ROCK TYPE Volcanic STANDARD DEFINITIONS data content: rock types, time scale, … data schema

10 Semantic Interoperability
e.g. find all map units with sedimentary rocks metadata geospatial projection common concepts in metadata slate sandstone rock type geol. unit geol. concept grès ardoise classifications schema ontology sedimentary vocabulary common vocabulary common concepts in content common concepts in schema Ontologies can define any resource in e-geoscience, e.g. data and services sandstone arenite slate grès arénite french english workflows queries

11 Example of Semantic Interoperability
GEON Map Integrator Testbed from “paleozoic” “paleozoic, sedimentary”

12 Information Interoperability Computational Semiotics
Levels of Meaning A theory for pragmatics… how does it apply to E-Geoscience? Why? How? pragmatic… explanations Trust XML Ontology Logic Proof Social World Pragmatics Semantics Syntax Empirics Physics Systems Schematics Consensus data information wise use knowledge Unicode URI RDF Knowledge management Semantic Web Information Interoperability Computational Semiotics What? ontologic… definitions

13 Pragmatic Interoperability
from Pragmatic Interoperability aligning heterogeneous scientific contexts involves actions carried out by agents (e.g. scientists) Differences in: geometry geohistory description classification ontologic defs help little in selecting which version to trust trust also requires explanatory context for: - assessment - replication - verification

14 Levels of Map Data Interoperability
systems syntax schematic semantic Map System 1 Map System 2 Integrated Map Data Content (GeoOntology) Data Structure (GeoSciML) Data Language (GML) Data Services (WMS, WFS, WCS) pragmatic Data Context (Geologist)

15 Formation Ted / T1 definition
Semiotic Semantics relation of sign to object (Morris, 1938) sign Formation Ted / T1 definition symbol object concept 1..n 1..m 1..m synonymy 1..n polysemy 1..n possible worlds 1..m

16 Formation Ted / T1 definition
Semiotic Pragmatics relation of sign to agent (Morris, 1938) origins, effects and uses of sign by agent sign Formation Ted / T1 definition symbol object concept consumes interprets produces agent

17 Agents human, machine, nature matrix of processes Human Machine Nature
Sign producer Machine Nature Sign consumer Communication Cognition Scientific Reasoning Visualization Analysis Observation Measurement Human-Computer Interface Workflows Service Chains Machine Reasoning Earth Sensors Human-Nature Interface Machine-Nature Interface Natural Processes

18 E.g. Geospatial Info. Pragmatics
<Baker Brook basalt rdf_id=”unit_102”> <rock_type rdf:resource="#extrusive"/> <rock_environment rdf:resource="#marine"/> </Baker_Brook_basalt> <gsml:LithodemicUnit gml:id="ca.gc.nrcan.gdr.geologicUnit.8130"> <gml:name>X3Y1</gml:name> <gsml:metadata xlink:href="urn:x-ogc:def:nil:OGC:unknown" /> <gsml:unitThickness xlink:href="urn:x-ogc:def:nil:OGC:unknown" /> <gsml:composition> <gsml:CGI_TermValue> <gsml:value codeBase=" </gsml:value> </gsml:CGI_TermValue> GeoSciML sign1 OWL concept1 rock1 interpret produce A consume sign2 rock1 web service client

19 Ontology of Pragmatics
Origin of sign2 Effect of sign1 Object2 sign2 Concept2 Symbol2 Symbol1 Object1 sign1 Concept1 A0 Event0 A2 Event2 A1 interpret1 consume1 produce1 Event1 Use of sign1 Process1

20 Machine Pragmatics--Workflows
(from GEON: Ludaescher, 2003, adapted from Sinha, A.K) Rock classification from mineral composition use provenance consequence origin effect

21 Pragmatic Context Origin of Sign = { < Sign >, Event, Agent, < Origin of Sign > } Effect of Sign = < Sign, Event, Agent, Effect of Sign > Use of Sign = < Event, Process > Context of Sign = { Origin of Sign, Effect of Sign, Use of Sign }

22 Geo(science)-Pragmatics
Geoscience objects are inferred from properties due to inaccessibility: geospatial temporal property prototype object concept origins effects Fundamentally geoscientific : ecology soils geologic remote-sensing properties objects

23 Ontology of Geo-Pragmatics
geoscience concept & object development sign1 sign2 Prototype Property Object Property Property Prototype A Object Concept Object sign3 sign4 Individuation event classification event blending event clustering event

24 Representing geo-pragmatics
GIS structure for pragmatic context of geo-concepts Representing pragmatic contexts for geo-concepts Concept C periods of concept discovery in geologic map data periods of concept discovery in geologic map data (origins) Analysis of geologic map data

25 Pragmatic Context for rock unit C
to aid trust evaluation Origin for properties of C Observed properties of C

26 Conclusions Implications Future Work
first steps to an ontologic theory of geoscience context oriented around agent processes and events needed for trust evaluation in E-Geoscience Implications ‘metadata’ for concepts (vs ontologies, schema, data, ...) origin rep. necessary for ‘situated concepts’ Future Work E-Geoscience / Semantic Web implementation? Coordination with upper-level process ontologies?

27 Acknowledgements Geological Survey of Canada
GeoVISTA Center, Penn State Geography (M. Gahegan) GEON (K. Lin, A.K. Sinha, B. Ludaescher) TGIS, Semantic Web Special Issue (F. Fonseca) IUGS-CGI GeoSciML Team


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