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Strategic Approaches to internationalisation: the student perspective European Higher Education in the World Vilnius, Lithuania 5.- 6. September 2013 Erin.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Approaches to internationalisation: the student perspective European Higher Education in the World Vilnius, Lithuania 5.- 6. September 2013 Erin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Approaches to internationalisation: the student perspective European Higher Education in the World Vilnius, Lithuania 5.- 6. September 2013 Erin Nordal

2 Key topics: Mobility Quality Financing Access: 20% of which students? Internationalisation at home Third country students The digital age MOOCs – The global e-university?

3 Mobility 1: Quality Bilateral agreements: quality vs. quantity Research cooperation agreements can be the basis for establishing bilateral student mobility agreements. Relevance Research-based learning Trust Recognition

4 Mobility 2: Financing A real commitment to internationalisation = full portability of national loans and grants for students Only Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland report no restrictions on students receiving support abroad Erasmus grants alone are not enough. Member states must provide additional grants.

5 Mobility 3: access and the 20% goal Diversity strategy along with the EUs 20% goal of mobile students Socio-economic background Students with disabilities Students with families National strategies for access are key! 0,11% of Erasmus participants were disabled students in 2008/2009 Erasmus charter: who is responsible for accomodating students needs?

6 Internationalisation at home Third country students Economic, social and cultural benefits, strengthening quality in HE; an added value True internationalisation at home = diversity Not a source of income Visa procedures and problems Reduce application waiting times Time to find work after studies

7 The digital age: MOOCs – the global e-university? Opening doors to the world Challenges Low completion rates (4-7%) Multi-lingualism? Increasing access to higher education? Digital education and MOOCs should not be used to save money on education Only to be used as a supplement, not a replacement for learning in the physical classroom

8 Erin Nordal Member – Executive Committee European Students Union +47 451 51 988

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