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How the West Was Lost: What Asia Could Avoid. Corporate Governance Dr. Colin Lawrence Prudential Risk Division, Financial Services Authority, UK ASIAN.

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Presentation on theme: "How the West Was Lost: What Asia Could Avoid. Corporate Governance Dr. Colin Lawrence Prudential Risk Division, Financial Services Authority, UK ASIAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 How the West Was Lost: What Asia Could Avoid. Corporate Governance Dr. Colin Lawrence Prudential Risk Division, Financial Services Authority, UK ASIAN BANKER RISK SUMMIT, 8 th APRIL, 2011.

2 Over-arching Principles of Good Governance

3 3 Designing a CRO Mandate Three Lines of Defence Line 1 - The BusinessLine 2 – Risk FunctionLine 3 – Internal Audit Risk Management Risk Advice Risk Co-ordination Risk Monitoring Risk Challenge Risk Assurance

4 4 Illustrative CRO Mandate Independent Advice, Co-ordination, Monitoring & Challenge Advising on …Co-ordinating …Monitoring …Challenging … Risk strategy Risk framework Risk appetite and limits Key performance / risk indicators and Targets, limits, thresholds New product approvals Stress testing Scenario analysis Risk mitigation Model standards and Model related governance … Internal Capital Adequacy (ICA)/ Solvency 2 The interactions in relation to the business planning cycle, encompassing risk and funding/ capital management Risk reporting from Divisional flows & analysis Regulatory interactions Training, knowledge management and awareness Disaster recovery coordination … Risk capacity vs. risk profile Limit breaches Cascade/escalation process Performance of “Line 1” Remediation actions … and escalating reports/ findings Business strategy Key/emerging trends, Variances and anomalies Major projects/change management programmes/ M&A The extent of embedding … Via the use of intensive reviews/ testing/ validation

5 5 Why do Institutions Find it so Hard To Deliver Effectively? Challenges on a Number of Fronts Organisational Issues –Enterprise-wide view vs Business Line view –Business and product complexity – how do risk factors interact? –Link with everyday business decisions at the front line –Economic vs Accounting vs Regulatory perspective –IT/Data challenges –Weak Management Information –Cost & Management time Principal/Agent problems –Asymmetry of information – Agent wants to maximise opacity –Principal cannot completely monitor Agent –Agent has desire to hide the losses –Agent has desire to avoid internal challenge –Agent is incentivised to act inappropriately (shares in profits but not in losses...) –Agent will “gamble for resurrection” when things go wrong Moral hazard vs. Regulator –Gaming aspects of the regulatory system Issues have to be addressed - strong management information can help

6 6 Risk culture, philosophy & “tone at the top”  Robust risk culture promoted by Board and Senior management  NEDs insightful, able to access critical information  NEDs provide effective challenge  Risk culture understood and adhered to at all levels Risk governance frameworks  Board approved risk governance framework, policies and practices  Board engagement and challenge  All material risks covered  Clear accountability of risk management, control and assurance  Clear mandate for Risk Control function  Relationship between Risk, Finance and Treasury clear  Balance sheet growth controlled  Associated risks, funding and capital implications understood and managed Relationship Group Risk and Divisional Risk  Clear accountability, reporting and escalation  Effective risk governance  Good MI Role & importance of CRO and Risk function  CRO member of senior management, core Executive team and Board  CRO and Risk function key member of decision making structures Lessons from the Crisis What Differentiates Stronger Firms?

7 7 Alignment of risk appetite, limits, understanding, behaviour and incentives  Firm-wide approach to risk  Control structures keep pace with growth  Risk appetite enforced with top-down behaviours, limits and reward systems Understanding & use of economic capital and portfolio management competencies  Conservative models built on through the cycle basis  Scenario testing of tails of the distribution  Understanding of limitations of models under stress  Linked to aggregate risk appetite  Portfolio management capabilities used to determine composition, concentration and planning  Used in management performance metrics and incentives Informative & responsive risk measurement, risk management and risk reporting  Adaptive vs static assumptions and correlations  Use of models/rating agencies  Independent challenge  Stress testing with a holistic view Timing and quality of risk information  Quality of data, infrastructure and analytics  Silos/filters  Delays/distortions  Aggregation of divisional information for firm-wide view  Dynamism  Relationship between risks, capital required, liquidity and capital resources understood  Range of scenarios and outcomes tested Lessons from the Crisis Cont. What Differentiates Stronger Firms?

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