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The Age of Absolutism The 15th and 16th Centuries marked a period of strong monarchies and the birth of nation states. Ferdinand and Isabella expelled.

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2 The Age of Absolutism The 15th and 16th Centuries marked a period of strong monarchies and the birth of nation states. Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Muslims from Spain. Charles V was a grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella. Also heir to the Hapsburg lands and Holy Roman Empire. Charles V fought for control of Italy.



5 Charles V Holy Roman Emperor Charles V fought against the Protestants in central Europe. His greatest rival was Suleiman of the Ottoman Empire attacked Vienna in 1529. Charles V gave up his empires and entered a monastery in 1556. Ferdinand I became the Holy Roman Emperor and Philip II gained control of the Netherlands, Spain, and most of Italy. ( Bourbons vs Hapsburgs)


7 Philip II Philip was a hard worker, devout, and an absolute monarch. He built an isolated somber palace outside Madrid called the Escorial. Philip believed he ruled by the divine right of God. He saw himself as a guardian of the Catholic Church. He was a defender of the church.





12 The Wars of Philip II Philip II naval forces led by Don Juan his half - brother and the Italians defeated the Muslims at the battle of Lepanto. Philip II tried to convert the Protestants of the Netherlands resulted in riots. Northern Netherlands declares its independence. Philip II sends the Armada in 1588.


14 The Spanish Armada The Armada fails to conquer England due to Dutch ships, better weapons on the English ships, and storms. The Duke of Alba is Philip II’s cruel enforcer in the Netherlands. The Siglo de Oro - A great period of Spanish Arts. ( 1550 - 1650 ) Painters - El Greco and Diego Velazquez. Writers - Cervantes - Don Quixote





19 The Economic Decline of Spain In the 1600s Spain began a long decline into isolation. Costly overseas wars drained the wealth of Spain. Gold from the Americas led to the neglect of business and industry. The government taxed the small middle class, and expelled all the Jews. Inflation from huge amounts of gold.


21 Quiz Chapter 17 Spain 1. What two rulers expelled the Muslims and the Jews from Spain in 1492? 2. Who were the Austrian rulers of the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands?( family name ) 3. The author of Don Quixote was? 4. Name three of the countries or areas that Charles V controlled or ruled? 5. Who was Charles V great eastern rival? 6. What city did he ( the rival ) almost conquer in 1555?

22 Quiz Chapter 17 Spain 7. What did Charles V do at the height of his career? explain 8. Who became the next Holy Roman Emperor? 9. Who became the King of Spain? 10. Name three areas of the world that this new king of Spain controlled or ruled. 11. What was the name of this kings famous palace? 12. Define absolute monarch - 13. What religious institution did the King of Spain use to try to to convert Protestants?

23 Quiz Chapter 17 Spain 14. What huge sea battle was fought for control of the Mediterranean Sea in 1571? 15. What was the section of the Spanish empire that revolted against Spanish rule? 16. What did Philip II send to conquer England in 1588? 17. What is the period from 1550 - 1650 sometimes called in Spanish history? 18. Who were the two great painters of this time? 19. Give two reasons why Spanish power declined.

24 Quiz Chapter 17 Spain 20 What European country replaced Spain as the most powerful? Extra Credit - What two religions began or originated in India?

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