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1 Obama for America David Plouffe Campaign Manager David Plouffe Campaign Manager.

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1 1 Obama for America David Plouffe Campaign Manager David Plouffe Campaign Manager

2 Bush: 286 Kerry: 252


4 Going up on Television Early  Alaska  Colorado  Georgia  Indiana  Michigan  Iowa  Missouri  Montana  Nevada  New Hampshire  New Mexico  North Carolina  North Dakota  Ohio  Pennsylvania  Wisconsin  Virginia

5 55 Obama Poised to Win Historic Level of Support from Women 55 Obama vs. McCainExit Polls Gore Margin +11 Kerry Margin +3 Obama Margin +12 Obama Margin +14 Obama Margin +12 Obama Margin +19 Horserace Among Women Clinton Margin +16 Obama Margin +13

6 66 Obama Holds Dominant Lead Over McCain Among Hispanics, A Key Swing Group 2004: Kerry 53 – Bush 44 2000: Gore 62 – Bush 35 Horserace Among Hispanic Voters

7 77 Obama Consolidating Democrats as He Builds Strength Among Independents 77 Horserace by Party Democrats Independents *Source: Rasmussen Reports Weekly Tracking **Source: Gallup

8 88 Expanding the Map: Turning Red States Blue 88 Horserace VirginiaMissouriColoradoOhioIowaNew Mexico *SurveyUSA **Rasmussen Reports ***PPP -8+7 -7+1-5+6-2+11+7+9 2004: KerryBush2008:Obama McCain

9 Winning in Traditional Battleground States June 18 th Quinnipiac Poll 99 Horserace in Key Battleground States FLORIDA Source: Quinnipiac Polling, June 16 OHIOPENNSYLVANIA

10  Over 1.7 million total donors  Over 1 million volunteers  Over 5 million email subscribers Unprecedented Grassroots Support

11 Carly Fiorina: “In Truth The RNC Is Raising Money Very Specifically For The Presidential Campaign, And By The Rules The Money That The RNC Raises Can Be Used For The Presidential Campaign. So, It Actually Is Very Relevant To Talk About What The RNC Raises.” John Roberts: “Let me come back to what you first said which is that the RNC has a lot of cash. It used to be that Republican candidates, the individual campaigns, used to kill the Democrats in individual donations. This year we don't see that. Why?” Carly Fiorina: “Well, I hate to keep correcting you, but in truth the RNC is raising money very specifically for the presidential campaign, and by the rules the money that the RNC raises can be used for the presidential campaign. So, it actually is very relevant to talk about what the RNC raises.” [CNN, 5/27/08]CNN, 5/27/08 RNC & McCain Money

12 DNC v. RNC

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