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Internet2 Overview and Membership Options NSF HPNC Proposal Preparation Workshop Heather Bruning, Abilene Program Manager March 13, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet2 Overview and Membership Options NSF HPNC Proposal Preparation Workshop Heather Bruning, Abilene Program Manager March 13, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet2 Overview and Membership Options NSF HPNC Proposal Preparation Workshop Heather Bruning, Abilene Program Manager March 13, 2003

2 3/13/20032 Internet2 Mission Develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet.

3 3/13/20033 Internet2 Goals Enable new generation of applications Re-create leading edge R&E network capability Transfer technology and experience to the global production Internet

4 3/13/20034 Internet2 Membership Regular US institutions of higher education Corporate For-profit US-based companies Affiliate Non-profit and other research or education organizations

5 3/13/20035 Internet2 Universities 202 University Members, March 2003

6 3/13/20036 38 Internet2 Affiliate Members Altarum American Distance Education Consortium Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) CENIC CERN Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cleveland Institute of Music Cleveland Museum of Art Department of Commerce, Boulder Desert Research Institute EDUCAUSE Food and Drug Administration Howard Hughes Medical Institute Indiana Higher Education Telecommunications System (IHETS) Jet Propulsion Laboratories LaNet Manhattan School of Music MCNC Merit Network, Inc. MOREnet NASA Goddard Space Flight Center NASA Marshall Space Flight Center National Institutes of Health National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Silver Spring National Science Foundation New World Symphony NYSERNet, Inc. Oak Ridge National Labs OARnet OneNet PeachNet Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) Southwest Research Institute State University of New York System State University System of Florida Survivors of the Shoah-Visual History Foundation University Corporation for Atmospheric Research University of Missouri System University of North Carolina, General Administration

7 3/13/20037 Corporate Membership Corporate Membership by Type 16 Partners 10 Sponsors 35 Members Diversity of Corporate Membership Telecommunications and networking companies Educational content providers Pharmaceuticals Start-ups

8 3/13/20038 International Partners MoU Map Asia-Pacific AAIREP (Australia) APAN (Asia-Pacific) APAN-KR (Korea) APRU (Asia-Pacific) CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET (China) JAIRC (Japan) JUCC (Hong Kong) NECTEC / UNINET (Thailand) SingAREN (Singapore) TAnet2 (Taiwan) Americas CANARIE (Canada) CUDI (Mexico) REUNA (Chile) RETINA (Argentina) RNP2 (Brazil) SENACYT (Panama) Europe-Middle East ARNES (Slovenia) BELNET (Belgium) CARNET (Croatia) CESnet (Czech Republic) DANTE (Europe) DFN-Verein (Germany) GIP RENATER (France) GRNET (Greece) HEAnet (Ireland) HUNGARNET (Hungary) INFN-GARR (Italy) Israel-IUCC (Israel) NORDUnet (Nordic Countries) POL-34 (Poland) RCCN (Portugal) RedIRIS (Spain) RESTENA (Luxembourg) Stichting SURF (Netherlands) SWITCH (Switzerland) TERENA (Europe) JISC, UKERNA (United Kingdom)

9 3/13/20039 Membership Benefits National Member Meetings Advanced Application Demonstrations Technical Workshops Member Communications Resources Membership Recognition

10 3/13/200310 Membership Benefits Technology Initiative Opportunities: The Internet2 Commons Arts and Humanities Intiatives Digital Video Initiative Health Sciences Initiatives Middleware Qbone E2Epi Distributed Storage Infrastructure Project Research Channel Consortium

11 3/13/200311 Membership Benefits Applications Working Groups Veterinary Medicine Multicast Voice over IP Geospatial High Energy and Nuclear Physics Engineering Working Groups Measurement Quality of Service IPv6 Routing Security Topology

12 3/13/200312 Internet2 Membership Expectations : Engage in the activities and goals of Internet2 Commit to the sustained deployment of high- performance network infrastructure Contribute to the advancement of research and educational uses of high-performance networking

13 3/13/200313 Membership Application Requirements A letter of commitment from the institution's Chief Executive Officer A brief statement of the applicant's status/progress toward meeting the goals of end-to-end broadband connectivity A completed Internet2 membership application

14 3/13/200314 Membership Dues Regular $26,250/year Affiliate $10,500 $26,250 including Collaboration Site Status* * Collaboration Site Status: Allows Affiliate Members and Corporate Members to designate a physical location, such as a research lab, to connect to Abilene.

15 3/13/200315 For More Information HPNC-specific assistance – Laurie Burns – Marianne Smith –

16 Abilene Overview and Connectivity Options NSF-HPNC Proposal Preparation Workshop Heather Bruning, Abilene Program Manager March 13, 2003

17 3/13/200317 Internet2 Backbones Two Internet2 backbone networks: 1.vBNS/vBNS+ Network –very high performance Backbone Network Service (vBNS) supported by NSF –vBNS+ is a follow-on service of WorldCom 2.Abilene Network –High-performance network developed by the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) –Operated under partnership of Qwest Communications, Juniper Networks, Nortel Networks, Cisco Systems, and Indiana University

18 3/13/200318 Abilene Focus Goals Enabling innovative applications and advanced services not possible over the commercial Internet Backbone & regional infrastructure provides a vital substrate for the continuing culture of Internet advancement in the university/corporate research sector Advanced service efforts Multicast IPv6 QoS Measurement Security

19 3/13/200319 Abilene – March 2003 IP-over-DWDM (OC-192c) and IP-over-SONET backbone (OC-48c) 50 direct connections (OC-3c  10-Gbps) 1 (soon 2) 10-Gbps (10 Gig Eth) connection –OC-192 SONET also supported 7 OC-48c & 1 Gig Eth connections 24 connections at OC-12c or higher 221 participants – research univs. & labs All 50 states, District of Columbia, & Puerto Rico Expanded access 69 sponsored participants and 25 state education networks


21 3/13/200321

22 3/13/200322 Connectivity to Abilene: 3 Options HPNC grant awardees may: 1.Apply for Internet2 Regular (University) Membership and Abilene Primary Participation; –Also requires locating the nearest Abilene Connector to facilitate connectivity 2.Identify an appropriate Internet2 Regular (University) Member to serve as Sponsor for Abilene Sponsored Participation; or 3.Join an existing Abilene Sponsored Education Group Participant (SEGP), if applicable in the awardee’s state –A developed or emerging state education network is required to utilize this option

23 3/13/200323 Internet2 University Membership and Abilene Primary Participation Steps in process: HPNC awardee completes an Internet2 Membership Application –Obtained by contacting –Annual fee: $26,250 Once approved as an Internet2 University Member, HPNC awardee may apply for Abilene Primary Participation through an existing Abilene Connector –Obtained by contacting –Annual fee: $20,000 Abilene Participants may also be responsible for fees to the Abilene Connector or to transport (i.e., local loop) providers

24 3/13/200324 Abilene Sponsored Participation Steps in process: HPNC awardee must establish a sponsoring relationship with an Internet2 Regular (University) Member –Internet2 will assist HPNC awardees in finding a Sponsor The Sponsor completes the Abilene Sponsored Participation Application on behalf of the HPNC awardee –Obtained by contacting Once approved as an Abilene Sponsored Participant, the HPNC awardee must establish Abilene connectivity through an existing Abilene Connector –The Sponsor and Abilene Connector need not be the same institution No fees paid directly to UCAID; fees may be assessed by Abilene Connector, Sponsor, and/or local loop provider

25 3/13/200325 Abilene Sponsored Education Group Participation (SEGP) The SEGP program is designed to allow expanded access to Abilene for state and regional education networks HPNC awardee must be located in a state with an emerging or developed state education network to take advantage of this option –Internet2 can assist in determining whether a SEGP network exists in the HPNC awardee’s state, and, if so, can also put the HPNC awardee in contact with the SEGP Sponsor(s) and/or Connector –The HPNC awardee may already have a connection to such a network or may be readily able to obtain a connection No fees paid directly to UCAID; fees may be assessed by the SEGP network, Abilene Connector, Sponsor(s), and/or local loop provider

26 3/13/200326 Approved SEGPs California New Mexico Florida New York Georgia North Carolina Hawaii North Dakota Illinois Ohio Indiana Oklahoma Iowa Oregon Louisiana Pennsylvania Maryland Rhode Island Michigan Virginia Minnesota Washington Missouri Wisconsin Utah

27 3/13/200327 Sponsored Education Group Participants as of March 13, 2003

28 3/13/200328 SEGP Inquiries Alabama Alaska Colorado Connecticut Kansas Kentucky Massachusetts Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey South Carolina Tennessee Texas (approval imminent) Vermont

29 3/13/200329 For More Information HPNC-specific assistance – Steve Corbató, Director, Backbone Network Infrastructure – Heather Bruning, Abilene Program Manager –734-352-4955 –


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