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Workshop #3: Identifying Actions April 2, 2013. Follow-up Questions from the Workshop #2 Webinar (3/26)? Please enter questions in chat room.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop #3: Identifying Actions April 2, 2013. Follow-up Questions from the Workshop #2 Webinar (3/26)? Please enter questions in chat room."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop #3: Identifying Actions April 2, 2013

2 Follow-up Questions from the Workshop #2 Webinar (3/26)? Please enter questions in chat room.

3 Introduction & Prayer Led by the Rev. Jay Sidebotham – Rector, Church of the Holy Spirit The Rev. Scott Gunn – Executive Director, Forward Movement The Rev. Clarence Langdon – Bishop’s staff, Episcopal Diocese of Chicago Eric Arnson – Research advisor & REVEAL co-originator

4 Today’s Purpose Transitioning from Here to There – From The Facts – To The Future

5 “Please be patient, God is not finished with me yet.” 5

6 Developed by & for Episcopalians 6

7 General Construct Four sessions: – 1. Spiritual Formation: Understanding FOLLOW ME – 2. Data Sharing: Parish Profiles & Survey Findings – 3. Applying Best Practice Principles to your Church – 4. The Plan and Guiding Metrics Each session starts with Scripture & Discussion Homework, all have pre-reading Today

8 Workshop #3

9 Workshop #3: Purpose & Outcomes Identifying Actions Understand the Episcopal Beliefs & Practices How top churches deliver spiritual growth Develop provocative propositions for our ‘preferred future’ or There

10 Pre-Reading

11 Will likely need more break-out time

12 Workshop #3 Challenges Confirming reality: use ‘mirror’ Bible passage from group prayer and reflection – May encounter some push-back Getting to implications – Move from takeaways/conclusions to ‘so what now’ Are these ‘our’ Episcopal Beliefs? – Will likely be a wide range of response, embrace. Build on the Episcopal Examples – Make your own or create entirely new! Stretch the group--In an evolutionary way.

13 Workshop #2 Key Takeaways Hopefully these were clear and compelling – Drawn from the facts Cement this is ‘Here’. Now focus will be on ‘There’ – Our future, anchored in spiritual growth Start with a short recap. Post.

14 Exercise #1: EB&P

15 Exercise 1: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices Did the parishioners connect with these? – Which ones? Why not others? What are the key beliefs and practices? – Anything missing? Ask if they have been living into them. – Think about why or why not--set up the There – What current ministries have the greatest potential? Post them for the remainder of the sessions – Important to reinforce

16 Exercise #2: Best Practice Principles & Episcopal Examples

17 Best Practice Principles

18 Best Practice Principles: Building Healthy Churches –Top 5% SVI Churches –In-depth Interviews –Customized based on Episcopal Pilot Churches 18

19 Best Practice Principles Break into 3 groups: Expectations, Embed, Own – Each take one of the areas. Review the Episcopal Examples. – Use as thought starters. Remind them of the intent behind each principle. – Connected to spiritual growth OK for 2-3 emerging ideas when reporting to group – Can narrow at end of workshop or ponder as homework

20 Key Takeaways Good sense of Episcopal Beliefs & Practices Have solid emerging implications and ideas Is the basis to grow. Final workshop will be building out the details. Be focused on getting to There.

21 Questions? 21

22 Workshop #4 Homework Read and digest output from Workshop #3 – Distribute one week a head of time. Encourage more creativity, options – Can even e-mail feedback to leaders Any additional questions for next session

23 Concluding Remarks & Prayer Led by the Rev. Jay Sidebotham

24 Next Steps & Thanks! Next session: April 9th at 2pm CDT Focus will be Workshop #4 Homework assignment: – Read facilitator Guide pages 47-55 – Read Sample Vestry Report (on website)

25 Appendix

26 Helpful Hints Encourage a bit of hospitality 15-20 minutes before each workshop starts – A number will not know each other Start and end each sub-section promptly, even if not completely finished Post the key elements of each session to demonstrate progress and be a reference Keep a ‘parking lot’ flip chart for unanswered questions, suggestions, follow-up

27 More Lessons Learned Make sure ALL the voices are heard – Set as an expectation, then prompt Make differences a value – Will be different viewpoints, especially on ‘growth’ Do fewer things, well – Will try to do too much Close with a reassuring and encouraging prayer

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