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Project Manager: Manolo Clar, SCP/RAC Contact SCP/RAC: Enrique Villamore Phone. (+34) 93 553 87 90 Sub-component 2.3: Environmentally.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Manager: Manolo Clar, SCP/RAC Contact SCP/RAC: Enrique Villamore Phone. (+34) 93 553 87 90 Sub-component 2.3: Environmentally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Manager: Manolo Clar, SCP/RAC Contact SCP/RAC: Enrique Villamore Phone. (+34) 93 553 87 90 Sub-component 2.3: Environmentally Sound Management of equipment, stocks and wastes containing or contaminated by PCBs in national electricity companies of Mediterranean countries Activity 2.3.3 Awareness of importance of ESM of PCBs equipment Activity 2.3.4 Technical capacity for ESM of PCBs equipment

2 Index 1. Main activities until end of project 2. Bottlenecks or issues in final delivery 3.Deliverables/successes and show-case events

3 Two (2) SCPRAC awareness workshops (0,5 days) and two (2) training courses (1,5 days) on PCBs management in Turkey and Egypt 1.Main activities until end of project Activity 2.3.4 Technical capacity for ESM of PCBs equipment

4 1.Main activities until end of project Activity 2.3.4 Technical capacity for ESM of PCBs equipment PCB awareness workshop (0,5 days) + training (1,5 days) ActivityLocationDateStatus PCB awareness workshop + training course (2 days) Ankara (Turkey)May-June 2015Planned PCB awareness workshop + training course (2 days) El Cairo (Egypt)May-June 2015Planned

5 Three Regional Meetings Three updated/new guidelines (PCB, Lube Oil, Tannery) and related fact sheets Best practices on Phosphogypsum 2 National Workshops on policy reforms 12 National workshops on NAP update Publications (two reports ) NAP implementation country fact sheets PCB disposal (over 850 tons) Training (100 people) 1.Main activities until end of project (2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) ( MEDPOL)

6 Tunisia  Project Steering Committee operational/3 meetings  Study tour abroad for 6 national experts 5 – 14 April 2015.  The National workshop date to be held in 24 April 2015  Best practices in process of preparation Algeria Project Steering Committee operational/3 meetings Economic study ongoing and NAP on lube oil Draft law National workshop 21 April 2015 2.1.1 Policy reform in major industrial sectors (fertilizer and tannery industries and lube oil management)

7  Web based tool delivered.  Guidelines for using the web based tool was prepared and agreed by MEDPOL.  Regional Training workshop organized in Athens – Greece on 25 November 2014.  ELV tool validated and found quite useful.  hosting the web –based tool on UNEP/MAP web site in process  Follow up – important  Further validation would strengthen the tool  Enthusiasm on the potential uses of the tool 2.1.6 Setting ELV in industrial effluents and EQS in all participating countries for 10 parameters (streamlining EcAp in the LBS protocol implementation).

8  Regional meeting and training in Athens, Greece from 25-27 November 2014.  The Guidance Document on Environmental Inspection systems;  Training on real cases from major pollutant sectors including illegal trafficking of HW  Vision paper prepared with the countries on key future priorities to enhance compliance and enforcement in the Mediterranean 2.1.8 Environmental Inspectorate and Enforcement

9 Environmental inspectorate/ National activities  National Training workshop organized in Alexandria – Egypt at Hilton Hotel from 8-10 December 2014.  National Training workshop organized in Rabat – Morocco at Mercure Hotel from 17-18 December 2014.

10 2.3 Environmentally Sound Management of equipment, stocks and wastes containing or contaminated by PCBs in national electricity companies of Mediterranean countries

11 PCB ESM Guide Draft Fact Sheets for 5 key sectors Regional workshop to review the guidelines/guide and fact sheets in Istanbul 7-9 April 2015; Collaboration with H2020 Collaboration with Basel Convention to address illegal trafficking. 40 participants confirmed 2.3.1 Legislative/institutional framework for implementation of ESM of PCBs

12  A PCBs website is up and running and continuously updated with project activities information: 2.3.3 Raising awareness of importance of ESM of PCBs equipment

13 3.1 Developed PCB Video 3. Deliverables/ successes and show-casing events

14 3.2 PCB management trainings 3. Deliverables/successes and show-casing events

15 3.3 PCB brochures, toolkit and handouts 3. Deliverables/successes and show-casing events

16 3.4 PCB inventories (MEDPOL) 3. Deliverables/successes and show-casing events

17 3.5 PCB disposal and final destruction (MEDPOL) 900 tons PCB proposed for destruction under the project 3. Deliverables/successes and show-casing events

18 4 up to date guidelines produced (policy framework, hot spot assessment, pollutant inventories, CBA List of NAP indicators agreed 12 countries planned to be supported ( H2020, GEF and MTF) Strong links with H2020, SCP and EU MSFD PoM What to show: clear pollution reduction milestones and targets, innovation, synergies, ecap streamline! 3.6 NAP update a major policy development with good potential of ‘’show case’’ 3. Deliverables/successes and show-casing events

19 Thank you for your attention Eliminate PCBs or die! 900 tons will be eleminated by June 2015

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