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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURE AND LAND MANAGEMENT IN RURAL COMMUNITIES Marc R. Horney, Ph.D. Rangeland Resources Specialist Dept. Animal Sciences."— Presentation transcript:


2 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURE AND LAND MANAGEMENT IN RURAL COMMUNITIES Marc R. Horney, Ph.D. Rangeland Resources Specialist Dept. Animal Sciences Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

3 Looking Forward by Looking Back… Rural Community Development Opportunities

4 Range Space Rangeland management tools for the next generation

5 What is RangeSpace ? A Landscape Approach to Natural Resource Management on Western Rangelands (was)

6 Goal: Provide land owners & managers with timely and useful plant growth and distribution information specific to their property that can be used for management.

7 RangeSpace Consortium Members: Cooperative Extension: University of Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah USDA Agricultural Research Service USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Society for Range Management Private Landowners Resource Conservation Districts Watershed Conservancies Tribal Governments State Cattlemen’s & Wool Growers Associations

8 Developing “Site-Specific” Tools: UC Berkeley “Oak Mapper” website –Create a mechanism for individual people to share information publicly and point land managers to specific problems in a timely way Remote sensing tools for plant monitoring –Some usefulness in automatically mapping changes in the distribution of weeds and brush on large landscapes –Potential for evaluating both plant disappearance due to grazing, fire, or drought and plant recovery afterwards Ranch mapping –Added detail and depth (and complexity) to private land management efforts That’s both good and bad… (same for all these tools)

9 Monitoring SOD at the Local Scale: OakMapper Website OakMapper can be used for:  Logging occurrence of trees with SOD; Data Information:  Point data;  Representing individual trees as reported by public;  Accuracy, privacy issues. OakMapper can be used for:  Logging occurrence of trees with SOD; Data Information:  Point data;  Representing individual trees as reported by public;  Accuracy, privacy issues.

10 Satellite/Aerial Imagery and Derived Landscape Analysis Products

11 Colusa Wildlife Refuge Wetland Area, June 2001 Classified Image: target species only (pepperweed, bullrush, rice) Rice Pepperweed Bullrush

12 GIS Map Layers for Ranch Inventory

13 Ranch Mapping Project

14 Decision Support Systems for Landowners & Managers Smart Places > DSS < Facilitator DSS Huge potential for enabling local, independent monitoring and management

15 Capture - Processing - Application

16 Low-cost Mapping Products to Connect On- site Observations with Supporting Information

17 Internet-based Delivery of Information to Landowners & Managers

18 Objectives: 1.Develop procedures for extracting landscape information from moderate and high-resolution digital satellite and aircraft imagery. 2.Create tools for sharing information over the Internet. 3.Establish State Stakeholder Advisory Committee to evaluate products, identify new applications and design education/outreach programs. 4.Develop procedures for integrating landscape-scale information products with field observations.

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