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Serial Killer Robert Charles Browne By, Melissa Long.

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1 Serial Killer Robert Charles Browne By, Melissa Long

2 From 1970 to his arrest in 1995, Browne admitted to killing 48 people. In 1991 he was charged with the murder of a 13 year old girl named Heather Dawn Church. She was kidnapped from her home by Browne and her scull was found in a ditch 30 miles from her house. It was identified as her by the intact set of teeth on the scull. He was convicted based on a fingerprint found on an open window of her house. However, 4 years later in 1995 he sent cryptic notes to a team of Texas prosecutors suggesting that there were more victims involved in his case. The notes had clues and it almost seemed to investigators that he wanted them to figure everything out.

3 The initial note said “The score is you 1, the other team 48.” Browne eventually admitted that he had been killing since 1970 and he had killed in 9 different states. He showed prosecutors a map in which he marked the number of victims in each state: Louisiana 17, Colorado 9, Texas 7, Arkansas 5, Mississippi 3, New Mexico 2, Oklahoma 2 and California 1. He killed his victims in many different ways; he has used a knife, a screwdriver, an ice pick, and his hands. He has disposed of his victims everywhere including lakes, rivers, and gullies. Some he cut up and spread in different places.

4 Browne mostly targeted women. He said he found them untrustworthy and what usually triggered his crimes was “disgust with the person.” He said he view women as “cheating whores,” although it was never made clear why he had these rather negative feelings towards women. It was never made clear as to if he had some sort of psychological disorder or not. It was also thought that he was exaggerating his victim count. Because of this he did not receive the death penalty but he is currently serving life in prison in Colorado.

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