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'eCall: Next Steps for Deployment' Competititiveness of European Automotive Software Industry WS Brussels, 28/04/10 Emilio Dávila González

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Presentation on theme: "'eCall: Next Steps for Deployment' Competititiveness of European Automotive Software Industry WS Brussels, 28/04/10 Emilio Dávila González"— Presentation transcript:

1 'eCall: Next Steps for Deployment' Competititiveness of European Automotive Software Industry WS Brussels, 28/04/10 Emilio Dávila González European Commission DG Information Society and Media ICT for transport Unit

2 Supporting eCall Experts Groups Standards Research Actions EC actions
eCall DG, PSAPs, SPs => EeIP Standards Research Actions EC actions eSafety and eCall Communications, iCar, ITS Action Plan, Art. 29WP Neg. Automotive Industry, MS, Funding and Support Pilots CZ, Austria, ADAC, Finland Studies Storm, Seiss AINO, eCall IA Ad-Hoc meetings HL & Experts meetings, MS, MNOs, SPs, Insurances, Art. 29 WP Political Support EP support

3 Status of the eCall Initiative
eCall MoU signature status The eCall Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aims at parallel commitment of all stakeholders towards full eCall Deployment 15 Member States and 3 Associated States have signed More countries have announced their signature Commitment from the automotive and telecom industry 80+ other organisations have signed as well, representing all the stakeholders involved Signature event 4/5/10 Brussels

4 'eCall: Time for Deployment‘
The Pan-European in-vehicle Emergency Call: How it works

5 Pan-European eCall Standards: status
Public service 112-based only As defined in the MoU Voice + MSD to relevant PSAP 112-based, with or without intermediation platform under Public delegation Sent to Ballot – 18 February Draft EN Pan-European eCall Operating Requirements (112-only)‏ High Level Application Protocols WI ETSI TS Voice + MSD on 112 In-band modem trx ETSI TS “eCall Data Transfer - General Description 15722 MSD eCall Flag ETSI TS Table d ETSI TS “eCall Data Transfer. ANSI-C Reference Code ETSI-MSG & 3GPP. Chair: E. Barck ETSI TS “eCall Data Transfer. Conformance testing CEN TC 278 WG 15. Chair Bob Williams ETSI TS & TR Data registry procedures - ISO/EN 24978:2009 “eCall Data Transfer. Characterisation Report

6 Next Steps (1): CIP Funding for Predeployment Pilots
Objective 1.4: Support to eCall implementation based on 112: Focus and outcomes to prepare for the deployment of the necessary infrastructure to realise the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call service “eCall”

7 Next steps (2) The European eCall Implementation Platform
EC, MS and stakeholders associations representatives Ensure a harmonised deployment in Europe => guidelines and recommendations, best practices exchanges Important considering the incoming pilots

8 1.- Telecom Part 'eCall: Time for Deployment‘
Future actions: Planned regulatory measures (1) 1.- Telecom Part Based on the USD Recommendation to the MS targeting MNOs on the transmission of eCall Support of the eCall like any other 112 call, routing the voice with the MSD to the most appropriate PSAP determined by the MS authorities to handle eCalls Implementation of the eCall discriminator, following ETSI standard

9 2.- In-vehicle Part 'eCall: Time for Deployment‘
Future actions: Planned regulatory measures (2) 2.- In-vehicle Part Proposal for regulation under the vehicle type-approval legislation for the mandatory introduction of the in-vehicle part CEN Standards

10 3.- PSAPs Part 'eCall: Time for Deployment‘
Future actions: Planned regulatory measures (3) 3.- PSAPs Part The assessment of a potential regulatory measure for the necessary upgrading of the PSAP infrastructure in the framework of the proposed Directive on the deployment of ITS in Europe Harmonised deployment of EU-wide eCall service in Europe is a priority action of the Directive, as agreed by Council and EP Common specs will be adopted following CEN standards

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