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Behold, the Day Will Come Text: Zechariah 14 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 97.

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2 Behold, the Day Will Come Text: Zechariah 14 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 97

3 Be-hold, the day will come, the day of the Lord our God! Verse 1 of 4

4 He shall bring all na-tions in that day a-gainst Je-ru-sa-lem. Verse 1 of 4

5 They shall take the cit-y and share the spoil, in the ver-y midst of them; Verse 1 of 4

6 Then our God E-ter-nal shall go forth, and shall fight a-gainst our foes! Verse 1 of 4

7 In that great day of God, our Lord shall stand on earth! Verse 2 of 4

8 On the Mount of Ol-ives He shall stand, and the mount shall cleave in two! Verse 2 of 4

9 There shall be a val-ley of mam-moth size; by the val-ley you shall flee; Verse 2 of 4

10 For our God E-ter-nal shall be King, and shall rule o-ver all the earth! Verse 2 of 4

11 In that great day of God, t'will be nei-ther day nor night; Verse 3 of 4

12 But at e-ven-time it shall be light; it shall be one day to God. Verse 3 of 4

13 Out from Zi-on shall liv-ing wa-ters flow to the east and to the west; Verse 3 of 4

14 Then our God E-ter-nal shall be King; in that day shall there be one God! Verse 3 of 4

15 Be-hold, that day shall come, when all na-tions shall o-bey! Verse 4 of 4

16 Those of all the na-tions that are left, to Je-ru-sa-lem shall go; Verse 4 of 4

17 They shall e-ven go there from year to year, and shall keep the Feast of Booths; Verse 4 of 4

18 There shall be one God, the E-ter-nal, who is King o-ver all the earth! Verse 4 of 4

19 Keep God’s Sabbath Holy Music & Words: Mary Beth Philp Page 111

20 God rest-ed on the sev-enth day and cre-at-ed ho-ly time. Verse 1 of 4

21 A day of hope and heal-ing that was made for all man-kind. Verse 1 of 4

22 So let us keep God’s Sab-bath ho-ly, a day of wor-ship and re-lease, Verse 1 of 4

23 As a shad-ow of what is to come, God’s gov-ern-ment of peace. Verse 1 of 4

24 Our Cre-a-tor knows His peo-ple, those who wor-ship Him through time. Verse 2 of 4

25 For He made a Sab-bath cov-e-nant and He made His Sab-bath a sign. Verse 2 of 4

26 So let us keep God’s Sab-bath ho-ly, a day of wor-ship and re-lease, Verse 2 of 4

27 As a shad-ow of what is to come, God’s gov-ern-ment of peace. Verse 2 of 4

28 Let us cel-e-brate the Sab-bath day, what it pic-tures in God’s plan. Verse 3 of 4

29 Man was not made for the Sab-bath day; but the Sab-bath day for man. Verse 3 of 4

30 So let us keep God’s Sab-bath ho-ly, a day of wor-ship and re-lease, Verse 3 of 4

31 As a shad-ow of what is to come, God’s gov-ern-ment of peace. Verse 3 of 4

32 For the peo-ple of our lov-ing God there re-mains a Sab-bath rest. Verse 4 of 4

33 An age of res-to-ra-tion, when all na-tions shall be blessed. Verse 4 of 4

34 So let us keep God’s Sab-bath ho-ly, a day of wor-ship and re-lease, Verse 4 of 4

35 As a shad-ow of what is to come, God’s gov-ern-ment of peace. Verse 4 of 4

36 God Is Calling Children Text & Music : Mark Graham Page 148

37 God is call-ing chil-dren to His roy-al fam-'ly, Verse 1 of 4

38 Shar-ing in His bless-ings, liv-ing in His love. Verse 1 of 4

39 Make Your child-ren wis-er, make Your child-ren pur-er, Verse 2 of 4

40 Make us like our Fa-ther, liv-ing in His love. Verse 2 of 4

41 Help us live more sim-ply, teach us to teach oth-ers, Verse 3 of 4

42 Help us come out of this world, liv-ing in Your love. Verse 3 of 4

43 We can live for-ev-er, help-ing all God's chil-dren, Verse 4 of 4

44 Build-ing in His King-dom, liv-ing in His love. Verse 4 of 4


46 All Things Bright and Beautiful Text: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: William Henry Monk Page 110

47 All things bright and beau-ti-ful, all crea-tures great and small, Verse 1 of 4

48 All things wise and won-der-ful, the Lord God made them all. Verse 1 of 4

49 Each lit-tle flow’r that o-pens, each lit-tle bird that sings, Verse 1 of 4

50 He made their glow-ing col-ors, He made their ti-ny wings: Verse 1 of 4

51 All things bright and beau-ti-ful, all crea-tures great and small, Verse 2 of 4

52 All things wise and won-der-ful, the Lord God made them all. Verse 2 of 4

53 The pur-ple-head-ed moun-tain, the riv-er run-ning by, Verse 2 of 4

54 The sun-set, and the morn-ing that bright-ens up the sky: Verse 2 of 4

55 All things bright and beau-ti-ful, all crea-tures great and small, Verse 3 of 4

56 All things wise and won-der-ful, the Lord God made them all. Verse 3 of 4

57 The cold wind in the win-ter, the pleas-ant sum-mer sun, Verse 3 of 4

58 The ripe fruits in the gar-den, He made them ev-’ry one: Verse 3 of 4

59 All things bright and beau-ti-ful, all crea-tures great and small, Verse 4 of 4

60 All things wise and won-der-ful, the Lord God made them all. Verse 4 of 4

61 He gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell Verse 4 of 4

62 How great is God Al-might-y who has made all things well: Verse 4 of 4

63 All things bright and beau-ti-ful, all crea-tures great and small, Fine

64 All things wise and won-der-ful, the Lord God made them all. Fine


66 Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord TEXT: & MUSIC: B. Mansell Ramsey Page 119

67 Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy way! Verse 1 of 4

68 Thy guid-ing grace af-ford, teach me Thy way! Verse 1 of 4

69 Help me to walk a-right, more by faith, less by sight; Verse 1 of 4

70 Lead me with Thy true light, teach me Thy way! Verse 1 of 4

71 When I am sad at heart, teach me Thy way! Verse 2 of 4

72 When earth-ly joys de-part, teach me Thy way! Verse 2 of 4

73 In hours of lone-li-ness, in times of sore di-stress, Verse 2 of 4

74 In fail-ure or suc-cess, teach me Thy way! Verse 2 of 4

75 When doubts and fears a-rise, teach me Thy way! Verse 3 of 4

76 When storms clouds fill the skies, teach me Thy way! Verse 3 of 4

77 Shine thru the cloud and rain, thru sor-row, toil and pain; Verse 3 of 4

78 Make Thou my path-way plain, teach me Thy way! Verse 3 of 4

79 Long as my life shall last, teach me Thy way! Verse 4 of 4

80 Where-e’er my lot be cast, teach me Thy way! Verse 4 of 4

81 Un-til the race is run, un-til the jour-ney’s done, Verse 4 of 4

82 Un-til the crown is won, teach me Thy way! Verse 4 of 4


84 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Text: John Newton Music: Franz Joseph Haydn Page 128

85 Glo-rious things of thee are spo-ken, Zi-on, cit-y of our God; Verse 1 of 3

86 He, whose Word can-not be bro-ken, formed thee for His own a-bode; Verse 1 of 3

87 On the Rock of A-ges found-ed, what can shake thy sure re-pose? Verse 1 of 3

88 With sal-va-tion's walls sur-round-ed, thou may-est smile at all thy foes. Verse 1 of 3

89 See, the streams of liv-ing wa-ters, spring-ing from e-ter-nal love, Verse 2 of 3

90 Well sup-ply thy sons and daugh-ters, and all fear of want re-move; Verse 2 of 3

91 Who can faint, while such a riv-er ev-er flows their thirst to assuage? Verse 2 of 3

92 Grace which, like the Lord, the Giv-er, nev-er fails from age to age. Verse 2 of 3

93 Round each hab-i-ta-tion hov-’ring, see the cloud and fire ap-pear, Verse 3 of 3

94 For a glo-ry and a cov-’ring, show-ing that the Lord is near! Verse 3 of 3

95 Glo-rious things of thee are spo-ken, Zi-on cit-y of our God; Verse 3 of 3

96 He, whose Word can-not be bro-ken, formed thee for His own a-bode. Verse 3 of 3


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